
  • 网络starship;star ship
  1. Starhopper是有望帮助推动SpaceX的新型100人宇宙飞船的发动机之一,这艘宇宙飞船被称为星舰之星(Moonhip)。

    Starhopper is one of the engines that will hopefully help propel SpaceX 's new 100-person spacecraft , called Starship to the Moon and beyond .

  2. 苏鲁擢升为星舰「精益号」的舰长。

    Hikaru Sulu Proted to captain of the Starship excelsior .

  3. 他们一定有星舰级(StarTrek)的科技才能把这所有食材挤进这个小空间。

    They must have Star Trek technology to get all those ingredients into such a small space .

  4. 想像一下就象电影《星舰迷航记》的船员那样进行远距离传送。

    Imagine teleporting just like the crew on Star Trek .

  5. 他还穿那件“星舰奇航”的衣服吗?

    Does he still wear the Star Trek shirt ?

  6. 《星舰迷航记》第十部电影二○○二年的年底会上映。

    The tenth Star Trek movie will be released at the end of2002 .

  7. 你在星舰学院教过16年。

    You taught at the Academy for16 years .

  8. 我们可以送给谢尔顿,告诉他是威廉·夏特纳画的。(电视剧《星际旅行:初代》中饰演星舰舰长詹姆斯·T·寇克)

    We could give it to Sheldon , and tell him William Shatner painted it .

  9. 寇克舰长,我在此将星舰进取号的最高指挥权移交给你!

    Captain Kirk , I hereby hand over the supreme command of the starship Enterprise !

  10. 我的船比帝国军的星舰还快。

    I 've outrun imperial starships .

  11. 史巴克从星舰学院毕业。

    Spock graduates fr Starfleet acady .

  12. 莎拉:《星舰迷航记》是给呆瓜看的。你这辈子都要当呆瓜吗?

    Sarah : Star Trek is for dorks . Do you want to be a dork all your life ?

  13. 您是搭乘星舰企业,探索船,继续与特洛伊的日期,避免赖克。

    You are aboard the Starship Enterprise , explore the ship , go on a date with Troi and avoid Riker .

  14. 星舰迷航记>的重播、再解读,再创作:作为文本猎取的影迷写作〉,第470-495页。

    Jenkins , Henry . " Star Trek Rerun , Reread , Rewritten : Fan Writing as Textual Poaching ," pp.470-495 .

  15. 1978年她发表了自己的单曲《我心归属星舰骑兵》,而该曲也立刻成为迪斯科舞厅的热门歌曲。

    In1978 , she released the single , I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper and it became an instant disco hit .

  16. 美国正在开展一项名为“百年星舰”的宇宙探索计划,希望在百年内能够让人类冲出太阳系,抵达其他遥远的星球。该计划获得了美国前总统比尔•克林顿的支持。

    A dramatic plan to transport humans beyond the solar system within 100 years today received the backing of former President Bill Clinton .

  17. 星舰迷航:下一代》是一部科幻电视连续剧,以吉恩·顿巴里创作的《星舰迷航》的世界观为背景。

    Star Trek : The Next Generation is a science fiction television , series set in the Star Trek universe created by Gene Roddenberry .

  18. 从我小时候就开始了。但之前都是玩票性质的,直到威廉·夏特纳膀胱感染,我才开始认真收藏。(《星际迷航:原初系列》中饰演进取号星舰舰长詹姆斯·T·柯克。)

    Ever since I was a kid , but , uh , I didn 't really get serious until William Shatner 's bladder infection .

  19. 在1992年进入太空的首位黑人女宇航员梅•杰米森被选为百年星舰计划的首任机长。

    The astronaut who became the first black woman in space in 1992 has been chosen to skipper the ' 100 Year Starship ' project .

  20. 在1992年进入太空的首位黑人女宇航员梅•杰米森被选为“百年星舰”计划的首任机长。

    The astronaut who became the first black woman in space in 1992 has been chosen to skipper the " 100 Year Starship " project .

  21. 新的研究开发出两个不同的武器升级系统,可为星舰的船体装备其中一个战斗武器,以补充其本已十分强大的火力。

    Research has led to the development of two alternative weapon upgrades that can be retrofitted into a battlecruiser hull to supplement its already formidable armament .

  22. 我想要从企业号星舰飞船上乘坐单人穿梭机前往由我统治的星球,著名的谢尔顿阿尔法5号星球。

    What I want is to be departing the Starship Enterprise in a one man shuttlecraft , headed to the planetoid I rule known as Sheldon Alpha Five .

  23. 服饰,包括罗慕伦人员和星舰学员,这些线的展览,以及武器,缩尺模型航天飞机使用的特殊效果。

    Costumes , including those of Romulan officers and Starfleet cadets , line the exhibit , along with weapons , and scale model shuttles used in special effects .

  24. “百年星舰”计划是用美军的种子基金创立的,将建造大型“星际飞船”,把人类送往太空。

    The 100-year Starship project , which was set up with US military seed funding , plans to develop huge ' starships ' to send humans far into space .

  25. 当整个基地落入敌手时,扎林派遣了他自己的两艘帝国级歼星舰“元首”号和“怒喝者”号以消灭库兹汀和“勇敢”号。

    When the base had fallen , however , Zaarin dispatched two of his own Imperial-class Star Destroyers , the Imperator and the Thunderer , to destroy Kuuztin and the Courageous .

  26. 一个可用在所有大脑的大脑解码器,还是无法做到科幻影集「星舰奇航」中瓦肯人「心灵融合」那样的精神感应,可以转译所有语言。

    A brain decoder that worked on all brains still might not allow for telepathy on the order of a Vulcan mind meld in the Star Trek series , which enabled universal translation .

  27. 阅读非常年轻的寇克舰长如何第一次驾驭进取号星舰执行高度火爆的任务,与此同时,他还要同新船员们对其的不信任做斗争。

    Read how the very young Captain James T.Kirk undertook a high-explosive mission on his first flight with the USS Enterprise , while he still had to struggle with the distrust of his new crew .

  28. 她说:在未来一百年内,‘百年星舰’计划会让人类冲出太阳系,飞往其他星球的梦想成真。我们将开启跨越时空的星际之旅。

    ' The 100 Year Starship will make the capability of human travel beyond our solar system to another star a reality over the next 100 years , ' she said . ' We will embark on a journey across time and space .