
zǎo pán
  • morning session
早盘[zǎo pán]
  1. 周三早盘期间,沪港通(Shanghai-HongKongStockConnect)南向成交量超过了150亿港元(合19亿美元),是此前单日记录的两倍以上。

    During the morning session on Wednesday , southbound turnover through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect rose past HK $ 15bn ( US $ 1.9bn ), more than double the previous daily record .

  2. 美国股市早盘实际上略有上涨。

    In the US , stocks actually registered slight gains during the morning session .

  3. 期货价格在早盘深幅下跌后出现反弹,收盘时未见严重损失。

    Futures prices recovered from sharp early declines to end with moderate losses .

  4. 在可口可乐第一季度业绩公布后,该公司股价在早盘交易中上涨不到1%。可口可乐的收益和收入超过了华尔街的预期,该公司表示,3月份的市场需求达到了疫情前的水平。

    Coke shares rose less than 1 % in morning trading after the company reported its first-quarter results .

  5. 上证综指(ShanghaiComposite)早盘虽遭遇剧烈震荡,收盘时却得以收涨1.3%。

    Early trading on the Shanghai Composite was choppy but the index was up 0.6 per cent by 11am local time .

  6. Facebook的股价周四早盘下跌逾2%,至每股66.54美元。

    Facebook shares fell more than 2 per cent on Thursday morning to $ 66.54 .

  7. 早盘交易中,伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)5月布伦特原油期货价格上涨1.15美元,至每桶123.37美元,为2008年8月以来的最高水平。

    ICE May Brent early in the day rose $ 1.15 to $ 123.37 per barrel , the highest since August 2008 .

  8. CIT股价昨日早盘上涨6.96%。

    CIT 's shares rose 6.96 per cent in morning trade yesterday .

  9. 美国地方银行pnc金融服务集团(pncfinancialservicesgroup)以及资产管理公司黑岩(blackrock)等其它金融服务集团的良好业绩,也在早盘进一步推高了纽约股市。

    Good results from other financial groups such as the regional lender PNC Financial and the asset manager BlackRock also pushed stock markets higher in the morning in New York .

  10. 早盘提示了,基本面无大碍,今天暴跌原因是市场投资者对管理层做出的,不断地审批巨型IPO对市场的疯狂融资举措极为不满。

    The morning fundamental side is fine . Today 's falling is done by market investors over management who constantly check out the large-scale IPO , unsatisfied with their crazy finance .

  11. 在纽约股市早盘交易中,摩根大通股价下跌近6%至31.23美元,美国银行(bankofamerica)和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)也告下跌,这两家公司将于下周发布业绩。

    JPMorgan stock dropped nearly 6 per cent to $ 31.23 in early New York trading , amid falls for banks such as Bank of America and Morgan Stanley , due to report results next week .

  12. 昨日早盘交易中股市飙升,债市下跌,此前美联储(federalreserve)采取了迄今最为激进的举措,来扭转金融市场中的流动性压力,这也获得了其他国家央行较小规模举措的支持。

    Stocks surged and bonds fell in early trading yesterday after the Federal Reserve took its most radical step yet to reverse liquidity strains in financial markets , backed up by smaller moves from other central banks .

  13. 中国监管机构日前表示,应早日发放3G牌照,这一最新承诺推动固话运营商的股价在周一早盘交易中上涨6%。

    The latest promise , with the regulator saying it would grant licences at an early date , sent fixed-line providers ' share prices up 6 per cent in morning trading on Monday .

  14. HTF股票上周三停牌,此前该股股价在早盘交易期间暴跌47%。

    HTF shares were suspended on Wednesday after the share price plunged 47 per cent during morning trading .

  15. 美国市场昨日早盘,货币市场投资者大举转向安全资产,推动短期美国国债收益率走低,原因是美国财政部和美联储(fed)最高官员继续展开幕后努力,以提振信贷市场信心。

    Money market investors staged a dramatic flight to safety , knocking down yields on short-term US government debt in early US trading yesterday , as top Treasury and Federal Reserve officials continued behind-the-scenes efforts to shore up confidence in the credit market .

  16. 花旗集团(Citigroup)股价昨日在纽约市场早盘交易时段上涨3%。此前,这家全球最大的金融服务集团宣布,由于加强了成本控制,加之资本市场利润强劲,其第一财季的收益高于预期。

    Citigroup shares jumped 3 per cent in early New York trading yesterday after the world 's largest financial services company announced better-than-expected first-quarter earnings helped by improved cost control and strong capital markets profits .

  17. 印度股市午盘初延续早盘跌势,标准普尔CNX轻巧指数下跌刷新一日新低。

    The market extended decline in early afternoon trade , with the S & P CNX Nifty sliding to a fresh intraday low .

  18. 昨日纽约早盘时分,potashcorp的股票跃升27%,至每股142.70美元,似乎表明投资者预期会有更高的报价。

    Shares in PotashCorp jumped 27 per cent in early New York trading to $ 142.70 , suggesting that investors expect a higher offer .

  19. 随着美国运输部长雷拉胡德(raylahood)对丰田进一步施加压力然后又撤回其讲话,丰田股价在纽约市场早盘重挫达7%。

    Shares in Toyota tumbled by up to 7 per cent in early New York trading as Ray LaHood , US Transportation Secretary , heaped further pressure on the carmaker before backtracking on his remarks .

  20. 花旗集团(Citigroup)股价周二早盘跃升逾60%。此前,美国政府同意向这家陷入困境的集团提供多达3000亿美元的支持。此举亦帮助全球股市大幅上涨。

    Citigroup shares soared by more than 60 per cent in early trading yesterday after the US government agreed to put up to $ 300bn behind the troubled group in a move that also helped global stocks rally sharply .

  21. 与此同时,据cmadatavision数据,5年期美国国债信用违约互换的价格在早盘交易中升至17.5个基点的创纪录高位。

    Meanwhile , the price of credit default swaps on five-year US government debt rose to a record 17.5 basis points in early trading , according to CMA Datavision .

  22. 早盘时,日本用户最多的移动通信运营商NTTDocomo受冲击最大,股价下跌9%,KDDI下跌6.6%,软银(SoftBank)下跌4.9%。

    NTT Docomo , Japan 's largest mobile phone carrier by subscribers , was hit hardest with a drop of 9 per cent in morning trading , while KDDI fell 6.6 per cent and SoftBank slid 4.9 per cent .

  23. 上述合资项目的消息,可能会加快这一雄心勃勃的项目的进度,按照计划,该项目将提供1万套住房,还有商店、酒店和学校。受此消息影响,Quintain的股价在早盘交易中上涨19%,至每股39.25便士。

    News of the joint venture , which is likely to accelerate the ambitious project to deliver 10000 homes as well as shops , hotels and schools , sent Quintain 's shares up 19 per cent in morning trading to 39.25p .

  24. 欧洲股市克服了早盘失地,在午盘交易中开始走高。

    European stocks overcame early losses to trade higher through midday .

  25. 该公司股票早盘上涨4%,至60.84欧元。

    Shares rose 4 per cent in early trading to 60.84 .

  26. 在早盘交易中,英镑汇率一度上探1英镑兑1.9545美元。

    The pound touched $ 1.9545 against the dollar in early trade .

  27. 在早盘交易中,网络股的股价受创。

    Internet stocks got hammered on the early day trading .

  28. 微软公司的股价早盘上涨0.5美元。

    In morning trading , Microsoft shares rose $ 0.50 .

  29. 周三股市大跌,周四早盘开始回升。

    Stocks crashed out of the gate Wednesday before rising by late morning .

  30. 随着美国股市早盘的跌势延续,美国国债价格回升。

    US government bond prices rallied as Wall Street extended its early losses .