
  1. 它的近代化是通过调整旧法体系和构建新的法律体系来完成的,有力地促进了当时社会政治、经济的全面发展,同时也促进了法律意识的进步。

    It was based on the old legislation system adjustment and the construction of the new one , and has greatly promoted the whole social political , economic development of the era whilst enhancing the progress of the consciousness of laws .

  2. 旧《公司法》体系对一人公司采有限承认的态度,这种立法状况造成法律适用上的混乱,在理论上和实践中产生诸多弊端。

    The old company law picked the limited acknowledgement to one-man company . This legislative condition created the confusion during the course of applying the law , and the theory and practice conflicted .