
rì yuè xīng chén
  • the sun, the moon and the stars;the sun, moon and stars
日月星辰[rì yuè xīng chén]
  1. 浮日月星辰之上。

    Floating above the sun , moon and stars .

  2. 宇宙中有日月星辰。

    There are the sun , the moon and the stars in the universe .

  3. 你将成为日月星辰之王。

    Then you will be the morning and evening star .

  4. 天文学是研究日月星辰的学问,是最古老的科学之一。

    Astronomy - the study of the stars - is one of the oldest sciences .

  5. 人们可以通过浑天仪观测到日月星辰运行的情况。

    People could observe the movement of the sun , the moon and the stars .

  6. 好朋友,如同日月星辰一样,闪烁在生命的天空。

    Like the moon and stars like flashes in the sky of life , My friends .

  7. 吻亮心中的日月星辰。

    Kiss to light our hearts .

  8. 日月星辰漂浮在空气中,不需要任何依托,因此它们各自遵循自己的运动规律。

    The celestial bodies floated in the gas with no support , following their own movement rules .

  9. 若是其秩然也、是以天体至大、而其周围运转之度、日月星辰逆顺疾徐之行。

    If these are well-ordered , then the heavenly bodies of extremely great size , revolve in their systematic orbits ;

  10. 抬首仰望天空,想象一下,日月星辰仿佛是夜空中闪烁跳跃的宝石。

    Look up to the heavens and imagine the stars and planets are sparkling jewels dancing across the night sky .

  11. 亲爱的,我愿成为你的魔术师,为你变出日月星辰。

    Dear , I would like to be your magician as you get out of the sun and moon and stars .

  12. 占星术通过观察日月星辰的位置预测未来。

    Astrology is an attempt to describe future happenings by studying the positions of the sun , the moon and stars .

  13. 宇宙中有日月星辰。爱迪生诞辰纪念日。

    There are the sun , the moon and the stars in the universe . The anniversary Thomas Alva Edison 's birth .

  14. 那个人说:“日月星辰只不过是这团气体中会发光的东西罢了。

    That man said : " The sun , the moon and the stars are only things that can shine in this mass .

  15. 这座浓饰重彩的钟是一座独一无二的天文钟杰作,具有显示日月星辰旋转方位的功能。

    Richly ornamented this is a unique masterpiece of an astronomical clock with functions for the revolutions of the sun , moon and stars amongst others .

  16. 他创作了《日月星辰》(油画,1983年)、《升起-安静的曙光》(油画,1984)等一批现代主义风格的作品。

    He created The Hosts of Heaven ( painting , 1983 ), Rising & Quiet Twilight ( painting , 1984 ) and a series of modernist works .

  17. 没有一颗心会因为追求梦想而受伤,当你真心渴望某样东西时,日月星辰都会赶来帮你。

    There is no heart to pursue a dream because of injury , When you really want something , the whole universe conspires in helping you achieve it .

  18. 祀人问道:“天如果真的是一团气体的话,那么日月星辰会不会掉下来呢?”

    The man of Qi asked : " If the sky were really an air mass , then wouldn 't the sun , the moon and the stars fall down ? "

  19. 于是,天上的日月星辰都滑向西北方,地上的流水泥沙都流向了东南方。

    Subsequently , the sun , moon , and stars in the sky all slid to the northwest , while the water and silt on the earth flowed to the southeast .

  20. 古人信仰的内容十分丰富,山川河流、日月星辰、历史人物、甚至各种草木精怪都能成为古人信仰崇拜的对象。

    The folk faith content is very rich , mountains and rivers , moon and stars , historical figures , and even all kinds of vegetation pixie can become the object of the ancients worship .

  21. 汉代张衡发明了测定地震方位的地动仪和演示日月星辰的浑天仪。

    Zhang Heng ( 78-139 ) of the Han Dynasty invented a seismograph to determine the location of earthquakes and an armillary sphere that showed the movement of the sun , moon and other stars .

  22. 上帝把日月星辰置于天穹之中以照亮大地,司昼夜、分明暗。上帝见如此很好。

    God put these lights in the vault of heaven to give light on earth , to govern day and night , and to separate light from darkness ; and God saw that it was good .

  23. 还有一种是占星术,主张日月星辰的位置与人的命运有关,故通过观测星象能预测未来。

    Another way to tell fortunes is astrology . This way is based on the belief that positions and movements of the sun , the moon , planets , and stars are related to people 's lives .

  24. 通过蒙古族和满族的天体神话的比较,展示出两个民族先民对天体日月星辰的形成的理解和解释、有关天文知识以及祭礼仪式的内涵等。

    Through comparing with celestial body myth between the Mongols and the Manchu to show two national ancestors , understanding and the stars , and interrelated astronomical knowledge and ritual ceremony , etc. The fire-fiend is regarded as goddess by the two nations .

  25. 宣夜说传说战国时期,杞国有一个人听说天是由气体形成的,日月星辰就漂浮其中之后,他非常担心天体会掉下来,让他无处躲藏,于是整日忧心忡忡,茶饭不思。

    As a legend goes , during the Warring States Period , a man from the Qi State , having known that the heaven was constituted of gas , in which the moon and stars floated , feared the heaven might collapse one day .

  26. 而最早明确论述天地和日月星辰起源和演化的,应推溯至西汉(前206~公元24)时期淮南王刘安等人写成的《淮南子》。

    The book Hu , ai Ahn Zi , written by Liu An and so on during the Western Han Dynasty ( 206BC - AD24 ) , was the earliest to elaborate on the ori-gin and evolvement of the hecwen , earth , and celestial bodies .

  27. 古人仰观天文、俯察地理、中知人事,从观察日月星辰与大自然现象节律变化的紧密联系性,进而了解人体阴阳消长的变化亦同自然界是受到日月星辰的影响。

    Our forerunners studied chronometer , geography and sociology , and realized that variety of waxing and waning of yin-yang was influenced by the hosts of heaven at the time when they observed the tight relationship between the hosts of heaven and the rhythm of natural phenomena .