
wú jiàn
  • continuously;not keep anything from the other;without interruption;very close to each other
无间 [wú jiàn]
  • (1) [very close to each other;do not keep anything from each other]∶中间没有间隙

  • 亲密无间

  • (2) [continuously;without interruption]∶不间断

  • 气象观测,日夜无间

  • (3) [unable to distinguish]∶不分别

  • 无间是非

无间[wú jiàn]
  1. 在过往的日子里,我们合作无间,她经常是我的模特儿。

    During passing day , we cooperate continuously , she often is my model .

  2. 过去两周,以富时环球指数(FTSE-AllWorldindex)衡量,全球股市几乎毫无间断地上涨了12%。

    Over the past two weeks , stocks , as measured by the FTSE-All World index , rose 12 per cent , virtually without interruption .

  3. 沙子的移动速度很慢,但毫无间断。

    " The sand moves down little by little , but it moves all the time . "

  4. 例句我女儿和她的朋友紧密无间,所有空闲时间都呆在一起。

    My daughter and her friend are thick as thieves and spend all their free time together .

  5. 高温变形对含Ti无间隙原子钢铁素体晶粒直径的影响

    Effect of Hot Deformation on the Ferrite Grain Size of Ti-Bearing Interstitial-Free Steel

  6. SOI无间距定向耦合光开关模型分析及设计

    Modeling Analysis and Structure Design of SOI Zero-Gap Directional Coupler Switch

  7. C、N含量极低的无间隙原子(IF)钢由于具有极好的成型性能,是理想的车身用钢。

    Lower in C and N contents , the interstitial free ( IF ) steel has excellent forming performance and adaptability for the use in automobile body .

  8. 该结论同样适用于TIG填丝无间隙对接焊。

    This conclusion can also be applied to butt welding with no gap .

  9. GexSi(1-x)/Si异质结无间距定向耦合光开关模型分析

    Modeling Analysis of the Ge_xSi_ ( 1-x ) / Si Heterojunction Zero-Gap Directional Coupler Switch

  10. “无间断”摄像头正在XboxOne等家用电子设备以及新一轮流媒体视频安全系统产品中日益受到追捧。

    Always on ' cameras are becoming popular in home electronics like the Xbox One and a new wave of streaming video security systems .

  11. 在过去的几年,Web服务提供了一套标准,该标准可以使运行于多种平台和技术上的完全不同的应用程序实现无间隙通信。

    Within the last few years , web services have emerged to provide a set of standards that allow disparate applications running on a variety of platforms and technologies to seamlessly communicate .

  12. 无间断摄像头正在XboxOne等家用电子设备以及新一轮流媒体视频安全系统产品中日益受到追捧。

    ' Always on ' cameras are becoming popular in home electronics like the Xbox One and a new wave of streaming video security systems .

  13. 结论对颅外伤患者应进行RAPD检查及眼眶CT扫描,确定有无间接性视神经损伤。

    Conclusion The inspection of RAPD and CT scan is important for patients with skull trauma to determine the present of indirect optic nerve injury .

  14. 显示程序采用行扫描,列顺序输出码值的方法,结合四段式汉字编码方法,无间断和延迟的在LED阵上输出汉字。

    In display program , the approach of row-scanning , output code in line order , with 4-segment coding , display Chinese character in a LED array without pause and delay .

  15. 10kV电力系统无间隙ZnO避雷器额定电压选择

    Selection of the Rated Voltage of the Gapless ZnO Lightning Arresters in 10 kV Power System

  16. 系统跨企业且跨整个客户、合作伙伴和供应商范围进行无间隙(seamlessly)连接。

    Systems are seamlessly linked across the enterprise and across its entire range of customers , partners , and suppliers .

  17. 比较了有无间隔臂固定相对非特异吸附性能的影响,发现不含间隔臂的毛细管亲和整体柱没有对BSA的非特异吸附;

    The non-specific adsorption ofthe media had been studied and the results showed that the medium without space arm gave very low non-specific adsorption of BSA .

  18. 目前我国3&66kV交流无间隙金属氧化物避雷器(MOA)在持续运行电压Uc的选取上有争议。

    Nowadays , in China there are disputes in selecting the continuous operating voltage U. for gapless MOA used in 3 ~ 66kV power system .

  19. 通过改进的堆积法,制备无间隙孔微结构光纤(MSF)。

    We describe an improved stacking-capillary method , which can fabricate the micro-structure fiber ( MSF ) without interstitial holes .

  20. 6-取代苯基-3(2H)-哒嗪酮的合成(2)苯并咪唑2位侧链无间隔基毒性相对较低;

    Synthesis of 6 - Substituted Phenyl - 3 ( 2 H ) - Pyridazinones ( 2 ) substituted phenyl at the C - 2 could reduce toxicity ;

  21. 通过改进的堆积法以及新设计的试验方法,成功制备出无间隙孔MSF。

    By the improved stacking-capillary method and the new designed method , the MSF without the interstitial hole have been fabricated successfully .

  22. 采用织构ODF分析、金相等方法对复合添加Ti,Nb的超深冲无间隙原子钢在各主要不同工艺阶段的微观结构、织构特征进行了研究;

    The ODF texture analysis , metallographical and other analytical techniques were used to study hot rolled . cold-rolled and recrystallization textures and microstructure in a Ni + Ti added interstitial-free steel .

  23. 找寻无间道的游戏将会在Survivor历史上最戏剧性的部落会议之一中上开演,留给一个联盟的是惊讶而另外的是喜悦。

    A cat and mouse game plays out at one of the most dramatic Tribal Councils in SURVIVOR history , leaving one alliance shocked and the other gloating .

  24. 试验共做了3个模型,分别模拟无间隙以及间隙高度为10cm和20cm的情况。

    Three model tests were conducted ; initial clearances of 0 , 10 and 20 cm between tunnel lining and excavated surface were modeled .

  25. 铌在HSLA钢中已经取得了它正常、突出的位置,不久在双相钢与无间隙原子钢中也会出现。

    Niobium has already achieved its normal , prominent position in the HSLA steels and will soon appear in the DP and IF steels , as well .

  26. 3~60kV电压系统中无间隙氧化锌避雷器技术参数制订原则与方法的讨论

    Discussion on the Specification of Metal Oxide Surge Arrester ( MOA ) in 3 ~ 60kV Power System

  27. 本文介绍在国内首次获得了1986年7月12、13日两个爆发事件的太阳10ms连续无间隙快速记录观测资料。

    In this paper continuously fast recording observations of 10ms . scale solar activities of two events on July 12 and 13 , 1986 are described for the fast time .

  28. 介绍了750kV系统用无间隙金属氧化物避雷器的结构和主要性能指标。

    The structure and major performance index of 750 kV metal oxide lightning arrester ( MOA ) without gap was introduced .

  29. 无间隙金属氧化物避雷器(MOA)的运行状态监测是保证电力系统可靠运行的重要措施,由于MOA运行状态参量受环境温度影响,会造成对MOA状态判断不准确,引发严重事故。

    Supervising the operating state of metal oxide arrester ( MOA ) is very important measure to ensure stabilization and safety of power system . Because the ambient temperature affects the operating state parameters of MOA , it may result in the diagnostic mistake and fault .

  30. 分析MOA表面存在污秽时无间隙金属氧化物避雷器(MOA)模型可知泄漏电流及其阻性分量不仅受瓷套表面污层电阻的影响,而且还受污层与阀片柱间耦合电容的影响。

    Through the analysis of polluted MOA models , the leakage current and its resistive component are not only influenced by pollution layer resistance , but also influenced by the coupling capacitance between the pollution layer and the varistor column when external layer of MOA exists contamination .