
  • 网络Wireless Controller;access controller;FIT AP;WLC
  1. 盾构管片拼装机无线控制器的设计研究

    Design and research on the wireless controller of installing pipe piece machine in the shield tunnel

  2. 无线控制器+FITAP架构的新型无线局域网

    New wireless local area network of wireless controller + FIT AP frame

  3. 于是采用AC(无线控制器)来管理多个AP的集中式无线组网技术应运而生,它可有效降低维护成本,提升无线服务质量。

    Thus , the technology of using an AC ( Access Controller ) to manage multiple APs in the centralized wireless network came into being , It could effectively reduce the maintenance cost and improve the wireless service quality .

  4. 然后详细介绍了节点控制器的硬件结构,重点阐述了具有PCMCIA接口的分组无线控制器的设计方案。

    Firstly , the structure and function of PRN , subnet node and gate node was outlined , and the hardware component of PRN-node-controller was introduced in detail with emphasis on the design of PRN-node-controller with the interface of PCMCIA .

  5. 集群系统有/无线控制器的设计

    Design of the Wire / Wireless Control Unit in Trunking System

  6. 体外无线控制器实现交互式遥控器设计,无线能量发射装置完成便携式改装。

    External wireless-communication controller was designed for interaction , and portable wireless energy transmitter was realized .

  7. 类似交换机,无线控制器不能分割广播域,因此无线局域网中容易发生广播风暴而引发网络瘫痪。

    Be similar to switches , AC can not split a broadcast domain , WLAN susceptible to broadcast storms caused network paralyzed .

  8. 无线控制器将让用户能在起身、四处走动的同时,探索虚拟空间、从各个角度观察物体、并与周围环境互动。

    Wireless controllers will let the user get up , walk around and explore a virtual space , inspect objects from every angle and interact with surroundings .

  9. 无线控制器是无线局域网重要的网络设备,负责管理无线接入点和提供数据交换服务。

    The wireless access controller ( for short , AC ) is a WLAN network equipment , responsible for the management of wireless access points and data exchange service .

  10. 测试结果表明该方案能显著提升系统吞吐量,而且该方案已在多款无线控制器设备上成功应用。

    Test data show that network throughput can be increased a lot by applying the proposed fast-forwarding scheme . And the new system has been successfully applied in a variety of wireless access controllers .

  11. GDOS已经在作者参与研发的3G无线网络控制器中成功应用,该3G无线网络控制器在国内外稳定运行。

    GDOS has been successfully applied in a 3G radio network controller .

  12. 该方案在节点B和无线网络控制器之间建立区分服务域,并在其中使用聚合RSVP技术,既保证了网络的扩展性,又能够向业务流提供良好的QoS支持。

    The solution builds differentiated service domain between node B and RNC , and introduces converged RSVP to guarantee the network expansibility and QoS .

  13. 分组无线网控制器的PCMCIA接口设计

    The Design of PCMCIA Interface of Packet Radio Network Controller

  14. 通过在核心网交换节点和无线网络控制器(RadioNetworkController,RNC)之间引入一个动态路由节点,使得每个RNC可以连接到多个核心交换单元。

    Each RNC ( radio network controller ) could be connected to multiple core switching elements through introducing one dynamic routing node between core switching node and RNC .

  15. 传输网络子系统的设计是无线网络控制器(RNC)的重要部分。

    The design of TNSS is the important part of the RNC .

  16. 而UTRAN里面的最主要的网元就是无线网络控制器(RNC)。

    RNC ( Radio network Controller ) is the most important component inside of the UTRAN .

  17. 本文给出了一种与便携计算机配合使用的分组无线网控制器的PCMCIA接口实现方法。

    The realization of PCMCIA interface of packet radio network ( PRN ) controller for portable computers is presented .

  18. 将GDOS运用于商用系统(作者参与研发的3G无线网络控制器)中,该3G无线网络控制器已经大规模商用,运行稳定。

    The author developed a business system ( a 3G radio network controller ) on GDOS . This 3G radio network controller has been applied extensively in business field and runs well .

  19. 本文阐述了无线网络控制器(RNC)话务负载测试工具的基本设计方法,及其测试环境和软件的实现等。

    This article demonstrates a method to design a load test tool for Radio Network Controller ( RNC ), and specifies the hardware and software realization .

  20. 无线接入控制器Agent/Manager的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Agent / Manager in Wireless AC

  21. 无线网络控制器的一种设计方法

    A design method of radio network controller

  22. 讨论了模糊系统的输入模糊集、模糊规则及自适应规则产生的方法,基于模糊集合的无线通信控制器设计。

    The input fuzzy set , fuzzy rule and adaptive rule are discussed , and the wireless communication controller based on fuzzy set is designed .

  23. 针对无线接入控制器设备对微波设备端口的适应机制不匹配;

    Some problems were analyzed in WLAN ( Wireless Local Area Network ), which mainly include : access controller does not adapt to the port of microwave equipment ;

  24. LED显示屏无线数据传送控制器的设计

    A Design of Wireless Data-transmitting Controller for Led Display Screen

  25. 本文介绍了一种基于USB接口的无线通讯键盘控制器的设计方案,包括硬件设计、设备驱动程序设计及应用软件设计。

    This paper introduces the design of wireless USB keyboard controller , including hardware design , driver design and internet applications design .

  26. 基于嵌入式无线局域网接入控制器研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Wlan Access Controller Based on Embedded Systems

  27. 无线战术互联网控制器通信协议的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Communication Protocol in Wireless Tactical Internet Controller

  28. 无线火灾报警控制器的研制

    Development of Wireless Fire Alarm Controller

  29. 头等舱的乘客可以使用一个独特的无线掌上控制器来挑选娱乐节目、调节座椅位置和灯光以及选择按摩功能。

    In premium classes , a unique wireless handset controller allows passengers to select entertainment , adjust seat positions and lighting , and choose massage functions .

  30. 双DSP技术在无线分组网络路由控制器中的应用

    Application of Double DSP Technology in a Route Control System of Wireless Network