
wú suàn
  • countless;of an uncertain number
无算 [wú suàn]
  • [numerous] 无法算计。形容数目多

  • 获矢无算。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

  • 死伤无算

  1. 这位医生活人无算。

    The doctor has saved countless lives .

  2. 你不能前进,前面有火焰山,喷火数十里,伤人无算。

    No , you shouldn 't because a fiery mountain ahead is spurting flames far and wide and killing lots of people .

  3. 多算胜少算,而况于无算乎!

    Thus do many calculations lead to victory , and few calculations to defeat : how much more no calculation at all !

  4. 韩寒今年29岁,十年前以小说家身份扬名立万。自那以后以博客帖子赢得粉丝无算。(最具煽动性的帖子通常很快就会被拿掉,包括温州动车事故后的尖锐评论)。

    Mr Han , 29 , made his name a decade ago as a novelist , and has since built a following of millions online for his blog postings ( the most subversive of which are quickly taken down , including a scathing commentary on the Wenzhou crash ) .

  5. 人无贤妻只能算是半个人。

    A man without a wife is but half a man .

  6. 美国没有派遣地面部队,没有和敌对势力交火(除非将偶尔的无人机袭击算上)。

    It has no troops on the ground and is not exchanging fire with hostile forces ( unless you count the odd drone strike ) .

  7. 通过若干个典型的二维跨声速和超声速可压缩无粘流动的算例证明这确是一个高精度的,对激波具有高分辨率的无波动的新型有限元格式。

    Several numerical results of typical examples for two dimensional inviscid compressible transonic and supersonic steady flow demonstrate that this is a new finite element scheme with high accuracy and high resolution for shock wave .