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  • 网络without thinking;No Mind;thoughtless;thoughtlessness;unthought
  1. 我可以保持有思的无思,他说,这并不是头脑空空。

    I can remain thoughtfully thoughtless , he said . It is not an empty mind .

  2. 思而不行,行而无思,都会失去智慧的保护。

    Thinking but no , line without thinking , will lose the protection of wisdom .

  3. 对当代无思状态的反思

    The Reflection on the Contemporary Situation of Non-Thinking

  4. 无思的审美倾向

    Aesthetic Trend of No Ideology

  5. 最近出版了一本讲突发奇想的书,名字叫灵感:无思之想的力量。

    A book called Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking has recently been published on the subject of snap decisions .

  6. 无思的审美以其潜在愉悦性和抽象形式性消解着现代意识异化和现实重压。

    Aesthetic of no ideology about its potential delight and abstract forms dispel the alienation of modern consciousness and the pressure of real life .

  7. 居惠期间,其精神世界,又是一个升华,形成了一种有思而无思的境界。

    Habitat benefit period , the spiritual world , but also a sublimation , forming a kind of " a thinking without thinking " realm .

  8. 她发现,虽然思考活动是隐藏的,但它在普遍的无思状况下却能够成为最令人瞩目的现象。

    She found that though thinking was concealed from the world of appearance , it could make the most dazzling appearance under the condition of all-pervading unthoughtfulness .

  9. 有的教师在新授课中采新的课程理念,学生探索主动学习,而练习课则是老师讲学生练,罗列的练习题,学生又回到无思无味的学习状态。

    Some teachers in the new lessons in the concept of the new curriculum , students active learning , and practice class is the teacher the student practice , lists of exercises , the students returned to without thinking and learning state .

  10. 零与形而上学&从数学、佛学、道学到现象学的有无之思

    Zero and Metaphysic - Thoughts about Being and Nothing from Mathematics , Buddhism , Daoism to Phenomenology

  11. 老人们大多容易入睡,夜间偶有苏醒现象,72.2%的老人有午休的习惯,总体睡眠状况良好,白天无明显思睡现象,精神状态好。

    Most of them go to sleep easily and wake up occasionally at night . 72.2 % of them often take a nap after lunch and sleep in good condition . During the daytime , they do not nod off obviously and have a good state of mind .

  12. 媚兰躺在那里,脸色惨白,寂无声息,思嘉觉得她准是死了。

    Melanie lay so still and white Scarlett thought she must be dead .

  13. 而哲学追求具体的经验整体,是无条件的思。

    In contrast , philosophy is the pursuit of the concrete whole of experience , thus it is unconditional thinking .

  14. 我们的女侍者问我们是否想要些餐后甜点,并背出一些天然选择:南瓜派、鲜果汁、无奶慕思。

    Our waitress inquires whether we would like dessert and recites a list of natural choices : pumpkin pie , fresh fruit crunch , dairy-free mousse .