
lǚ yóu zhǐ nán
  • guidebook;Travel Guide;Travelogue;Lonely Planet;guides
  1. 史密斯先生写了一本轻松的旅游指南,其中有一系列简短的章节专门介绍城市公园的具体方面,比如多年来为建设完美城市而提出的各种方案。

    Mr. Smith has written a breezy guidebook , with a series of short chapters dedicated to specific aspects of urbanity — parks , say , or the various schemes that have been put forward over the years for building the perfect city .

  2. 你绝不会在任何一本旅游指南里找到这样的景点。

    You 'll never find thisplace in any kind of guidebook .

  3. 旅游指南中保证说当地有上佳的美食。

    The brochure promised the local food would be superb .

  4. 旅游指南里的城镇是按字母顺序排列的。

    Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically .

  5. 《尼泊尔概况》是一本全面介绍该地区的旅游指南。

    The Rough Guide to Nepal is a comprehensive guide to the region .

  6. 这本旅游指南的背面介绍了一些我们藏品中的必看作品,即艺术博物馆的"不容错过"名单。

    On the back of this Visitor Guide , you 'll find directions to some must-see works in our collection — the " don 't miss " list for the Art Museum .

  7. 旅游指南LonelyPlanet警告旅行者称:“这里的空调温度非常低,你会四肢都要冻青了。”

    Popular travel guide Lonely Planet warns travelers of the big chill , saying ," Temperatures are set so low you may find your extremities turning blue . "

  8. 2010年9月,迈克尔·多比(MichaelDobie)和两个朋友搬去了黎明村。正是这两个朋友在一本旅游指南中发现了这个中国村庄。

    Michael Dobie moved to Liming in September 2010 with two friends who discovered the Chinese village in a travel brochure .

  9. 如今的披露街(Pell)只是两个安静的街区,但唐人街当年就是在宰也街(Doyers)尽头与披露街交界的地方诞生的,到现在,旅游指南仍然会说起帮会和麻将。

    Pell Street these days is two quiet blocks , no more , but Chinatown was born here , where Doyers Street dead-ends into Pell , where tour guides still talk of tongs and mah-jongg .

  10. 布宜诺斯艾利斯的一家网站专门为单身旅行者提供旅游指南和当地一流夜总会的VIP优惠服务项目。即使你无缘与夜总会里香艳的名模们坠入爱河,你还是很多机会找到你梦中的那位情人,如你身边翩翩起舞的舞伴。

    ToursGoneWild.com , a guide for singles on the move , offers packages with VIP perks to the best A-list clubs , but even if you don 't luck out with one of the stunning models that frequent them , there 's still plenty of opportunity to meet a fellow single .

  11. “护照”功能不仅仅可用于提前安排约会碰面,也可充当旅游指南,Tinder用户可利用与当地居民交流的机会获取旅游攻略,从而发现当地独特风情之地。

    While the passport service could be used to initiate dates in advance , it is also being used as a travel guide with Tinder swipers taking advantage of the chance to pick up tips from the residents and to find out about local neighbourhoods .

  12. 本地商店备有明信片和旅游指南。

    The local shop has a stock of postcards and guidebooks .

  13. 这本小书是最好的莫斯科旅游指南。

    This little book is the definitive Travel Guide to moscow .

  14. 这家饭店在这本旅游指南上有个坏评价。

    This hotel got a bad rating in the travel guide .

  15. 预先准备好一本旅游指南对长途旅行者很有帮助的。

    A guide could be of great help to the travelers .

  16. 大部分旅游指南都推荐游客们看一下它的历史。

    Most guidebooks recommend tourists check it out for its history .

  17. 我买了一本纽约旅游指南。

    I bought a guide to the city of New York .

  18. 彼得:三张。我还想要一本旅游指南。

    Peter : Three . I also want an English Guidbook .

  19. 旅游指南上列举了伯恩茅斯地区25家廉价饭店的名单。

    The guidebook list twenty-five cheap hotel in the bournemouth area .

  20. 他写了一本详尽的罗马旅游指南。

    He has written a fully comprehensive guide to rome .

  21. 安娜:其中一个游客把旅游指南读得很仔细。

    Anna : One of them has read his guidebook very carefully .

  22. 他们谁也没有搞到旅游指南。

    None of them has got a handbook to tourists .

  23. 一份能让你发现它活力、动感的现在,你也可以将两张行程合二为一,形成一份最佳的定制旅游指南。

    Or , blend the two lists for a best-of bespoke guide .

  24. 雪伦:我先看看旅游指南。

    SHARON : First I want to look in the travel guide .

  25. 我是“宝琳·弗罗默旅游指南”系列的创作者宝琳·弗罗默。

    I 'm PaulineFrommer , the creator of the Pauline Frommer guidebooks .

  26. 我在旅游指南上有看到这个地方。

    I read about this place in my travel guide .

  27. 家父阿瑟·弗罗默是弗罗默旅游指南的创办人。

    My father , ArthurFrommer , founded the Frommer guidebooks .

  28. 这是介绍这一地区的最佳旅游指南。

    This be the best guide to the region .

  29. 彼得和小云在看密云旅游指南。

    Peter and Xiao Yun are looking at a guidebook of MI yun .

  30. 「寂寞星球」台湾旅游指南太过肤浅。

    The Lonely Planet Taiwan guide is so shallow .