
xīn chūn
  • the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day;the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Years Day
新春 [xīn chūn]
  • [the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Years Day] 初春,早春。尤指春节过后的一二十天

新春[xīn chūn]
  1. 正月里来是新春。

    Spring comes with the first moon of the new year .

  2. 一个电话都没给我回对不起,keepupwith:跟上,不落后schoolwork:学校功课calendar:日程表要把学校功课,新春社交日程还有我的新男朋友协调好,比我想象的要难。

    You haven 't returned any of my calls . - Jenny : Sorry . It 's been harder than I thought to keep up with schoolwork and the new spring social calendar and my new boyfriend . -

  3. 只有把最真挚祝福送给你:新春快乐!

    Only the most sincere wishes for you : happy holiday !

  4. 过新年!在庆祝新春佳节的时候,我们要做些什么?

    What will we do when we celebrate the new year ?

  5. 值此新春佳节之际,恭祝事业蒸蒸日上。

    On the occasion of the Spring Festival , good business .

  6. 欢迎各位出席民政事务局庚寅年新春酒会。

    Welcome to the spring reception of the Home Affairs Bureau .

  7. 最后,恭祝在座各位新春愉快、身体健康、家庭幸福!

    Finally , wish all of you a happy Spring Festival .

  8. 我张开双臂,盼与你共度新春佳节。

    My arms are wide open for you this new year .

  9. 新春乃爱情君王的喝道人,

    Fresh Spring , the herald of love 's mighty king ,

  10. 2006全国金融机构首脑新春寄语

    2006 New Year greetings from heads of Chinese financial institutions

  11. 新春时期该吃些什麽好?

    What should you eat to celebrate the new year ?

  12. 新春佳节,朝鲜的妇女穿戴一新。

    Spring Festival , North Korea , a new women 's wear .

  13. 祝你和家人新春愉快!

    Wish you and your family a happy spring festival .

  14. 恭祝农历戊子鼠年新春吉祥!

    Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Wuzi Mouse Year !

  15. 冬天从这里夺去,新春会交给你。

    Winter goes away from here and spring comes back to you here .

  16. 欢迎参加迎新春单身舞会。

    Welcome to Our Chinese New Year Singles Party .

  17. 爸爸妈妈,值此新春佳节,感谢你们给予我的一切!

    Mom and Dad : Thank you for everything at Spring Festival time !

  18. 商店正在陈列新春装。

    The stores are displaying new spring clothes .

  19. 严冬掠去的一切,新春会给你还来诗的意义。

    Everything that the sever winter takes , early spring will give you return .

  20. 在这新春之际,我衷心地祝福他们。

    In this in the spring of the , I sincerely wishes for them .

  21. 祝您新春快乐,身体健康,万事如意!

    I wish you a happy New Year , good health and good luck !

  22. 海外华人迎新春,悉尼同胞庆兔年。

    Year of the Rabbit gets Sydney hopping .

  23. 新春伊始,我愿你健康、快乐、美丽!

    Chinese New Year begins , I wish you health , happiness , beautiful !

  24. 新春快乐,兔年吉祥!

    Happy new year , Rabbit year auspicious !

  25. 新春大礼送给你!

    Lunar New Year gift to you !

  26. 祝您新春快乐!

    Common Wish you a happy holiday !

  27. 大家好。新春大家一定要快乐哦!

    User a new year of Prosperity , abundance , peace , health and happiness .

  28. 新春佳节,新词多多之节日篇。

    Spring Festival words & special oc .

  29. 每逢新春就是新旧更替的好时机,它给人们带来了新的开始。

    Each new year brings the chance to start over and make a new beginning .

  30. 元宵节一般被认为是中国新春佳节的最后一天。

    Lantern Festival is generally considered the last day of the Chinese Lunar New Year .