
  1. 创建一个新文档,并将其添加到documents集合中。

    Creates a new document and adds it to the documents collection .

  2. 然后使用add方法创建一个新文档并返回其引用。

    From there , use the add method , which creates a new document and returns a reference to it .

  3. 在查看区域,单击“new”(新文档)按钮。

    In the viewing area , click the new button .

  4. 将新文档放入数据库中(PUT)通常需要认证。

    PUTting new documents into the database typically requires authentication .

  5. 可以通过以下三种主要方式,使用新文档更新DemoIndex数据库

    There are three main ways to update the Demo Index database with new documents

  6. UPDATE语句的set子句用一个新文档替换给定行中的现有文档。

    The set clause of the UPDATE statement replaces the existing document in a given row with a new document .

  7. 返回的新文档将包含父(客户)ID及其自己的订单ID。

    The returned new document contains the parent ( customer ) ID and its own order ID.

  8. 例如,当新文档添加到用户订阅的特定主题时,TeamRoom应用程序会通过电子邮件通知他们。

    For example , our Team Room application notifies our users by email when new documents are added to specific subjects to which they 've subscribed .

  9. 记住至少保留一个存储区域处于Open状态,以便用它作为新文档的当前活动存储区域。

    Remember to keep at least one storage area in an Open state so that it can be used as the current active storage area for new documents .

  10. 再用xsl:result-document标签打开新文档输出HTML。

    Then , I open the new document with the xsl : result-document tag and output the HTML .

  11. 比方说,在MicrosoftWord中创建一个新文档时,光标显示在页的上方。

    For example , when you create a new document in Microsoft Word , the cursor displays at the top of the page .

  12. 当创建新文档时,有一个添加样板HTML的快捷方式,如下所示。

    When creating a new document , there is a shortcut for adding boilerplate HTML , as shown below .

  13. 本文的业务重点是介绍VersionControl模块,包括新文档的保存、Checkin算法的设计、checkout子模块等。

    The business focus of this paper is to introduce version control module , including new document saving , design of Check in algorithm , Check out submodule , etc.

  14. POST在指定的库中创建一个新文档(即wiki页面或博客帖子)。

    POST creates a new document in the specified library ( that is , wiki page or blog post ) .

  15. 最后,MicrosoftOfficeProjectWizard的第二个页面允许选择是使用现有的文档还是创建一个新文档。

    Finally , the second page of the Microsoft Office Project Wizard allows you to choose whether to use an existing document or to create a new one .

  16. 请参阅IBMBPM信息中心,了解与新文档存储特性相关的完整的功能和限制集合的详细信息。

    Refer to the IBM BPM Information Center for details on the full set of capabilities and restrictions concerning the new document store feature .

  17. 若当前Open存储区域已满,那么Standby状态的其中一个存储区域自动转变为Open状态,供创建新文档的时候使用。

    When the currently Open storage area fills up , one of the storage areas in the Standby state is then automatically transitioned to Open and made available for new document creations .

  18. 在本例中,我希望预测新文档是否与Republicans或者Democrats相关。

    In this case , I want to predict whether a new document is about Republicans or Democrats .

  19. 新文档库显示在“数据源库”的“sharepoint列表”部分。

    The new document library appears in the SharePoint lists section of the data source library .

  20. 新文档是指piwis信息系统中新提供的文档。

    New documents are newly available documents in the PIWIS information system .

  21. 所以,默认情况下,P8中创建的新文档存储在这个存储区域中。

    So by default , new documents you create in P8 are stored in this storage area .

  22. 我们首先来描述用例场景:用户Anthony想在关于某些主题:编程、Linux和钓鱼的新文档被上传时收到通知。

    Let 's first describe the user case scenario : user Anthony is interested in receiving notifications whenever a new document is uploaded on certain subjects : programming , Linux , and fishing .

  23. 在本例中,ETL仅表示我要分析一些MongoDB数据并基于该数据创建新文档。

    In this case , ETL simply implies that I 'm going to analyze some MongoDB data and create new documents based on that data .

  24. 该支持包括如何使用WS-Inspection文档的一个演示和一个允许分析现有的WS-Inspection文档及通过编程创建新文档的JavaAPI。

    This support includes a demonstration of how to use WS-Inspection documents , and a Java API that allows you to parse existing WS-Inspection documents and programmatically create new documents .

  25. 存储要在案例中创建的新文档(CreateIn)

    Storing Documents to be created as new documents in cases ( CreateIn )

  26. 在创建一个新文档的情况下,我们连接到用于这个QuickPlace的文件柜。

    In the case of a new document , we â™ ll connect to the file cabinet used for this QuickPlace .

  27. 为了发送表示一个新文档的创建的事件,您需要指定一个针对内部BPM文档存储的事件订阅,如图18中所示。

    In order to send the event representing the creation of a new document , you need to specify an event subscription against the internal BPM document store , as shown in Figure 18 .

  28. 如果采取后一种做法,P8管理员应该手动重新关闭原先的存储区域,以防新文档被存储到该区域。

    If the latter is done , the P8 administrator should manually re-close the original storage area to prevent new documents from being stored in the area .

  29. 基于odx导入创建一个新文档。

    Create a new document based on an ODX import .

  30. 例如,在CMIS中,当您将一个新文档POST(在逻辑上表示创建)到一个文件夹时,正是对象上的属性列表告知CMIS要实例化什么。

    For example , in CMIS , when you POST a new document to a folder ( which logically means create ), it is the list of properties on the object that tells CMIS what to instantiate .