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xīn jū
  • new home;new residence
新居 [xīn jū]
  • (1) [new home]∶刚建好或刚搬去住的房子

  • (2) [new residence]∶新的住所,新家,新的住宅

新居[xīn jū]
  1. 这对新婚夫妇迁入新居。

    The newly married couple moved into their new home .

  2. 她想把地毯重新铺放在她的新居里。

    She wanted to relay the carpet in her new home .

  3. 该地区计划筹建约3,500所新居。

    Some 3,500 new dwellings are planned for the area

  4. 我们有了一个舒适的新居。

    We have a comfortable new residence .

  5. 在新居安顿下来并评估环境是需要时间的。

    You will need time to settle in and assess your surroundings .

  6. 月初第一天,这家准备乔迁新居。

    The family are moving in on the first of the month .

  7. 新小区建成后,居民返迁回新居。

    The residents moved back after the new residential buildings were constructed .

  8. 给少量的报酬,我的朋友就会帮你把东西搬到你的新居去。

    For a small consideration my friend will help you move your belongings to your new house .

  9. 家庭E时代:推荐国际最流行的家电以及数码产品,为你们的新居增添时尚的家居色彩。

    E-time family : Home appliances and digital products in fashion .

  10. 43岁的瑞特尔(ThomasRitter)是一名持证水管工,他与父亲合作的家庭生意在2000年代发展得很不错,专门为新居安装水管、水槽、浴盆和马桶。

    Thomas Ritter , 43 , is a licensed plumber who had flourished in a family business with his father in the 2000s , equipping new homes with pipes , sinks , tubs and toilets .

  11. 她在Beruwela的新居与海啸留下的废墟形成了鲜明的对比。

    Her new house in Beruwela is a far cry from the rubble left after the tsunami .

  12. 一个亮丽的新水塔已经建好了;在水泥搅拌机和泥瓦匠的喧嚣声中,Sathya与乡亲们即将入住的新居已经初具规模。

    Already , a bright new water tank has been set up . And , amid the crunch of cement mixers and shouts of masons , the new settlement , which will soon house Sathya and her people , is taking shape .

  13. 你的新居里有很多壁橱吗?

    Is there plenty of cupboard space in your new house ?

  14. 我妹妹为自己的新居选择了单一色调的设计。

    My sister selected a monochromatic color-scheme for her new apartment .

  15. 我的新居坐落在那座山脚下。

    My new house lies at the foot of the mountain .

  16. 我很想在温哥华岛购买新居。

    I 'd like to buy a home on Vancouver island .

  17. 你接到迁入新居的通知了吗?

    Have you had notice of moving into the new apartment ?

  18. 欧陆款式新潮家具,令您新居增辉。

    The European-style new furniture adds luster to your new room .

  19. 我们辛苦一天,搬进了新居。

    We had a strenuous day moving into our new house .

  20. 给新居装置窗帘需要花费一笔钱。

    It 'll cost a fortune to curtain the new house .

  21. 凯瑟琳:他已经迁进新居了吗?

    Cathering : has he moved to his new house yet ?

  22. 等我们搬进新居后,请一定来玩。

    Do come to see us when we 've settled in .

  23. 亲爱的房客,欢迎来到你的新居。

    Dear new tenant , welcome to your new home .

  24. 深层水泥搅拌桩在锦林新居9~、10~楼的应用

    Application of Deep Cement - mixing Piles in Residential Buildings

  25. 我们还通过利用厨房面积扩大了新居。

    We made it bigger by using the kitchen space as well .

  26. 他们到处搜罗一些古董来装饰新居。

    They scouted around for some antiques to furnish their new apartment .

  27. 在他的新居中,我看到一架缝纫机和一台收音机。

    In his new home I noticed a sewing-machine and a radio .

  28. 只要你的新居所一定下来,马上就开始打包。

    As soon as your new place is finalized , start packing .

  29. 我们决定装修后搬入新居。

    We decided not to move in until we 'd finished decorating .

  30. 这是一颗盆景数,适合放在你的新居里。

    It 's a bonsai tree for your new apartment .