
sī lǐ lán kǎ
  • Sri Lanka
斯里兰卡[sī lǐ lán kǎ]
  1. 迪安·琼斯正随澳大利亚巡回赛队在斯里兰卡。

    Dean Jones is with the Australian touring team in Sri Lanka .

  2. 在移居英格兰之前,他早年是在斯里兰卡度过的。

    He spent his early life in Sri Lanka before moving to England

  3. 斯里兰卡人在天气方面运气一直很差。

    The Sri Lankans have been having no luck with the weather

  4. 斯里兰卡人和他们的印度兄弟有共同的祖先。

    Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren .

  5. 斯里兰卡板球队将在亚洲杯的决赛中对阵印度队。

    Sri Lanka 's cricket team will play India in the final of the Asia Cup .

  6. 缅甸位于斯里兰卡的东北方。

    Burma is northeast of Sri lanka .

  7. 斯里兰卡无情地忽视人道停火的呼吁

    Sri Lanka has callously ignored calls for a humanitarian cease-fire .

  8. 在斯里兰卡,对佛像和佛教文物不敬是绝对的禁忌。

    Mistreatment of Buddhist15 images and artefacts is strictly16 taboo17 in Sri Lanka .

  9. UNHCR统计数据显示,64个国家共有来自斯里兰卡的大约150000名难民。

    UNHCR statistics show there are nearly 150000 refugees from Sri Lanka in 64 countries .

  10. 斯里兰卡外交部长RohithaBogollagama称CarlBildt可以在其他时间造访。

    Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama says Carl Bildt can visit at another time .

  11. Berman表示,斯里兰卡,印度和中国农村地区的调查显示这些项目已经出现了希望。

    Mr. Berman says findings from agricultural areas of Sri Lanka , India and China show promise .

  12. 联合国高级人道主义特使JohnHolmes说,他未能与斯里兰卡政府达成允许协议,以允许接近身陷猛虎组织与政府军战斗的平民。

    The United Nations top humanitarian envoy John Holmes says he has failed to secure an agreement from the Sri Lankan government on access to civilians trapped in fighting with Tamil Tiger rebels .

  13. 在博茨瓦纳和南非,粮食占消费者价格指数(CPI)的五分之一;而在斯里兰卡和孟加拉(Bangladesh),则占到三分之二。

    In Botswana and South Africa , food accounts for a fifth of the consumer price index ; in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh it accounts for two-thirds .

  14. 许多机构都热衷于采用这一方式,史塔福郡大学(StaffordshireUniversity)就是其中一个,该学校正通过合作关系在中国、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、阿曼以及欧洲提供学位。

    Staffordshire University is one of many institutions that have enthusiastically embraced this , offering degrees through partnerships in China , India , Pakistan , Sri Lanka , Oman and Europe .

  15. 于是我选了坐面包车旅行,司机是个快活的僧伽罗人,名叫W·S·亚帕(W.S.Yapa),30多年来一直搭载旅客和记者们在斯里兰卡全境旅行

    I opted instead for a van with a cheerful Sinhalese driver named W. S. Yapa , who has been ferrying tourists and journalists throughout Sri Lanka for over three decades .

  16. 法国外交部长BernardKouchner说,他和Miliband告诉斯里兰卡外交部长,世界人民将会帮助那些受到战争创伤的人。

    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner says he and Miliband told their Sri Lankan counterpart the world is standing by to help people traumatized by the war .

  17. 斯里兰卡Hambantota港口项目港址选择及一期工程设计介绍

    Site selection of Hambantota port development project in Srilanka and introduction of Phase I project design

  18. 介绍了ANSYS有限元程序应用于出口斯里兰卡客车转向架构架的静强度计算分析和校核,并利用Goodman疲劳强度极限图对构架的疲劳强度进行了评估。

    In this paper , the ANSYS finite element analysis software is introduced to compute static strength and the fatigue strength of the bogie frame . The Goodman fatigue limit figure is used to evaluate the bogie frame .

  19. 出口斯里兰卡动车组DTB-1型转向架

    The DTB-1 Type Bogie of DMUs Exported to Sri Lanka

  20. 斯里兰卡BG-902水稻幼茎愈伤组织的诱导和植株再生

    Callus Induction and Plantlet Regeneration from Isolated Seedling of Oryza sativa Srilanka BG-902

  21. Sheth是英籍斯里兰卡人,他的一只脚被划了很深的一道口子。

    Sheth , British with Sri Lankan roots , has an open gash on his foot .

  22. “自从战争结束后,中国一直在设法挺进斯里兰卡,抓住更多机遇,”新德里智库政策研究中心(centreforpolicyresearch)的战略研究教授布拉马切拉尼(brahmachellaney)表示。

    " Since the end of the war , China has been trying to jump in and seize more opportunities in Sri Lanka , " says Brahma Chellaney , Professor of strategic studies at the centre for policy research , a New Delhi think-tank .

  23. 他们还号召建立一个南亚气候变化基金,在今年7月于斯里兰卡的科伦坡举行的下届SAARC峰会上预定将进行进一步的讨论。

    They also called for a South Asia fund on climate change , with further discussions scheduled for the next SAARC summit in Colombo , Sri Lanka , in July .

  24. 她也表示,印度可以帮助斯里兰卡在击败泰米尔(Tamil)叛军之后进行政治和解,所有斯里兰卡人都应享有过上美好生活的同样的希望和机遇。

    She also said India can help Sri Lanka with its political reconciliation following the defeat of Tamil rebels , and that all Sri Lankans deserve the same hope and opportunities for a better future .

  25. 他们在巴拿马BarroColorado岛和斯里兰卡的Sinharaja使用了这种方法研究单独的树木物种是否会增加或减少当地的生物多样性,或者对其没有影响。

    They used the method in tropical forests of Barro Colorado Island in Panama and Sinharaja in Sri Lanka to see whether individual species increased or decreased local biodiversity , or had no impact .

  26. 今年3月份,集广公司(ZegrahmExpeditions)在2015年的所有航线中,免除了三条的单人附加费:黑海环海行,印度、斯里兰卡和马尔代夫行,还有南乔治亚岛环岛行。

    In March , Zegrahm Expeditions eliminated the single supplement on three of its 2015 trips : a circumnavigation of the Black Sea ; a visit to India , Sri Lanka and the Maldives ; and a circumnavigation of South Georgia Island .

  27. 总部位于印度的茶叶种植企业McleodRussel的观点得到了业内其它公司的认同,因为印度、斯里兰卡和肯尼亚同时爆发的旱灾对茶叶产量造成重创。

    The view of Mcleod Russel , the India-based plantation company , is shared by others in the industry as production has been hit by simultaneous droughts in India , Sri Lanka and Kenya .

  28. 我们置身斯里兰卡美丽的丘陵,距离哈顿镇(Hatton)不远,在这个超过海拔4000英尺的地方,生长着世界上最好的若干茶叶。

    Here , near the town of Hatton , in the alluring hill country of Sri Lanka , some of the finest tea in the world is grown at an elevation exceeding 4000 feet .

  29. 在1月26日的大选中,拉贾帕克萨将面临前军事首脑SarathFonseka将军的严峻挑战。SarathFonseka一直声称斯里兰卡贪污和腐败问题猖獗。

    Mr. Rajapaksa faces a significant challenge in the January 26 presidential election from his former top military chief , General Sarath Fonseka , who has called bribery and corruption " " in the country .

  30. AthulaSumathipala是英国伦敦大学国王学院精神病学研究所的临床研究员,也是斯里兰卡研究和发展研究所的名誉所长。

    Athula Sumathipala is a clinical researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry in Kings College London , United Kingdom and honorary director of the Institute of Research and Development in Sri Lanka .