
  • 网络File System Permissions;Filesystem permissions
  1. NET应用程序中启用模拟,以便可以使用文件系统权限来限制对页面的访问。

    NET apps so they can use file system permissions to restrict access to pages .

  2. 虽然这不会将用户的信息保存到CD上,但是可以使用apt-get进行升级,更新nessus插件,以及需要对这个文件系统具有写权限的任何事情。

    This won 't save their information to the CD , but it will allow apt-get upgrade to work , nessus plugins update , and anything else that would require write access to the filesystem .

  3. 快照会保留与原始文件系统相同的权限。

    The snapshot retains the same permissions as the original file system .

  4. -必须对本地文件系统具有写入权限

    - You must have write access to the local filesystem

  5. 因此,运行这些命令的安全机制以文件的操作系统权限为基础。

    Therefore , the security mechanism to run these commands is based on the operating system permissions of the files .

  6. 为了正常操作,必须对服务启动帐户进行配置,使其具有正确的域、文件系统和注册表权限。

    To operate correctly , the service startup account must be configured to have the correct domain , file system , and registry permissions .

  7. 安装和卸载文件系统通常需要root权限。

    Mounting and unmounting filesystems usually requires root authority .

  8. SQLite根据该文件系统获得其数据库权限。

    SQLite depends on the file system for its database permissions .

  9. 现在已经可以加载文件系统了,检查权限并确认文件系统目录。

    You are now ready to mount the file systems , check permissions , and verify the file system contents .

  10. 如果不谨慎地控制谁对文件系统有写访问权限,用户只需手工编辑配置文件,就可以破坏产品的安全性控制(比如审计)。

    If you do not carefully control who has write access to the file system , a user can subvert the product security controls ( such as auditing ) by simply hand editing the configuration files .

  11. 引用一个文件的消息一般包含文件的文件系统模式(包括权限和文件类型)、设备、inode号和路径名。

    Messages referring to a file will generally contain the file 's filesystem mode ( including both permissions and file type ), and the device and inode numbers , and the path name .

  12. 修改文件系统的拥有者为DB2实例拥有者,这样DB2实例拥有者将拥有这个文件系统的完整访问权限。

    Modify the owner of the filesystem to be the DB2 instance owner so the DB2 instance owner has full access to this file system .