
  • 网络Quantity management;quantitative management;quantitative manage-ment
  1. 在这点上,WebSphereApplicationServerforz/OS为您提供了更容易的线程数量管理。

    At this point , WebSphere Application Server for z / OS gives you much easier management for the thread number .

  2. 药品数量管理与医保系统的关系

    The Relation between the Management of Drug Quantity and Medicare System

  3. 利用液位仪管理系统完善油品数量管理的设想

    The Thoughts on Perfecting Oil Products Quantity Management Using Liquid Level Meter Management System

  4. 加油站油品数量管理之管见

    Views on quantity management at gas stations

  5. 提出要认真做好加油站的油品数量管理工作,当加油站损耗超出合理范围时,一定要认真追究,查明原因。

    In order to improve quantity management , it 's essential to find out the cause of loss when loss exceeds reasonable range .

  6. 研究结论:耕地质量动态监测与预警的实现是国土资源由数量管理向数量、质量并重管理的重要技术基础。

    The conclusion shows that the arable-land quality dynamic monitoring and early-warning system is important technique basis to realize quantitative and qualitative land resources management .

  7. 第二章,保险公司经济资本数量管理。主要包括保险公司风险的识别、经济资本计量以及经济资本数量管理的作用机制。

    Mainly include three parts : the risk recognition , the economical capital measurement , the function mechanism of economical capital quantity management in insurance companies .

  8. 数字化变频调速教学实验装置的产品化设计利用液位仪管理系统完善油品数量管理的设想

    Practical Design for Digital Teaching and Experiment Device of Speed Control by Frequency Variation ; The Thoughts on Perfecting Oil Products Quantity Management Using Liquid Level Meter Management System

  9. 同时制订土壤质量修复和保护规划,并完善有关立法,实现土地资源由数量管理向数量与质量管理并重的战略转变。

    Finally , some laws and regulations should be issued , to realize a strategic change in management of land resources from quantity-based one to one based on both quality and quantity .

  10. 分析了2006年我国纺织品出口可能将面临再一轮人民币升值和持续数量管理的双重压力。

    China 's textile export may face double pressure from RMB 's appreciation of and " quantity control " again in 2006.The negative influence from appreciation of RMB shows in dynamic and static aspects .

  11. 农用地定级是土地评价理论的重要实践领域,也是实现从土地的数量管理向数量与质量综合管理的目标迈进的重要手段;

    As an important practice field of land evaluation theory , classification of arable land has been an emphasis measure of conversion from management in quantity to synthetic one in quantity and quality on land .

  12. 随着土地资源管理从数量管理向质量管护和生态管护方向发展,对土地动态监测也提出了更高的要求,土地动态监测将从以往单一的土地数量监测向土地质量监测发展。

    With the development of land resource management transferred from quantity management to quality and ecology protection , it required more advanced approaches to dynamic land monitoring . Dynamic land monitoring will develop to land quality monitoring from land quantity monitoring .

  13. 旅游市场信息不对称现象具有特定的表现形式,它的存在是旅行社不正当竞争的温床,严重制约了旅游市场由数量管理向质量管理的根本转变。

    In the tourism market , the phenomenon of information asymmetry presents its specific form . It is the " hot bed " of the unfair competition , which seriously restricts the fundamental change Of the tourism management from quantity to quality .

  14. 黑麦草人工草地数量化管理指数的研究

    Study on quantification management index of ryegrass artificial pasture

  15. 目的:利用计算机技术,实现药品数量化管理。

    Object : Making use of computer technology to realize quantitative management of drug .

  16. 医院病房药房药品数量化管理模式的探讨

    Quantitative management of medicine in ward pharmacy of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University

  17. 结论:门诊西药房药品数量化管理可为药学服务提供了有利条件。

    Conclusion : Quantitative management of drug can provid favorable conditions for pharmaceutical services .

  18. 设计了角色权限管理模块,解决了软件运行阶段庞大的用户数量难以管理的问题;

    Designed privilege management for huge user groups ;

  19. 研究表明,数量化管理指数是对草地管理因子标准化研究的有效方法;

    The results showed that quantitative management indices were effective for research on standardization of pasture management factors ;

  20. 内部管理完善,内控制度健全,配备的会计结算人员素质和数量符合管理要求;

    Well established internal management system and internal control system ; qualification and quantity of accountants allocated satisfy management requirements ;

  21. 结果:通过药品数量化管理,提高了工作效率,促进了药房的各项工作更加规范化、科学化。

    Results : Quantitative management of drug have raised the work efficiency , promoted the works in dispensary more normal and scientific .

  22. 虚拟门户通过减少并行安装的数量简化管理,并且它们有助于避免冗余硬件的需求。

    Virtual portals simplify administration by reducing the number of parallel installations , and they help avoid the requirement for redundant hardware .

  23. 但是,数量化管理并非无所不用的模式,在适当领域还应适当讲究管理的模糊性;

    Quantity management , however , is not the only pattern and in certain fields the uncertainty of management should also be stressed .

  24. 其中,地理位置是草坪杂草分布差异的间接原因,杂草种类的多少及每种杂草的数量与管理水平有直接的关系。

    The number of weed species occurred and population size of each weed species depended directly on the management of the turf , whereas the turf location played the secondary effects on the weeds .

  25. 耕地自然质量评价对于耕地质量和数量并重管理,实现土地资源的高效利用,促进农业的可持续化发展具有重要意义。

    Evaluating the quality of cultivated land has an important significance for the management of quality and quantity of cultivated land , the efficient use of land resources , and the development of sustainable agricultural .

  26. 与此同时,私人股本合伙公司的数量及其管理资产规模的增幅相对较小,而制造品和能源出口国的硬通货储备不断迅速增长,正在催生第二代主权财富基金。

    Meanwhile , there has been a somewhat smaller surge in the number of private equity partnerships and the assets they manage , while the rapidly accruing hard currency reserves of exporters of manufactured goods and energy are producing a second generation of sovereign wealth funds .

  27. 中国人口数量与质量管理决策支持系统的研究

    A Study on DSS of Population Quantity and Quality Control in China

  28. 解释何种数量方法对管理领域已做出了贡献。

    Explain what the quantitative approach has contributed to the field of management .

  29. 列出库存商品及其数量的库存管理窗口的屏幕截图

    Screen capture of the Inventory management window with list of inventory items and quantity of each item

  30. 在经济决策、金融数量分析以及管理等方面,模糊理论已经为决策者提供了不可或缺的重要信息。

    In economic decision-making , financial analysis and management , fuzzy theory has been indispensable to decision makers important information .