
shù bǎn
  • recite poetic stories/etc. with clapper accompaniment
  1. 基于RocketI/O的光纤数传板设计

    Fibre Data Channel Transfer Board based on Rocket I / O

  2. 基于PMC背板标准的光纤数传板能够应用于多种高速数据传输系统中,通过光纤数传板,能够进行系统间远距离、高速度数据传输。

    The problem of high speed , long distance data transfer between two systems is solved by the Fibre Channel Data Transfer Board .

  3. 一轮投球数从板球场投出的一系列的六个球。

    A series of six balls bowled from one end of a cricket pitch .

  4. 以方板为例,研究了支点数对板的挠度及弯矩的影响。

    The effect of the number of point supports on the deflections and the moment values of square plates is discussed .

  5. 分析了入口气流温度、风速、板数和板厚等因素的影响;

    The influences of these factors are analyzed , such as the inlet flow temperature , the flow velocity , the thickness and numbers of the plates , etc.

  6. 介绍了板上层构造负筋的折弯长度、板上层构造负筋的根数以及板上层构造负筋的分布筋长度的计算公式及计算方法,对工程技术人员有一定的参考价值。

    This paper introduces the bending length of upper structural negative reinforcement of slab as well as the calculation formula and method for length calculation of distribution tendons , which has a certain reference value for technicians .

  7. 后面章节详细介绍了系统的一些接口和控制电路,如大功率数模转换板、滤波器、控制逻辑处理器等等,以及CVI工业控制软件开发环境及WINDOWS编程等软件方面的内容。

    In addition , some interface circuits , such as high-power D / A card , filter board , logic-process board and the feature of CVI programming language and WINDOWS programming are also introduced in detail with some chapters .

  8. 通过pushover分析,研究了板厚、楼层数对预应力板-柱结构在不同地震作用水平下抗震性能的影响以及三种结构的抗震性能对比。

    Through the pushover analysis , we have researched on the effect of the slab-thickness and floor-number on the aseismic performance of the prestressed slab-column structure under different aseismic action levels .

  9. 提出了一个从已知的Peclet数确定塔板上液体混合池数的关联式。

    A new correlation between the number of mixing pools and the Peclet number of liquid on trays was presented for determining the number of mixing pools from a known Peclet Number .

  10. 高层数刚挠性板工艺的研究

    Study of the Processing of High - layer Rigid-flex Board

  11. 低雷诺数的孔板计量数值模拟及其应用

    Numerical Simulation and Application of Flow Through a Pipe Orifice at Low Reynolds Numbers

  12. 该履带的节距、履带板数、履带板宽与普通的履带相同。

    The pitch , numbers and width of track shoes are the same with the general track .

  13. 并对萃取塔中相比、温度、塔板数和塔板效率进行了灵敏度分析。

    The sensitivity was analyzed in terms of phase ratio , temperature , number of plates and plate efficiency .

  14. 用不同格数的玻板测定灭鼠效果的研究

    A study on grid / plate method and the accuracy of determining deratization results by transparent plates of varied square numbers

  15. 相同雷诺数的槽板平均表面换热系数是平板的2~3倍,同时减小了流动阻力。

    The grooves on the heated surface lowered the flow resistance and enhanced the film heat transfer coefficient 2-3 times that of flat plates .

  16. 由于较好地安排了D+7AI/0数模转换板的输出口,使主探测器&正比计数器的两维移动更加方便、合理。

    Arranging the output ports of the D + 7AI / O module properly the 2 dimension movements of the main detector is more expedient and rational .

  17. 结果表明:拉伸倍数、热盘绕丝圈数、热板温度、拉伸速度、拉伸温度是制备异染型涤纶长丝的主要影响因素。

    The experimental results indicated that the key factors affecting the forming of the dye variant PET filament were as follows : draw ratio , wind ratio on the heater disk , heater plate temperature , drawing speed and drawing temperature .

  18. 用加权残数法求环板在Mises屈服条件下的极限载荷

    On load carrying capacities of ring plates under Mises yield condition by using the method of weighted residuals

  19. 以化工中3个典型计算为例,用Excel电子表格计算汽-液平衡组成及温度,确定了理论塔板数及各块板上汽-液平衡组成,求出了烟道气组成。

    Three typical examples of chemical engineering are calculated by using Excel . The vapour-liquid equilibrium composition and its boiling point , the number of ideal plates , the vapour-liquid equilibrium composition on various plates , and the composition of flue gas are obtained .

  20. 国际航行船舶应用的数种防鼠板大都存在一定的缺陷。

    Most of the rat guards which are applied on international ships have some shortcomings .

  21. 用加权残数法求解环形板的极限荷载

    To find the solution of the limit load of annular plates by using the weighted-residual method

  22. 复合材料多层板壳自振频率受迫振动及临界载荷的加权残数解黏弹性环形板的临界载荷及动力稳定性

    Weighted Residual Solution of Free Frequency and Forced Vibration and Critical Load on Laminated Composite Shallow Shells and Plates

  23. 对某可调混压进气道在不同攻角、不同马赫数、不同斜板角度下进行了大量的数值计算。

    At different attack angles , Mach numbers and ramp angles , the numerical calculations of inner and external flow field are performed for an adjustable mixed compression inlet .

  24. 在精馏单元操作的课程设计中,采用Langrangc三点插值法计算二元非理想物系精馏的理论塔板数以及每块塔板上的汽液平衡组成。

    The Langrange three-point interpolation is used to calculate the number of theoretical tower plates of rectification process and the compositions of vapor-liquid balance of each plate in the course design of rectification unit operation .

  25. 油罐的最优高度与钢材许用应力、焊接接头系数、顶底厚度之和、圈板数(或圈板高度)、最小壁厚和液面蒸汽压等有关。

    It was found that the height is dependent not only on steel , welded seam and the thickness of the shell and bottom , but also on height of wall plate , minimum shell thickness and vapour pressure .