
  • 网络Data Communication Protocol;BACnet
  1. EIB是一种开放的控制网络的数据通信协议,本文分析了EIB系统的体系结构及其操作模式,并提出了EIB协议的系统模型,同时针对该模型的特点及具体实现进行了详细分析。

    EIB is a kind of data communications protocol applied to open control network . This paper analyses architecture and operating mode of EIB system , advances system model of EIB protocol and analyses it in detail on its characteristics and material realization .

  2. 信道接入协议(MAC)是无线数据通信协议的重要组成部分。

    Medium access control ( MAC ) protocol is an important component of the wireless data communication protocols .

  3. ATM适配层数据通信协议研究

    Study of ATM adaptation layer protocols for data communication

  4. 早期的解决方案要求Internet接入服务器能够识别设备的数据通信协议,并依据通信协议的内容来确定网络数据报的报文。

    In many early solutions , Internet Access Server must distinguish device communication protocols and group network datagram according to the detailed content of proto - cols .

  5. 因此,MAC协议在数据通信协议栈中占有很关键的地位。

    Accordingly , the MAC protocol is a very crucial part in the data communication protocol stack .

  6. 其次介绍了常见的几种数据通信协议,着重介绍了红外光通信的基本原理和工作方式,红外光线的调制解调,信号的编码,PWM调光等技术。

    Secondly introduces several common data communication protocol , introduces the basic principle of infrared communication and work methods .

  7. 设计实现了数据通信协议,以VB为开发环境实现了车载终端和监控中心的通信模块,使车载终端和监控中心之间按照命令协议规范进行通信。

    So the vehicle terminal can communicate with monitoring center in accordance with the data communication protocol specification .

  8. 根据系统的特点,设计了基于UDP的控制台与工作站之间的数据通信协议。

    The data communication protocols are designed for control system and workstation to communicating .

  9. CCSDS空间数据通信协议研究及其OPNET仿真

    Research on CCSDS Space Data Protocol and Simulation Based on OPNET

  10. 改进的一点对多点(PMP)数据通信协议

    An Improved Protocol for Point to Multipoint Data Communication

  11. 第二章研究USB系统组成、USB的机械和电气特性,以及USB数据通信协议。

    In chapter 2 , the architecture of USB system , the mechanical and electrical characteristics of USB are introduced , and the protocol of USB data communication is summarized .

  12. BACnet是一种为楼宇自动控制网络所制定的数据通信协议,为楼宇控制网络提供了标准有效的解决方案。

    BACnet is a data communication protocol for building automation control networks , which provides normal and effective methods to building control network .

  13. 然后介绍了适用于实时交易系统的数据通信协议XMP和XTP。

    And then , the paper introduces XMP and XTP .

  14. 该并行结构通过在FPGA内实现互联网络和特定的数据通信协议,实现三片DSP(TMS320C6713)的有效互联,系统结构可重构、可扩展。

    Within FPGA a FIFO interconnection network and the specific data communication protocol are implemented , which interconnect 3 DSPs ( TMS320C6414 ) effectively . The system architecture is reconfigurable and scalable .

  15. BACnet是开放的楼宇设备自动控制网络数据通信协议,研究并开发具有自主版权的BACnet协议软件是有重大意义的。

    BACnet is an open data communication protocol for building automation and control network , it is very significant to study and implement BACnet with our copyright .

  16. BACnet标准是用于楼宇自控网络的数据通信协议,其作用是使不同厂商的楼宇自控设备能够实现互操作。

    BACnet is " a Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Network . " It can enable building automation devices and systems from different manufacturers to implement cooperation .

  17. 两部分软件都是使用QT开发库进行开发,本文详细地给出了软件各部分的工作原理,以及程序流程图、数据库的设计、数据通信协议的设计,还有重要部分的详细代码实现。

    In this part , this paper describes the detailed design of the software , including the working principle , flow chart of the program , design of the database , data communication protocol and code of the important part .

  18. 通过比较Visualc++提供的访问串口方法,选用了Win32API作为软件的实现方法;分析了PC机与视野仪分体机的数据通信协议;设计了串口读写数据的流程图。

    Through comparing each method to access the serial port provided by Visual C + + , Win32 API is selected as the implementation method ; the communication protocol between the PC and the split unit is presented ; and the flowchart of reading and sending data is designed .

  19. 分析BACnet(楼宇自动控制网络数据通信协议)对于新的对象、属性以及服务扩展的支持,并探讨基于Auto-ID(自动识别)的系统的特点及其对对象和服务的特殊要求。

    The extension support of BACnet ( a data communication protocol for building automation and control network ) to new objects , properties and services are analyzed . The characteristics and special requests to its objects and services of the system based on Auto-ID ( automatic IDentification ) are discussed .

  20. 具有动态帧长的一点对多点数据通信协议

    A Frame Length Varying Protocol for Point to Multipoint Data Communication

  21. 智能交通系统中数据通信协议的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation for Data Communication Protocol in Intelligent Transport System

  22. 全分布式系统中数据通信协议的设计

    The Design of Data Communication Protocol in Full - Distributed System

  23. 自动控制网络数据通信协议研究

    Study on Data Communication Protocol of Automation and Control Network

  24. 自定义串口数据通信协议的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Self-defining Serial Port Communication Protocol

  25. 一种基于数字水印的无线传感器网络敏感数据通信协议

    A sensitive data communication protocol for wireless sensor networks based on digital watermarking

  26. 介绍了测量站和主控站的软件,以及数据通信协议。

    The software and communication protocol of measurement and control stations are introduced .

  27. 提高移动信道可靠性的编码方法和数据通信协议

    Selection of Channel Encoding Method and Private Data Communication Protocol for Improving Mobile Channel Reliability

  28. 电力系统数据通信协议体系

    Data communication protocol series for power systems

  29. 另一方面,空间数据通信协议的标准也不是一成不变的。

    On the other hand , the standard of data communication protocol of the space is not unalterable .

  30. 采用了一种适用于本系统的点对多点的无线数据通信协议。

    A wireless communication protocol , which is applicable for one point to multi-point system , is introduced .