
  • 网络Database marketing
  1. ABC轿车公司数据库营销实施方案设计

    The Implementation Plan of Database Marketing for ABC Automobile Company

  2. 论客户关系管理(CRM)的基础:数据库营销

    On the Base of CRM : Database Marketing

  3. 面向Web应用的网络数据库营销

    Web-oriented Market of Network Database

  4. CRM从关系营销和数据库营销的概念发展而来,通过现代的信息化手段得以实现。

    CRM developed from relationship marketing and database marketing and come to reality by modern information technique .

  5. KDD技术及数据库营销在商业中的应用

    Application of KDD and Data-base Technology in Business Administration

  6. 作者运用关系市场营销理论、数据库营销理论和组织结构理论、激励理论等来说明和论证这些理论在CRM客户关系管理系统中的作用。

    The author explains and justifies these theoretical role in the CRM system by using the theory of relationship marketing , database marketing theory and structure theory , motivation theory .

  7. 以CRM理论为中心,介绍了数据库营销这一新的营销手段的兴起,并且分析了CRM与数据库营销之间的关系。

    And making the CRM theory as the center , to introduce the rising of the marketing of database , which is the new marketing way , and also to analyze the relationships between CRM and the marketing of database .

  8. 作为较早开展信用卡电话营销的银行之一,Z银行针对目标客户展开了精准的数据库营销,在近几年实现了高速发展,弥补了直销渠道在获取及经营目标客户方面的不足。

    As one of the earliest commercial bank in credit card telemarketing , Z bank launched accurate database marketing to the target customers , and made rapid development in recent years , making up for the lack of direct sales channels .

  9. 数据库营销及其在旅游企业的应用

    The Application of Data - base Marketing in the Travel Industry

  10. 数据库营销响应建模的一种新的数据挖掘方法

    A Novel Data Mining Approach to Response Modeling in Database Marketing

  11. 在金融数据库营销中的一种数据挖掘与决策分析的方法

    New data mining and decision making method for financial database marketing

  12. 顾客关系管理系统中数据库营销的应用研究

    Study on the application of database marketing in customer relationship management system

  13. 金融危机下报业的数字化生存与数据库营销

    The Survival of Digitalized Press under the Economic Crisis and Database Marketing

  14. 旅行社数据库营销理论与方法研究

    Research on the Theory and Method of Database Marketing for the Travel Agency

  15. 在线数据库营销模型及其特点

    The Online Database Marketing Model and its Characters

  16. 数据库营销具有持续性、针对性、高效性、循环性等特点。

    Database marketing has the characteristics of continuity , pertinent , efficiency and cycle .

  17. 邮政数据库营销应用研究

    Study on Postal Service Database Marketing Application

  18. 数据库营销策略的规划与实施

    Planning and Implementation on Database Marketing Strategy

  19. 并对即将完全实施的数据库营销、俱乐部营销、个人关系营销进行了详实的阐述。

    Further more we discuses the database marketing , club marketing and personal relationship marketing .

  20. 网络数据库营销策略研究

    Research on Network Database-Marketing Strategy

  21. 同时,加之市场各领域需求的饱和与竞争的加剧,不少非直销领域的营销者也纷纷采用数据库营销的观念和技术。

    Meanwhile , many marketers in the indirect selling field are using the database marketing ideas and technology .

  22. 本文主要是对数据库营销理论、营销模式在轿车市场中的应用加以研究。

    This article mainly studied about data base marketing theory , and the marketing mode applying in sedan marketing .

  23. 数据库营销是营销领域的新潮流和新趋势,为营销创新提供了良好的基础和手段。

    It is a new trend of marketing area , which providing a good basis and means for marketing innovation .

  24. 网络数据库营销是适应信息社会需求新型的以顾客为中心营销策略。

    Network Database-Marketing is a new strategy that takes clients as the centre for meeting the need of information society .

  25. 篱笆网创办于2003年,是一家专注于大中城市中产家庭消费领域的数据库营销公司。

    Liba is a database marketing company established in2003 focuses on the middle class families'consumption in large and medium-sized cities .

  26. 数据库营销是数据业务推广最好的营销方式,数据库营销最佳实现方式是电话营销。

    The best marketing of value-added service promotion is database marketing , and the best way of database marketing is telemarketing .

  27. 这个观点已经刺激了直接营销、服务质量、关系营销、数据库营销等领域研究的快速发展。

    This particular view has triggered important research streams such as direct marketing , service quality , relationship marketing , and database marketing .

  28. 首先在引言部分,论述了目前营销理论的发展,以及数据库营销在轿车行业应用的可能。

    I expounded in the epigraph of nowadays development of marketing theory and the possibility of data base marketing applying in sedan market .

  29. 其他销售渠道,以及新兴的销售渠道,都可以是中小型银行尝试发展的渠道,如联名伙伴数据库营销、网络渠道等。

    Other and emerging new channels , such as promotion via partnership database or internet marketing , could also be tried by mid-small banks .

  30. 在第一章,本文首先阐述了数据库营销的概念,以及数据库营销产生的市场背景,理论来源。

    In chapter one , I illustrated the concept of data base marketing and the market background and theory by which data base marketing occur .