
jiào yù pínɡ ɡū zhì dù
  • educational assessment system
  1. 法国高等教育评估制度介评

    Presentation and appraisal of evaluation system of higher education in France

  2. 我国教师教育评估制度的特点、问题与对策

    Characteristics , Problems and Countermeasures of the Education Evaluation of Chinese Teachers

  3. 中国高等教育评估制度探析

    Exploration of the Evaluation System of Chinese Higher Education

  4. 我国高等教育评估制度建设的回顾与反思

    Revision and Introspection of the Construction of Higher Educational Assess System in China

  5. 第二章对我国高等教育评估制度的发展历程进行了分析;

    In chapter 2 , the thesis analyzes the formation and development of China 's evaluation system of higher education .

  6. 通过本文的研究希望能对建立健全我国高等教育评估制度有所帮助。

    Undoubtedly , I hope my research will be helpful and contributive to build our higher education evaluation system at present .

  7. 我国现行高等教育评估制度的突出特点是政府乃评估的主体,在一定的历史阶段起到了积极作用。

    Our present HEES whose notable feature is taking governmental evaluation as the subject has made some contributions in the former time .

  8. 从比较的角度研究高等教育评估制度,借鉴国外先进经验,对构建具有中国特色的高等教育评估制度大有裨益。

    Examining the matter from comparative education angle and learning from foreign advanced experience besteads us in building the HEES with Chinese characteristics .

  9. 因此,必须改革传统的高等教育评估制度,构建适应评估主体多元化的评估制度。

    So , it 's necessary to reform the traditional higher education evaluation system and establish the evaluation system fit for the evaluation entity diversification .

  10. 因此,探讨构建具有中国特色高等教育评估制度具有重要现实意义和理论价值。

    Hence , it 's of great significance both in theory and practice to probe into the issue of establishing the evaluation system of higher education with the characteristic of China .

  11. 高等教育评估制度的建设是当前我国深化高等教育管理体制改革、保证高等教育健康发展的需要。

    To adapt higher education to the needs of the managerial system reform and the healthy development , we must build and perfect the Higher Education Evaluation System ( HEES ) .

  12. 摘要建立健全校内成人高等教育评估制度既是国家成人高等教育评估工作的基础,也是高校提高成人高等教育人才培养质量的重要管理手段。

    To set up and improve the system of adult higher education evaluation in the higher education institutions is both the base for national adult higher education evaluation , and the important method for improving the education quality .

  13. 实行网络教育行业评估制度。

    The implementation of online education industry assessment system .

  14. 马来西亚私立高等教育评估认证制度研究

    Research on the Evaluation and Accreditation System of Private Higher Education in Malaysia

  15. 北欧高等教育质量评估制度比较研究&寻求高校内外部需求的平衡

    The Comparison of Quality Assessment System of Higher Education in the Nordic Countries & Developing a Balance Between External and Internal Needs of Universities

  16. 着力建立县级行政区域全面推进素质教育的评估制度,是建立和完善自上而下的素质教育督导评估体系中的关键环节,是教育行政督导工作的重点。

    Complicacies to establish evaluation system of promoting quality - oriented education on a county level are keynotes to supervise and evaluate quality - oriented education from the upper to the lower level , remaining also as the key point to supervise educational work .

  17. 建立科学的民政教育培训质量评估制度

    On the Institution of Scientific Evaluation System to the Civil Administration Educational Training Quality

  18. 为此,应从加大投资力度、改革专业设置、加强师资队伍建设、强化实践教学环节、建立高等职业教育质量监督评估制度等方面来提高我省高等职业教育质量。

    Ways to improve the quality of vocational education include more investment , reformation of courses and programs , construction of teaching team , reinforcing teaching and establishing supervision and evaluation system , etc. Enhance supervision system ;

  19. 建立我国教师教育认可与质量评估制度的思考

    Reflections on Establishment of China 's Teacher Education Accreditation and Evaluation System

  20. 但毕竟我国的高等教育评估起步晚,高等教育评估制度的建设至今还处在探索阶段。

    As we know , the construction of our own higher education evaluation is still under the exploration .

  21. 摘要美国是当今世界上高等教育最发达的国家,其高等教育评估制度有着悠久的历史,发展得比较完善。

    The American higher education is the most developed one in the world and the system of assessment has a long history and develops relatively perfectly .

  22. 第二十四条国家实行教育督导制度和学校及其他教育机构教育评估制度。

    Article 24 The State applies an educational supervision system and an educational evaluation system for schools and other institutions of education .

  23. 美日发达国家的高等教育评估发展得比较完善和系统。因此分析借鉴美日两国高等教育评估制度,对今后我国高等教育评估制度的发展有重要的借鉴意义。

    The evaluation systems of higher education in such developed countries as USA and Japan , are perfect and systemic , and it is significant to analyze them and use the experiences for reference .

  24. 建设严密的教育法律法规体系、完善教育法规纵横结构、建立有关教育管理评估法规制度是当务之急,也是在教育立法工作中值得探讨的一个重要课题。

    Compared to other , we should strengthen the construction of laws , establish the tight ELRS and improve its lateral ties as quickly as possible , reform educational management system and set up its appraisal rules and make further efforts on educational legislation in order to perfect the ELRS .

  25. 根据我国高等教育发展实际,可以从英国高等教育保障制度中吸取有益的经验,完善高等教育评估与保障制度。

    According to the facts of development in higher education , China may learn the beneficial experience from the quality assurance system of English higher education , to make the present system of evaluating and safeguarding higher education perfect .

  26. 职业教育应从优化专业结构、改革课程体系、拓宽就业渠道、强化就业指导、实施创业教育和完善评估制度等方面入手,走出一条可持续发展的自适应之路。

    The vocational education should find an auto-adapted way of sustainable development , by optimizing the speciality structure , reforming the curriculum system , widening the chance of obtaining employment , strengthening the career guidance , carrying out the enterprise education and perfecting the evaluation system , etc.