
  • 网络educational economy
  1. 摘要教育经济与管理是教育学、经济学和管理学多学科交叉的学科。

    Educational economy and management is a multi-interdisciplinary subject intersected by education , economy and management .

  2. 廊坊市全面进入这一市场,发展教育经济,目前存在着难得的机遇,同时也面临着很大的挑战。

    Entering this market and developing the educational economy , Langfang city is facing a valuable opportunity as well as great challenge .

  3. 西方主要教育经济理论分析与比较

    The Analysis and Comparison of Western Main Education Economy Theory

  4. 高等教育经济复合系统协调度优化控制

    Optimizing Control of Coordination of co-system of education and economy

  5. 多年时滞教育经济投入占用产出模型与教育结构研究

    Study on Multiyear Lag Education-Economy Extended I-O Model with Asset

  6. 教育经济贡献率的一种软计算方法

    A Soft Computing Method of Economic Contribution Rate of Education

  7. 高等教育经济效益模糊综合评价改进模型

    Higher Education Economic Efficiency Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Improved Model

  8. 高等教育经济地理:理念与实践

    Economic Geography of Higher Education : Idea and Practice

  9. 第一章是对教育经济贡献率的理论分析。

    The first chapter is theory analysis about economic contribution rate of education .

  10. 基于教育经济主义的教育发展方向

    On Education Development Direction According to Educational Economic Doctrine

  11. 论张謇的教育经济思想与地方建设

    Zhang Jian 's Educational-economic Thinking and the Local Construction

  12. 对教育经济主义思潮的反思

    Rethinking to Thoughts of Educational Economism

  13. 高等医学教育经济效益国内外比较研究

    Study and Comparison of Economical Effectiveness in the Higher Medical Education Between China and Some Foreign Countries

  14. 高职高专教育经济类课程改革与建设的动因分析

    Reason Analysis on the Reform and Construction of Educational Economics Courses in High commissioner of the professorship

  15. 在这种背景下,作为高校内部管理职能部门的高校内部审计对高校教育经济活动的监督显得尤为重要。

    In this context , as the university internal management departments of internal audit in universities and colleges of higher education economic activity monitoring is very important .

  16. 本文讨论了教育经济区域的概念,教育经济区划的意义、理论基础、方法与步骤。

    This paper discusses the concept of the education economic zone , the significance of classifying education economic zones , and the theoretical foundations , methods and steps of classifying education economic zones .

  17. 根据北京师范大学首都教育经济研究院的研究人员周金燕表示,遭遇欺凌会对孩子的个人发展及学业表现有负面的影响。

    Being bullied can have an adverse impact on a child 's personal development and academic performance , according to Zhou Jinyan , a researcher at Beijing Normal University 's Capital Institute for Economics of Education .

  18. 第三,运用数据统计分析的方法,对我国教育经济管理专业博士点、硕士点的时间分布空间分布以及专业研究方向情况进行描述。

    In addition , we depicted the issues of units granting doctorates and master programs of educational economic and management discipline from the aspects of time and regional distribution as well as research direction , by using statistics .

  19. 教育经济主义是现代世界教育中最基本的和最具影响力的思潮,经济的竞争即是教育的竞争,教育在世界各国经济中产生了巨大影响。

    The educational economic doctrine is the most basic and influential thought in the modern world education . The competition of economy is the competition of education . Education has produced the huge influence in the international economy .

  20. 教育与经济协调发展的SD模型

    The Harmonious Development SD Model of Education and Economy

  21. 教育与经济是性质不同而关系密切的社会活动。

    Education and economy are essentially different but interrelated social movements .

  22. 教育与经济增长的省际面板数据分析

    Analysis of provinces panel data related to education and economic growth

  23. 论新形势下思想政治教育的经济效益

    Economic Benefit from the Ideological and Political Education in the Current Situations

  24. 这是一个涉及教育、经济、政治的问题。

    This is a matter of education , economic and political problems .

  25. 建立了用于人力资本分析的教育-经济投入占用产出模型。

    In this paper , education-economy input-occupancy-output model is given .

  26. 强化教育的经济功能深化我国高等教育改革

    On Strengthening Economical Function of Education Promoting Higher Education Reform in China

  27. 甘肃高等农业教育为经济建设服务的战略研究&从农业现代化看甘肃高等农业教育的战略选择

    The Strategy of Gansu Higher Agricultural Education for Serving the Economical Construction

  28. 高等学校教育投资经济效益评价数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Economic Beneficial Evaluation on Educational Investment of Higher Institutes

  29. 教育的经济属性体现于它的产业性。

    The economical attribute of education is embodied in its industrial attribute .

  30. 教育的经济贡献研究

    Research on the Contribution of Education to Economic Growth