
  • 网络university of education;College of Education;Chinju National University of Education
  1. LeeIn-jae是首尔国立教育大学道德教育学教授,他说,有关抄袭的教育应从小学开始。

    Lee In-jae is a professor of ethics education at Seoul National University of Education . He says the training should start in elementary school . He says children should learn that copying their classmates ' homework or not identifying their sources of information is wrong .

  2. 如果你不是出自于顶级基金,CFA,常春藤教育大学,并且如果你没有做成过高达5亿美金的投资,那么你很难得到这份工作。

    Hard * If you 're not coming from one of the top funds , CFA , Ivy education , and if you haven 't run $ 500 million you 're not getting the job .

  3. 教师教育大学化及其实现

    On the colleging of Teacher Education and Its Realization

  4. 创造教育大学素质教育的核心

    Creative Education the Core of College Quality Education

  5. 关于远程教育大学英语教学的思考

    Reflections on College English Teaching of Distance Education

  6. 刘慈惠,国立新竹教育大学幼儿教育系,教授。

    Tsyr-Huey Liou is a professor of Department of Early Childhood Education , National Hsinchu University .

  7. 自20世纪80年代初期,职业教育大学应运而生。

    Since the 20th century , the early 80s , vocational education university came into being .

  8. 高职教育大学数学的课程内容设置要体现高职教育的特点。

    The content of courses on college mathematics offered in higher vocational education should embody the special features of higher vocational education .

  9. 教师教育大学-中小学一体化探讨顶岗支教与教育实习一体化模式研究

    Thoughts on a Streamline Education of Teachers from University to Middle School to Primary School ; Research on the Integrative Mode of the Practice of Post-replacement to Assist Teaching and Educational Practice in Normal University

  10. 通过笔者在韩国访学期间,对韩国技术教育大学及其它几所大学实验室的参观了解,分析和总结了韩国高等学校实验室的管理方法、运行模式及其成功的经验。

    Based on the visit and investigation in the laboratories of Korean University of Technology and some other universities , this paper analyzed their management methods and operation modes , and summarized their successful experiences .

  11. “所以每个人都要明白,你总能找到一所能给你很好教育的大学,这一点很重要。

    " So it 's important for everybody to understand that you can always find a university that gives you a great education . "

  12. 公司大学管理教育与大学MBA教育模式的比较

    Corporate university management education vs university business school MBA education

  13. 在2016年泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排行榜(TimesHigherEducationWorldUniversityRankings)上,有289所亚洲大学上榜,其中19所排在前200名之列,包括中国的清华大学(Tsinghua)。该榜单全部上榜大学为980所。

    In the 2016 Times Higher Education WorldUniversity Rankings , 289 Asian universities made it on to the list of 980universities and 19 - including China 's Tsinghua - are in the ranking 's top 200 .

  14. VWO教育为大学学习打下基础。

    VWO prepares students for university studies .

  15. 黑山的高等教育只有大学层面的。

    Higher education in Montenegro is only provided at university level .

  16. 大众高等教育时代大学的理想

    The ideal of universities in the era of mass higher education

  17. 你受过什么样的正规教育?大学程度吗?

    What education do you have ? A college degree ?

  18. 开放教育《大学物理》课程教学模式

    A Teaching Mode for College Physics under Open Education

  19. 绿色化学教育在大学化学教育中的作用

    Functions of " Green " in College Chemistry Education

  20. 网络教育与大学英语教学关系略论

    More Reflections on Online Education for College English Teaching

  21. 生命教育:大学教育不可或缺的目标

    Life Education : The Necessary Aim of College Education

  22. 仁心教育是大学德育之基

    Kindness Education as the Foundation of College Ethics Education

  23. 大众化高等教育阶段大学教育理念与模式的更新

    Updating Principles and Mode of College Education during the Phrase of Mass Higher Education

  24. 从而为从定量角度研究数学概念提供了一个新的方法&抽象结构分析方法。这对中学数学教育和大学数学教育都有着重大意义。

    Thereby , analytical method of abstract construction is put forword for mathematics education .

  25. 人文教育现代大学之基&关于大学人文教育之我感与陋见

    Humanities Education is the Base of Modern University

  26. 素质教育与大学英语教学

    Quality Education and the Teaching of College English

  27. 大学生诚信教育与大学和谐校园构建

    The Education of College Students ' Honesty and the Construction of a Harmonious Campus

  28. 赏识教育在大学教学中的应用

    Application of Appreciation Education to the College Teaching

  29. 2020泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名前十名

    Top 10 Times Higher Education World University Rankings

  30. 我们的大学教育和大学生活正在经历着深刻的文化殖民化过程。

    The education and life in our university are experiencing a deeply colonial process .