
  1. 教育垄断是一种典型的行政垄断,它主要表现为实施市场准入、采取价格管制、实施地域保护、把持领导权力。

    Education monopoly , which is admittance to the market , restriction of price , protection of zone and control of power , is one of the typical administration monopoly .

  2. 但是经济情况、学生的需要以及我们对人们如何学习的理解肯定会打破传统的教育垄断,就像火车和飞机打破铁路的垄断、计算机和芯片正在打破电话的垄断一样。

    But economics , student needs and our new understanding of how people learn are bound to break the traditional education monopoly just as trucks and airplanes broke the monopoly of the railroads , and computers and " chips " are breaking the telephone monopoly .

  3. 书院的出现,打破了官学一统天下教育的垄断局面。在文化自上而下的普及化过程中,书院发挥了重要作用,它促进了宋明理学的弘扬和明清时期学术思想的互动交流。

    The appearance of the college had broken the monopolization of the government education and it played an important role in cultural promotion to develop the Theology in Song and Ming Dynasty and the mutual academic communication in Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  4. 高等教育市场的垄断又该如何进行转变?

    How should the monopoly of the higher education market be changed ?

  5. 随着中国高等教育市场由垄断竞争向完全竞争转变,塑造品牌已经成为一个高校实现可持续发展的有效途径之一。

    With the changing of monopolistic competition being replaced of completely competition on China high education market , figuring brand has realized one of effectual approaches on persistent development .

  6. 由于教育的非垄断性质,这种公共物品在一定的条件下可以转化为私人物品或准私人物品来向社会提供。

    Due to its non monopoly nature , education as a kind of public property can be offered to the society after being transformed into private or quasi private property under certain conditions .

  7. 教育服务的国家垄断需要打破。

    Therefore , state monopoly of the educational service should be broken .

  8. 另一方面是在学位教育权力的高度垄断局面下,培养单位的精力往往投向于政府的分配性努力而非注重培养过程的生产性努力。

    On the other hand , in a high degree of the right to education monopoly , the energy of the training unit is often invested in the distribution rather than the productive which focus on the fostering process .

  9. 而这归根结底是由于我国政府部门,尤其是教育行政部门对教育的相对垄断所造成的。

    As we known , the difference is due to the relative monopoly of our education administration .

  10. 遵循国家逻辑的教育国家化使得政府在公共教育领域不断实行职能扩展,导致了公共教育的垄断生产和公立教育质量低下。

    Following the logic of nationality and education nationality , government has made a continuous function expansion in the field of public education , and this led to public education monopoly production and the low quality of public education .