
  • 网络educational anthropology;Anthropology of Education;pedagogical anthropology
  1. 当代欧美教育人类学研究的核心主题与趋势

    On the Core Subject and Trends in the Research of Anthropology of Education in Modern Europe and America

  2. 教育人类学视野中的纪律和惩罚:一所乡村学校的个案研究

    Discipline and Punishment from the Perspective of Anthropology of Education : A Case Study of a Village School " Rural Present Teaching and Research " in Rural Primary and Secondary Schools Physical Education

  3. 从教育人类学视角看学前教育的政策走向和政策制定

    Pre-educational Policy Trend and Formulation from the Angel of Anthropological Education

  4. 土家织锦工艺传承的教育人类学研究

    The Pedagogical Anthropology Research on the Inheritance of Tujia Brocade Technique

  5. 民族文化传承的教育人类学研究

    A Study on Inheriting Ethnic Cultures in the View of Educational Anthropology

  6. 英国夏山学校教育人类学考察

    An Investigation of Educational Anthropology in Summerhill School in England

  7. 基于教育人类学视界的学生主体性探讨

    Discussion on the Subjectivity of Student Based on the Perspective of Educational Anthropology

  8. 布依族蜡染工艺传承的教育人类学阐释

    Educational Anthropology Interpretation on the Inheritance of the Traditional Buyi Wax Printing Craft

  9. 另外,还对教育人类学与教育社会学之间的区别与联系进行了比较。

    Department of Library and Museum Science of the National Society Education College ;

  10. 第三部分:教育人类学访谈实录。

    The third part : in - depth interview record of educational anthropology .

  11. 本尼迪克特的意义:教育人类学的视角

    Meaning in Benedict : A Perspective of Educational Anthropology

  12. 基于解释学的教育人类学田野研究阐释

    The Explanation of Fieldwork Study to the Education Anthropology on the Base of Hermeneutics

  13. 传统的教育人类学研究以田野调查和文献为主。

    The traditional educational anthropology study is mainly based on field work and literature .

  14. 教育人类学:理论与问题

    Educational Anthropology : Theory and Problems

  15. 嬗变与抉择&黔东南教育人类学考察启示

    Evolution and Selection & Inspiration from an Educational Anthropological Survey in the Southeast of Guizhou Province

  16. 这一作品展示了教育人类学观察世界的独特视角、独特维度。

    This work also showed the unique educational anthropological perspectives of how to examine the world .

  17. 教育人类学的研究启示我们,教育行为的背后隐含着文化、社会和民族的意涵。

    Educational anthropology reveals that there are cultural , social and national implications in education activities .

  18. 教育人类学视角下的壮锦教育功能和传承对策的思考

    The Study of the Educational Functions and Inheritance Countermeasures of Zhuang Jin in the Perspective of Educational Anthropology

  19. 失落的声音&东乡族女童成长历程的教育人类学考察

    Losing Voice & looking at the growing process of ethnic Dongxiang girls from the standpoint of educational anthropology

  20. 这就需要借用教育人类学的视角,促进教育人类学的本土化,关注学科发展。

    This requires to use the perspective of educational anthropology and promote its localization and concerned about the subject development .

  21. 试论我国教育人类学的学科定位与学科精神精神科临床护理工作中的伦理问题及对策

    On Discipline Orientation and Discipline Spirit of Educational Anthropology in China ; Ethical Issues and Countermeasures in the Clinical Psychiatric Nursing

  22. 教育人类学是人类学应用于教育领域并且为教育的研究方法和对人的本质的认识提供了新的视角。

    The study of anthropology offers a new point of view for educational research and the cognition of the nature of humans .

  23. 在我国,教育人类学与民族教育学有密切的关系,但两者在研究的对象和方法上有明显的不同。

    In China , educational anthropology has a close relation with ethnic education while they are different in the objective and method of study .

  24. 教育人类学是上个世纪80年代由学者译介进入中国的一门学科,近30年来得到了不断地发展和完善。

    Educational anthropology is a discipline introduced by scholars in the 1980s , and has been improved and developed in the latest 30 years .

  25. 我们从两个方面搜集资料,一是从人类学角度进行的课程研究,二是教育人类学研究中有关课程问题的阐述。

    We collect information at two aspects . They are curriculum research from an anthropological perspective and the elaboration of curriculum in educational anthropology research .

  26. 教育人类学是一门以人为研究对象的应用性边缘学科,虽具有悠久的思想渊源,但在教育科学知识的分类中,仍属年轻学科。

    Although educational anthropology is an applied frontier discipline with a long ideological history , it is still comparatively young in the classification of education science knowledge .

  27. 拯救因时代冲击波而发生蜕变和嬗变的民族传统艺术,是教育人类学研究的时代课题。

    It is the time 's research problem of the educational anthropology to save the traditional ethnic art which is in danger of the times shock wave .

  28. 第三部分由第三章、第四章组成:研究目的是从教育人类学、政治学、教育经济学、文化学的视角审视、确立学生的主体地位。

    Part three ( chapter 3-4 ): This part aims to scan and create student subjectivity from such aspects as educational anthropology , politics , education economics , and culture .

  29. 所以,本研究以此为视角,在与西方教育人类学学科发展进行比较的基础上对我国教育人类学学科发展加以考量。

    Therefore , this thesis examines the perspective of Educational Anthropology with the development of Western education on the basis of comparison to consider the development of Chinese Educational Anthropology .

  30. 教育人类学研究中还缺少这样的个案,因此,有利于拓展教育研究的空间,丰富民族教育理论。

    Researches in the perspective of educational anthropology are lacking in such case study , so it would expand the research scope and enrich the educational theories for ethnic minorities .