
jiào yán shì zhǔ rèn
  • Director of Teaching and Research Section;chief of a teaching and research section
  1. 考尔迪奇曾经担任过西点军校(WestPoint)行为科学教研室主任,任职时间长达12年,约翰逊说,他在如何确认组织内领导者这类“软技能”方面拥有丰富的专业知识。

    But a growing market for talks on emotional intelligence has fueled demand for the former soldier , who served as head of behavioral sciences at West Point for 12 years and has specialized knowledge in " soft skills " such as identifying leaders within organizations , Johnson says .

  2. 教研室主任的角色定位

    Role of Head of the Teaching and Research Section

  3. 玛丽为被任命为教研室主任而感到骄傲。

    Mary was proud of being appointed to be the chief of the teaching section .

  4. 对高校图书馆部室主任角色错位的思考教研室主任的角色定位

    Considerations about the Mal-positioning of the Role of Department Directors of University Library Role of Head of the Teaching and Research Section

  5. 南京工业大学房产教研室主任瞿富强一针见血地指出,开发商都是逐利的,房价还在上涨,谁会有钱不赚。

    Nanjing Industrial University Safety Office Director Qufu Strong pointed out sharply that the developers are seeking , prices are still rising , will not earn money .

  6. 您现在已经是北京一家综合性培训机构的音乐教研室主任了,您打算在中国买房吗?

    Now you are the head of the musical teaching and research Section of a private school in Beijing , and would you buy a house in China ?

  7. 教研室主任赵毅教授,硕士生导师,全国推拿学会副秘书长,上海市推拿学会副主任委员。

    Professor Zhao Yi , the director of the office , is the deputy secretary of National Tuina Committee and the deputy chief member of Shanghai Municipal Tuina Commission .

  8. 中国科学院研究生院传播教研室主任李大光对科普教育基金表示了赞赏,他认为,这个基金走出了民间组织从事科普教育工作的第一步。

    Li Daguang , director of the Science Communication Centre at the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences , commended the nongovernmental sector 's first step towards science popularisation .

  9. 教研室主任王彩虹副教授,硕士生导师,长期从事针灸教学、临床和实验研究。

    The present director , Wang Caihong , is a supervisor of master student and has been working in teaching , clinic practice and experimental research of acupuncture and Moxibustion for a long term .

  10. 黎海芪1970年毕业于北京医科大学,现在是重庆医科大学儿童医院儿童保健教研室的主任、教授。

    LI Hai-qi is currently employed as the director and professor of the Department of Primary Child Care , Children 's Hospital , Chongqing University of Medical Sciences .