
  • 网络Teaching Management;instructional management
  1. 基于Web的工业实训中心实训教学管理系统的设计

    The Design of Web-based Training Teaching Management System in Industrial Training Centre

  2. 根据实践教学管理的需求,研究基于Web的教学管理信息系统设计方法和关键技术。

    According to the demand of practice teaching management . Studies the design methods and critical techniques of teaching information management .

  3. 应用J2EE技术构建远程教育教学管理及教学支撑系统

    The Design of the System of Teaching Manage and Teaching Support of Distance Education with J2EE Technology

  4. 随着Internet的飞速发展以及应用水平的不断提高,高校教学管理网络化已经成为一种趋势,而网络选课系统则是教务教学管理的一个重要组成部分。

    With the rapid development of Internet and application of the continuous improvement of teaching network management has become a trend , but the network is the Academic Teaching Elective management is an important part .

  5. 建设高校MIS系统,不仅是时代发展的要求,而且是发展教育事业、提高高校教学管理水平和办学效益的需要。

    Construction of MIS system for colleges and universities is the development of The Times . It is for developing education and to improve college teaching management level and teaching efficiency .

  6. 项目采用软件工程的开发方法,以建模方式分析设计描述语言,选用J2EE框架结构,对该管理系统进行了需求分析和系统设计,此系统的开发大大提高了培训学校教学管理的信息化时代。

    Project uses the software development approach to modeling methods of analysis and design description language , the management system needs analysis and system design , greatly improve training school management information age .

  7. 该系统是以PDM技术为基础,重在管理与教师有关的数据,在此基础上解决教师管理中的数据、功能、过程集成,为教学管理、日常管理提供决策支持。

    This information management is based on PDM technique , focusing on managements of teachers-related data and the integration of the data , functions , and processes , which provides decision-making supports for managements of teaching and office routine .

  8. 在教学管理方面,对现有的开源学习管理平台进行了收集和比较,并使用开源学习管理系统Moodle对研究生课程的教学管理进行了尝试,对其应用方式和优缺点进行了分析和总结。

    In teaching management , the treatise tries to take Moodle in practice in a postgraduate course and analyzes its advantage and disadvantage through collecting and comparing the existing open source LMS .

  9. 从教师的培养,教学管理,教学经验交流等方面探讨了提高质量的策略,提出基于PDCA循环的教学质量管理模式,并探讨该质量模式的实施方法。

    Based on teacher training , teaching management , communication of teaching experience , strategies for improving teaching quality are advanced . Quality management mode based on PDCA cycle is suggested , methods using this quality mode are discussed .

  10. 本系统是在局域网环境下,以Visualc++6.0为开发工具实现的。系统分为教师子系统和学员子系统两部分,实现了AIS界面操作及通信的仿真、船舶运动的仿真、教学管理等功能。

    The system is based on local-area network and developed with Visual C + + 6.0 . The subsystems , the teacher system and the student system , realized a series of functions , such as simulating AIS Interface , AIS communication , ship 's trace simulation and teaching management .

  11. 文章从行政管理系统、教学管理系统、师资管理系统三个方面介绍了澳大利亚TAFE教育模式的基本情况,并对它们的特点进行了归纳和分析。

    The paper presents a survey of Australian TAFE from three aspects of administration system , education management system and teachers ' management system . It also concludes and analyses the characters of them .

  12. 教学管理功能实现了教学计划、学生管理。

    Teaching management functions realize the teaching program , student management .

  13. 运用企业理念推进高校教学管理改革

    Bringing Enterprise 's Conception to Advance University 's Teaching Management Reform

  14. 关于高校教学管理队伍建设的认识与思考

    Some viewpoints on strengthening the management of teaching administrators at College

  15. 加强教学管理信息化建设提高管理效率

    Strengthening the Building of Teaching Management Information to Enhance Management Efficiency

  16. 加强高校教学管理,培养合格的高等人才

    Strengthening Teaching Administration in Higher Institutions , Training Qualified Higher Talents

  17. 高校教学管理科学化研究

    A Study of the Scientific Teaching Management for Colleges & Universities

  18. 初中语文课堂教学管理对新课程适应性研究

    Research on the Adaptability of Classroom Management to the New Curriculum

  19. 大学教学管理制度的人性化问题研究

    Study on the Humanistic Problems in Teaching administrative System of Colleges

  20. 学分制已成为高等学校教学管理制度发展趋势。

    Credit management system has become a trend in Higher Education .

  21. 是提高教学管理水平和效率的需要。

    Im prove the teaching management level and need of efficiency .

  22. 程序设计语言教学管理系统2.0版

    The program design language teaching and studying manage system 2.0 Edition

  23. 教学管理系统构件库研究

    The Researching on the Component Library of the Educational Management System

  24. 大学外语目标教学管理模式构建

    Construction on Mode of College Foreign Languages Teaching-learning Management by Objectives

  25. 护理科研临床教学管理的实施与效果

    The implementation of clinical teaching management in nursing research and its effect

  26. 以评估为契机,强化教学管理

    Strengthen Management of Teaching Via the Opportunity of Assessing Education

  27. 我国大学教学管理制度变迁简析

    Analysis on the Changes of Our University Teaching Management System

  28. 我校面向21世纪教学管理模式的探索

    To Explore Teaching Administrative Model Catering to 21st Century in Our College

  29. 灵活的学分制及其与之配套的各种教学管理制度;

    Flexible credit system and various supportive teaching administration systems ;

  30. 信息化条件下高校的教学管理研究

    A Study of Institution of Colleges and Universities Teaching Administration under Informationization