
  • 网络preparations;Teaching Tools;teaching aid
  1. 按运动生理学原理和游戏规则的要求,将各种制作编排和串联成在体育课上使用的教学用具,开拓快乐体育课模式的新思维。

    On the request of sport physiology and rules of games , we can translate various creations into the teaching aids applied in the PE classes and develop new idea of " Happy Physical Education Class " model .

  2. 完善新乡市高校足球课的配套实施,加大对足球场地、器材的革新投入,提高场地、器材的使用和率用率,尽量丰富教学用具。

    Xinxiang perfect college football supporting the implementation of classes , more soccer space , innovative equipment investment , improve facilities , equipment use and the rate of rate , try the rich teaching tools .

  3. 是理想的教学用具。

    The curved surface blackboard is the ideal teaching appliance .

  4. 该对照尺是一种很好的音乐理论教学用具。

    The utility model is the suitable teaching aid of a music theory .

  5. 该装置可以制成动力玩具,也可以制成教学用具。

    The utility model can be produced into a power toy or a teaching aid .

  6. 具体表现为实验器材和教学用具陈旧、经费不到位;多媒体课室配备不足;课外阅读资料陈旧不足。

    The specific performance : experimental equipments and teaching apparatus are obsolete , the funds are not enough ; Multimedia classrooms are less equipped .

  7. 典型的文化创意产品,产品的类型覆盖工艺礼品、教学用具、家装及实用陈设领域。

    The typical culture and creative product , the kinds of products cover gifts , teaching apparatus , domestic outfit and practical display fields .

  8. 本产品既可以广泛作为幼儿的玩具,也可以作为幼儿园的辅助教学用具使用。

    The jigsaw puzzle can be widely used as a toy for infants , and also can be used as an auxiliary teaching tool in kindergartens .

  9. 在扬州的一个英语夏令营呆了两周之后,我收拾好行囊和教学用具,然后带着期待坐了40多个小时的火车到达四川。

    I packed up my bags and teaching materials after a two-week English camp in Yangzhou and took a40-hour train ride to Sichuan with much anticipation .

  10. 克劳斯说,联合国儿童基金会正在协同缅甸教育部,为遭到损坏的学校发放维修材料、基本的教学用具和教材,使它们得以复课。

    Klaus says UNICEF is working with Burma 's Ministry of Education to help reopen damaged schools by distributing repair materials as well as essential school supplies and learning matter .

  11. 此外,联合国儿童基金会还将为寄宿制和非寄宿制学校提供学生用具、黑板、发电机、防寒服、棉靴、毛毯和教学用具等。

    UNICEF is also sending student supply kits , blackboards and generators , as well as warm clothing , boots , wool blankets and school supplies for children in both day and boarding schools .

  12. 优化和声理论教学的用具&赵宋光和声方位图

    A harmony azimuth diagram by Zhao Song-guang for optimizing the teaching of harmony

  13. 文本是语文教学的基本用具,文本处理能力是语文教师的基本能力。

    The text is the basic tool for language teaching , and the text processing capability is the basic power of language teachers .

  14. 负责处理学生投诉,收集学生的反馈信息,并汇报给教学主管,协助准备教学材料及用具;

    Be responsible for handling student complaints , collecting the students'feedback and report it to the educational supervisor ; assist in the preparation of teaching materials and equipment ;

  15. 交流教学法和科技方面的文献、教学辅助用具、教学大纲以及其他资料

    " Exchange of pedagogic and scientific Literature , teaching aids , syllabi and other materials . "