
  • 网络Synod;Councils;World Council of Churches
  1. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,为期两周的教会会议将围绕着革新派与保守派就教义解释上的冲突展开。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the running up to 2-week-long meeting known as Synod is being marked by clashes between progressives and conservatives over interpretation of church teaching .

  2. 周日,教皇弗朗西斯呼吁结束内讧,他表示教会会议不是用来讨论美好又聪明的主意的。

    In his homely Sunday , Francis has called for an end to infightings , saying its Synod was not meant to discuss beautiful and clever ideas .

  3. 382年的一次教会会议最终允准了这一编排。

    A church council of382 gave final approval to the list .

  4. 事情发生在第一次教会会议圆满结束之后。

    It was after the first church council which had ended on a happy note .

  5. 屋顶绘满壁画,较大四幅描绘了教会会议的情景。

    The ceiling is painted with frescos , among which the four larger-sized depict the ecumenical councils .

  6. 他写道关于人们在自己的家和教会会议,倾听他们的故事,其中有失败和小胜利。

    He wrote about meeting with people in their homes and churches , listening to their stories , the failures and small victories .

  7. 但是参加最高教会会议的主教以及神职人员坚决反对为了让神父们穿着更随意而修订教会法规。

    But bishops and clergy in the church 's General Synod gave a resounding thumbs down to proposals to amend church law to allow ministers to dress more casually .

  8. 1596年,在当时属于波兰共和国的布列斯特召开了东正教和天主教会联合的宗教会议,史称布列斯特教会合并会议。

    One of the most important conferences in history of Christianism , Brest Church Union , was held in 1596 in Brest , which belonged to Poland at that time .

  9. 这也可能意味着威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿的婚姻将是不合法的,除非英国国教会总会议昨日通过的法律变更能够获得皇室的同意并在明年四月婚礼举行前成为法律。

    It may also mean the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton will be unlawful , unless legal changes approved by the CofE 's parliament , the General Synod , yesterday win Royal Assent and pass into law before the wedding day next April .

  10. 苏格兰英国国教教会中主持会议的主教。

    The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church of Scotland .

  11. 还应观各派教会举行的宗教会议;

    and so of consistories ecclesiastic ;

  12. 应观其讼庭法院,尤其当遇到法官开庭审案之时;还应观各派教会举行的宗教会议;观各教堂寺院及其中的历史古迹;

    They should see the courts of justice , while they sit and hear causes ; and so of consistories ecclesiastic ; the churches and monasteries , with the monuments which are therein extant ;

  13. 教会的戒律由主持教会会议的长老来负责。

    Elders sitting as a ' Kirk session ' are responsible for the discipline of the Church .