
  • 网络government subsidies;Government grant;public assistance
  1. 当研究的政府补助,政府最好的一个研究资源是互联网。

    When researching for Government Grants , one of the best resources for research is the Internet .

  2. 与收益相关的政府补助,是指除与资产相关的政府补助之外的政府补助。

    The government grants related to income refer to the government grants other than those related to assets .

  3. 你目前是否享有政府补助金?

    Are you in receipt of any state benefits ?

  4. 政府补助正向调节RD投入与公司价值的正相关性,RD投入的公司价值效应具有滞后性,且这种政府补助的正向调节作用在非国有公司更显著。

    Government subsidies positively regulate the positive correlation between R D investment and company value , and R D investment affects company value with a lag , and the positive adjustment of government subsidies in non-state companies is more significant .

  5. 特别处理公司政府补助的实证研究

    Empirical Research of Government Subsidy about Listed Company under Special Treatment

  6. 他除了政府补助金之外,私人还有些钱。

    He had some private money besides his government grant .

  7. 政府补助仅占医院收入的一小部分。

    Government subsidies account for a tiny amount of hospitals'revenue .

  8. 丰厚的政府补助金甚至让那些穷困潦倒的人也摆脱了贫穷。

    Generous state subsidies lifted even the very poor out of need .

  9. 他说这是为了压缩政府补助的方法。

    He says it is a way of scrimping on compensation payouts .

  10. 日本私立高校的政府补助机制及启示

    Japan 's System of Private University Grants and Its Enlightenments

  11. 他用政府补助和家庭存款建造了房子。

    He used money from the government and family savings .

  12. 政治关联与财务困境公司的政府补助

    Political Connections and Government Subsidy of Companies Suffering Financial Distress

  13. 政府补助的会计制度变迁路径研究

    A Research into the Changes of the Accounting System with Government Compensation

  14. 从全世界来看,政府补助都是一种十分普遍的现象。

    Government subsidies are very common around the world .

  15. 企业能够收到政府补助。

    The enterprise can obtain the government subsidies .

  16. 否则,风险的错配会让银行业享受不合理的政府补助。

    Otherwise the mismatch of risk provides an unjustifiable public subsidy to the banking sector .

  17. 建议:加大政府补助,形成良性的筹资和激励机制;

    Recommendations : To improve government compensation in order to form benign financing and incentive mechanisms ;

  18. 他的方案结合了保险市场改革,政府补助,以及最为重要的&强制手段。

    His recipe is a combination of insurance-market reform , government subsidies and most important compulsion .

  19. 对政府补助限定了用途及会计处理的,也应做出说明。

    Explanation shall be given as well for restricted purpose and accounting treatment of governmental subsidy .

  20. 有争议的是削减政府补助的计划和乡村机场工会的谈判权利。

    At issue was a plan to cut government subsidies and union bargaining rights at rural airports .

  21. 加强政府补助的目标针对性,提高资金受益的公平性。

    To strengthen government subsidies to targeted to improve the fairness of the benefit funds . 5 .

  22. 学习一下怎样买到最好最廉价的处方药,包括州政府补助和使用邮购。

    Learn how to shop for the best prescriptions , which could include state aid or using mail-order .

  23. 再问一次,他又说:我靠一个月650块的政府补助金生活。

    Asked again , he said , I live on a government subsidy of 650 yuan a month .

  24. 甚至有些大学现在收全额学费,也就是说没有任何政府补助。

    Some of the universities now charge the full tuition , which means there is no government subsidy .

  25. 乳山市老人最重要的经济来源为子女供给和政府补助。

    Rushan City , government subsidies and supply from their children are most important economic source for the elderly .

  26. 撒切尔想要结束国有工业对政府补助的依赖,把它们放到市场上去锻炼。

    Thatcher wanted to end their dependence on government subsidies and submit them to the discipline of the marketplace .

  27. 其他的兄弟会提供一些金钱资助。这家公司没有资格要求政府补助金。

    Other brothers will come up with some money . The company do not qualify for a government grant .

  28. 女性董事未达到法定比例的公司,将受到行政罚款,或者被取消获得政府补助或合同的资格。

    Those that miss the mandatory quota would be subject to administrative fines or be barred from state aid and contracts .

  29. (二)与生物资产相关的政府补助,适用《企业会计准则第16号&政府补助》。

    The Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 16 - Governmental Subsidies , shall apply to the governmental subsidies concerning the biological assets .

  30. 在美国的国际学生有大约三分之二全部自费,而且大多数人都没有资格参加美国政府补助项目。

    About two-thirds of international students in the U.S. pay their own way , and most aren 't eligible for U.S. government aid programs .