
  1. 政府职权部门意识到这种可能性很多年了。

    The governmental authorities have been aware of this eventuality for years .

  2. 南非政府行使职权的一个分部所在地。

    The seat of the executive branch of the government of South africa .

  3. 论政府经济职权的概念和基本特征

    On conception and features of the government economic authority

  4. 随着政府的职权范围逐渐扩大,并越来越复杂,家族的数目也就增多了。

    As the extent and complexity of government increased , the number of households multiplied .

  5. 没有法律可以与宪法的任何原则冲突并且在美国没有政府的职权可以凌驾于宪法之上。

    Constitution 's principles and no governmental authority in the exempt from complying with it .

  6. 但他其实并未坚持,如你们在阅读中会发现,政府的职权,是否真的分离,将权力切割开来。

    He doesn 't so much insist as you will see in your reading on the actual separation of functions of government putting them into separate hands .

  7. 我想我们正超那方面发展,无论如何,那都是,下一任总统的事情了,我们将看到联邦政府的职权在扩大。

    I think that we 're probably going that way anyway and I think that in the next presidential administration we 'll see an expansion of the role of the Fed .

  8. 在国家层面上,应该尽快对市辖区的设置标准进行规范,同时对市、区政府的职权分配上做出明确的规定。

    At the national level , urban area should be set as soon as possible standard specification , meanwhile , municipal and district governments to make clear terms of reference of the distribution requirements .

  9. 对于政府而言,职权与职责是统一的:一方面,政府必须行使其职权;

    The authority and responsibility are unified for the government : on one hand , the government must exert its authority ;

  10. 依法行政日益成为我国政府依法行使职权的基本准则和建设社会主义法治国家的重要内容。

    " Administration by law " is becoming the principle of exercise of administrative power and a main part of the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law .

  11. 第六十二条香港特别行政区政府行使下列职权:南非政府行使职权的一个分部所在地。

    Article 62 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall exercise the following powers and functions : the seat of the executive branch of the government of South Africa .

  12. 党的十六大进一步明确了国有资产在非垄断领域实行国退民进战略,扩大了地方政府的行政职权。

    The 16th National Congress of CPC has clearly established the reforming strategy for state assets in the non-monopoly sectors by implementing " the privatization of state assets " and entitling the local governments more administrative power .

  13. 除对国民大会、政府机构的职权作了原则规定外,特别对于地方制度和人民之权利义务作了规定。

    In addition to prescribing the principles governing the duties and powers of the National Assembly and government organizations , special provisions were made regarding " local government " and " the rights and duties of the people " .

  14. 宁波市人民政府授予的其他职权。

    Other functions and powers authorized by the People 's Government of Ningbo Municipality .

  15. 而法国希望将条约修订局限在欧元区成员国范围内,并让各国政府保留更多预算职权。

    France wants to limit treaty changes to the eurozone members and retain more budget authority in national capitals .

  16. 公差的职能(4)县级市政府职能转变与职权关系的问题。

    The function transformation and the relation between functions and powers of the municipal governments on the county level .

  17. 选择瑞安将使得一场严肃的辩论更难以避免关于联邦政府的责任和职权范围,以及是否不公平比公平更能促使经济迸发活力。

    The Ryan pick will make it harder to dodge a serious debate about the responsibilities and reach of the federal government and whether economic dynamism is best stoked by inequity rather than equity .

  18. 同时承认和赋予政府有关部门在职权范围内依法对重大经济合同进行管理,对合同自由进行某些限制的规定,又是经济法的适度干预思想在新合同法中的体现。

    Meanwhile it confers and allows the government the provision that the concerned department manages the important economic contract by the law in the jurisdictional degree , and limits to the freedom of contract , and it embodies the thought of appropriate interference in the economic law .

  19. 规范中央政府与地方政府的职权;

    Thirdly , to regulate the functions and powers of the central government and local governments ;

  20. 城市政府行为规范设计,就是划清政府职能、职权和职责,使应管尽管,不该管者不越雷池一步;

    The norm design of city governments is to make a clear distinction of governments ' functions , responsibilities and duties .

  21. 在大力削减政府权力基础上,对于必须由政府行使的经济职权进行科学配置。

    On cutting down the government authority basis energetically , to the economy must be exercised by the government , authority of office carries out science allocation .

  22. 我国正处于政府改革的浪潮中,如何更好的限制政府行政职权的同时还能使之效率的行使,都是行政程序将要面临的难题。

    China is in the wave of government reform . How to limit the authority of government administration better and at the same time enabling the efficient exercise of all administrative procedures will be faced with a problem .

  23. 然而随着政府管理体制改革的加快,原先由政府行使的部分职权转移到行业协会上来,这使行业协会又具有第三部门的性质。

    However , with the reform of government management system speeding up , the original functions and powers exercised by the government are transferred to the trade association , this makes the trade association become the " third sector " in nature .

  24. 政府对民办高等教育的规制,不仅关系到政府能否依法行使职权,更关系到民办高等教育能否顺利发展。

    The government regulation to the private higher education , not only has a bearing on weather the government can establish its power according to the law , but also concerns the private higher education weather it can develop smoothly .

  25. 县政府正在作出尝试,目前已经接管了镇政府的预算管理,解除镇政府的职权。

    The county government has , in effect , taken over management of township budgets , stripping the townships of what little power they still retained .

  26. 由于审计环境的复杂化,这一时期不可避免地出现政府审计的理论构想与实际权力运行之间的脱节现象,在一定程度上软化了政府审计职权的功能性发挥。

    In consideration of the complication of auditing environment , at that time , it was inevitable that the auditing theoretical thought was out of line with practical authorities , and in certain degree it weakened the function of government auditing authority .