
  1. 在政府主导型展会设计项目中,设计并不是孤立的,设计与施工、运营、运输存在密切联系。

    Design is not isolated but with a close relationship with execution , operation and transport in the Government-Leading Exhibition Design Project .

  2. 政府主导型展会的定位、发展和改革一直是我国会展业发展中的热点问题。

    The orientation , development and reform of government domination exhibition are the hotspots in the development of convention and exhibition industry in China at all times .

  3. 与其他类型的商业性展览会最大差别在于,政府主导型展会并非纯粹的商业或经济活动,还具有政治功能和政治色彩,并且后者往往加以强调和凸现。

    Comparing with other types of commercial exhibitions , the biggest difference is that the government-leading exhibition is not only commercial or economic activity , but also with political functions and political complexion which were emphasized and highlighted more .

  4. 十八届三中全会以后国家政策的发展、政府职能的转变,以及各种方针政策对政府主导型展会产生了深远影响。

    The development of the national policies , transition of government functions as well as the guidelines and policies have a profound impact on Government-Leading Exhibition after Eighteen Third Plenary Session .