
  • 网络ticker tape
收报 [shōu bào]
  • [receive telegraph] 用无线电或有线电等装置接收发报者发出的信号

  1. 设计了模拟盘智能动态管理系统、主结线图动态管理系统、电力调度负荷收报管理系统、电力调度信息令票管理系统、网络信息发布系统、网络Java曲线数据浏览系统。

    It has designed the simulation disk intelligence dynamic management system , the main cording diagram dynamic management system , the power dispatch load report management system , the power dispatch information order bill management system , the network information issue system and the network Java curve data browsing system .

  2. 最低跌至8.95元。尾市稍为回升,收报9.05元。

    Shares dipped to $ 8.95 before recovering slightly to $ 9.05 .

  3. 人民币周二小幅走高,美元兑人民币收报6.1968元,上周五收报6.2123元。

    The yuan strengthened slightly Tuesday , closing in Beijing at 6.1968 yuan per dollar , compared with 6.2123 on Friday .

  4. 标普500指数在周四创下新高,收报1790.62点,较过去一周上涨2.5%。

    The S & P 500 closed at a new high Thursday of 1790.62 , gaining 2.5 % during the past week .

  5. 他把旋扭拨到发报的地方,一连几次拍发请联络这样简单的信号;然后再拨到收报处等回音。

    He switched to Transmit and repeted the simple message ," Come in , please ," several times ; then left the set on Receive .

  6. 在这样的应用场合,收报是不经过协议层的。所以不能应用以前的的应用。

    You mentioned that you directly use the user space , so how about the original network protocol layer ? How process the protocol tranlation ?

  7. 周二中国人寿保险在沪上市的A股下跌4.8%,收报31.62元。太平洋保险跌幅为7.2%,收报24.69元。

    China Life 's Shanghai-listed shares dropped 4.8 % to 31.62 yuan Tuesday , while those of China Pacific Insurance fell 7.2 % to 24.69 yuan .

  8. 自从4月下旬发生灾难性的油井爆炸以及原油泄漏以来,英国石油股价已跌去近一半,昨日在伦敦收报3.333英镑,上涨3.5%。

    Shares in BP , which have lost almost half their value since its catastrophic explosion and oil spill in late April , closed 3.5 per cent higher at 333.3p in London .

  9. 播量播法收法试验初报(1987~1988年)

    A preliminary summary report on trial of sowing rate , sowing pattern and cutting pattern ( 1987 ~ 1988 )

  10. 津鲜一号鲜食玉米灌浆期的籽粒营养动态及适收期研究初报

    Study on the nutrient development of maize grain during filling period and suitable harvest time about the new variety of Fresh Edible Maize Jin-Xian No. 1