
  • 网络operator;manipulator;Manipulation;wire-puller
  1. 在谴责中国为流通操纵者这一点上,并非只有华盛顿一家。

    Washington is not alone in calling China a currency manipulator .

  2. 她是个骗子,造谣者和操纵者。

    She 's a liar and a gossip and a manipulator .

  3. 莱赫是弟弟,比较害羞,而雅罗斯瓦夫则更有头脑,更独断专行,是两人2001年组建的法律与公正党(波兰语首字母缩写为PiS)的操纵者。

    Lech was the younger and shyer , Jaroslaw the brainier , the bossier and the mastermind of the Law and Justice party ( PiS in its Polish acronym ) which they founded in 2001 .

  4. 伊斯坦布尔——土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(RecepTayyipErdogan)说,上周未遂政变的幕后操纵者,是一位举止温和的穆斯林神职人员,目前他因自我流放,居住在宾夕法尼亚州农村。政变几乎成功地接管了政府,差点杀死了埃尔多安。

    ISTANBUL - Turkey 's president , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , says that a mild-mannered Muslim cleric living in self-imposed exile in rural Pennsylvania was pulling the strings of a coup attempt last week that almost succeeded in taking over the state , and killing Mr. Erdogan himself .

  5. 强大的雅利安人代表团以操纵者和媒体为主,他们提出深思熟虑的论据,掩盖自己真实的意图,并承诺相互间协调。

    The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media .

  6. 鼓励机器人和/操纵者使用服装道具。

    Costumes for robots and / or human performers are encouraged .

  7. 长期以来人们就猜测基因是癌症的幕后操纵者。

    It 's long been suspected that genes lurked behind cancer .

  8. 他们中不乏有忽视法律的秘密操纵者。

    Among them are shady brokers who operate with little legal oversight .

  9. 他们才是赌城的秘密操纵者。

    These are the guys who secretly controlled Las vegas .

  10. 人机控制系统中操纵者两级控制模型

    Two-level Control Model for Human Operator in Man-machine Control Systems

  11. 操纵者控制或支配的人;起控制作用的制剂、装置或组织机构

    One that controls ; a controlling agent , device , or organization

  12. 萨尔蒙德是个老道的操纵者,他一直在利用这种民粹主义情绪。

    Mr Salmond , a seasoned operator , has exploited the populist mood .

  13. 秘密社会是谷城教案背后的秘密操纵者。

    The secret society was the secret manipulator behind the Gucheng Christian case .

  14. 城市公交的网络操纵者博弈模型

    A manipulator game model of urban public traffic network

  15. 这是一种山回路转、景物瞬息万变的郊游。偶然是这种交谈的幕后操纵者。

    Chance is the stage-manager of such conversations .

  16. 警察很快就要找到银行抢劫案的幕后操纵者了。

    The police are hot on the trailof the mastermind behind the bank robbery .

  17. 他是操纵者和幕后策划人。

    He was a manipulator and behind-the-scenes man .

  18. 而金融市场的操纵者却转瞬之间大发横财。

    Fortunes were made overnight by financial manipulators .

  19. 知道幕后操纵者是谁吗

    You know who 's behind it ?

  20. 很可能是个幕后操纵者。

    He 's a suspected shot caller .

  21. 两个人都是真正的幕后操纵者,他们已习惯于用其影响进行幕后操纵。

    Both are truly grey eminences who have become accustomed to the exercise of influence .

  22. 或者说,是否有一个与之竞争的候选人正试图让她看起来像是个操纵者呢?

    Or is it a rival candidate trying to make her look like a manipulator ?

  23. 那么上帝是谁,如果他不是那个伟大的傀儡操纵者或部落保护者的话?

    So who is God , if not the great puppet-master or the tribal protector ?

  24. 这就是一个操纵者是如何开始的。

    This is how a manipulator starts .

  25. 目前还不清楚这架无人机的操纵者,也不清楚操纵者的动机。

    It is not clear who sent the drone or what their motive may have been .

  26. 操纵者的手动控制模型是一个研究得比较早的课题。

    The hand control model of human operators is a problem which began to be studied early .

  27. 有些人认为,果敢训练把亲切随和的人变成了诉苦者或是工于算计的操纵者。

    Some people think that assertiveness training turns nice , accommodating people into complainers or calculating manipulators .

  28. 每个网络操纵者都试图根据自己的原则来建公交线路,以最大化自己的利益。

    Each manipulator tries to build the traffic lines so as to magnify its " profit " .

  29. 操纵者或匪徒分得的一份(从赃物或利润中)。

    A percentage ( of winnings or loot or profit ) taken by an operator or gangster .

  30. 那里的每个人都是幕后操纵者,因此在许多地方它非常腐败。

    Everybody there pulls strings to be in charge , so in many ways it 's very corrupt .