
yáo bǎ
  • Rocker;handle on a machine/ etc.
  1. 我的车子太旧,冷天的早晨得用摇把发动。

    My car 's so old that I have to crank it on cold mornings .

  2. 转动摇把,通过伞轮使螺杆转动。

    The crank handle is rotated to lead a screw to rotate through an umbrella wheel .

  3. 哈代说:“只有完全不懂数学的人,才会相信有一台超自然的机器,数学家们只要转动他的摇把,就能得到新的发现。”

    As Hardy said , ' It is only the very unsophisticated outsider who imagines that mathematicians make discoveries by turning the handle of some miraculous machine . '

  4. 推料螺杆的一端架在支架上,推料螺杆的另一端突出于炉体一侧,并与摇把相连接。

    One end of the push crew is put on a bracket , and the other end is extended out of one side of the stove body and connected with a crank .

  5. 使用摇把转动定滑轮圈绕钢丝索,即可提升备胎,反转摇把即可平稳降下备胎。

    The fixed pulley is rotated by a cranking bar to wind the steel cable , a spare tire can be lifted , and the spare tire can be put down stably by rotating in reversal the cranking bar .