
  1. 这样的描写方法是较原始的,其他民族原始艺术中也有。

    Primitive as it is , the technique was employed in other nations as well .

  2. 小说中的描写方法主要为:外貌描写、心理描写和细节描写。

    Different descriptive methods have been mentioned , including appearance description , description of psychic and detailed description .

  3. 这种分析、描写方法无疑为解释词汇教与学中的一词多义现象提供了新的视角。

    This way to analyze polysemy undoubtedly offers a new perspective to deal with polysemy in language teaching and learning .

  4. 文章在总结首人研究成果的基础上,对现代汉语词汇系统各种描写方法进行评述,并提出多途径、多方位分析、描写现代汉语词汇系统的思路。

    The paper researches the word system of jade object in The Artificers Record on the basis of the principles of classical Chinese semantics and lexical semantics .

  5. 在创作上他自觉地将西方的意识流和心理描写方法进行改造,使之符合中国人的欣赏习惯。

    On creation , he carries out western stream of consciousness and the psychological method of describing voluntarily to reform , makes it accord with the appreciation habit of Chinese .

  6. 本文主要采用点面结合的描写方法、共时比较和历时比较相结合的方法,在比较广泛的材料的基础上,对汉语方言持续标记做一次比较全面的、鸟瞰式的考察。

    To accomplish this study , we adopted the way of description from Xiangfan dialect to others , and comparison between the synchronic and diachronic data on the foundation of the extensive material .

  7. 总的特征是以人文解释为主体的,真正富有学科特色的严密系统的描写方法还没建立起来。

    The characteristic is to regard the humanities explanations as the main body , but the tight system description method which is really abundant of subject feature has still not been built up .

  8. 框架语义学作为一种认知语义学提供了对词汇意义的描写方法,其中的框架概念是一种对概念的认知组织形式。

    As a cognitive semantics , frame semantics provides with a descriptive method to words ' lexical meanings , and the concept " frame " in it is a cognitive organizing form of concept .

  9. 其次,运用描写的方法详细描写各地的声韵调。

    Secondly , the description is applied to describe the initial consonants , rhymes and tones .

  10. 本文从共时与历时角度出发,在详细调查的基础上,运用描写的方法对辽宁方言词缀进行共时平面的分析。

    In this paper , and diachronic perspective , on the basis of detailed investigation , using the method described affix the common dialect of Liaoning when the plane of analysis .

  11. 在方法上主要采用描写的方法,对该书中的副词进行穷尽式的描写,力图反映该书中副词的面貌,尝试发现一些规律性的东西。

    Depending on the method to describe mainly , we carry on the description of the limit type to the adverb in this book , Try hard to reflect the appearance of the adverb in this book .

  12. 其杰出之处在于他用深刻的心理描写的方法来表现在英国工业化过程中,在现代文明的冲击中人们的不安、躁动和渴求。

    The innovative nature of his novels lies in the way it traces the psychological development of his characters to show Britain 's industrialization and in the crash of the modern civilization , people 's restlessness , turbulence and eagerness .

  13. 浅谈作文教学中细节描写教学的方法

    Discussion on the teaching methods of detail description in composition teaching

  14. 其中运用了语义特征分析法、变换分析法和描写的研究方法。

    Among them using a semantic feature analysis , transform analysis and description method of study .

  15. 形式学派和功能学派都是在传统语法的基础上吸取了美国描写语言学的方法而形成的。

    Both generative and functional grammars are built on the basis of traditional grammar , drawing on the methodological results of American descriptive linguistics .

  16. 本文主要采用描写语言学的方法力求对怀来方言的词缀系统进行深入、细致的描写与分析。

    This present thesis mainly adopts the methods of the descriptive linguistics , attempting to make a systematic study of the affixes on Huailai vernacular .

  17. 修辞结构理论(RST)是对文本进行结构描写的一种方法。

    Rhetorical Structure Theory is a way to describe the structure of discourses .

  18. 定性分析、描写与对比等方法是本文基本的研究方法。

    The methods of qualitative analysis , descriptive approach and compassion are mainly adopted .

  19. 分析了语句的语用特征,并从意境切入,力图丰富描写语句的新方法。

    A new method is given to enrich descriptive sentences on the basis of the pragmatic characteristics and artistic conception .

  20. 本文试图在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,运用描写和解释的方法,从结构构成、语义关系和形成动因等方面对此结构作进一步地探讨。

    This thesis focuses on interpreting the components , the meaning and the motivation of this structure on the base of the former studies .

  21. 本文在前人研究的基础上,运用统计、描写和解释的方法,首先对副词进行封闭式的量化统计,证明副+NP不是个别现象。

    Based on the previous researches , this dissertation firstly prove that adverb + NP are not specific phenomena by means of statistics , description and interpretation .

  22. 本文采用描写与比较的方法,通过调查、整理得出民话的语音系统,对民话的面貌有了大致的了解。

    Adopting the method of describing and comparing , after investigation and reorganization , this paper get the phonetic system , and get roughly understanding to the appearance of the Min Dialect .

  23. 同时也将通过描写、阐释等方法在深层次上揭示网络语言产生的文化动机,提高网络词汇研究的社会价值。

    Moreover , it will reveal the network language at a deeper level of cultural motivation by the methods of explanation and description , and improve the social value of network words .

  24. 本文从共时与历时的角度出发,在详细调查的基础上,运用描写与比较的方法讨论湖南桂阳县北部流峰土话的语音问题。

    This article from the Angle of synchronic and diachronic , base on the detailed investigation , use the method of description and comparation , study the phonology of dialect in northern Guiyang county .

  25. 描写充分必须掌握正确的描写模式和描写方法;

    Full description consists of mastery of right descriptive methods and the use of suitable descriptive ways .