
tuī suàn
  • calculate;reckon;prediction
推算 [tuī suàn]
  • (1) [calculate;reckon]

  • (2) 推演计算

  • 照出版的年月推算起来

  • (3) 如∶所谓对命运的测算

  • 瞎子推算了一阵

推算[tuī suàn]
  1. 为临床下颌骨替代物个体化制造提供相关数据及在CT获得数据不全的情况下,通过回归方程推算其他缺失数据,以供临床参考使用。

    To provide data for fabrication of artificial lower jaw bone , and calculate some missed data through these regression equations .

  2. 本文以统计热力学中的微扰理论为基础,建立一种推算实际气体p、v、T的新方法。

    Based on the perturbation theory , a new method to calculate the p , v , T of real fluid is introduced .

  3. 日食发生的时间可以推算出来。

    The time when a solar eclipse will occur can be calculated .

  4. 他推算出圣诞节该是星期几。

    He has calculated the day of the week on which Christmas will fall .

  5. 该模型为交通事故再现推算碰撞速度提供了有效实用的方法。

    The method gives ways to evaluate collision speed in traffic accident reconstructions .

  6. 镜质体反射率(RO)推算古地温研究进展

    Progress in deduction of Paleotemperature from vitrinite reflectance data

  7. 根据传导速度推算,本实验兴奋的内脏传入属N类纤维。

    The afferent visceral fibers were N group according to conductive velocity in our experiment .

  8. 如果已知h,k和f,就可以推算出壳粒数N。

    If h , k and f are known , N can be calculated .

  9. 土壤环境质量基准中Cd限量指标的推算

    Estimation of cadmium limits for soil environmental quality standard

  10. 由PR谱推算出薄膜表面和界面的电场。

    Electric fields at the surface and the interface were deduced from PR spectra .

  11. 雷达ECM压制距离试验替代等效推算方法与模型

    The Substitute Equivalent Calculation Method and Model for ECM Testing

  12. 可利用某地年平均地面风速(V(10))和数次实测烟囱口高度的风速(V烟),应用对数律或幂指数律推算该地各高度上的风速。

    Can be calculated with annual mean surface wind velocity and multi-measurements of wind speed at the height of funnel top .

  13. 基于组团式城市结构的公交客流OD推算研究

    OD Matrix Estimation Method of Public Transportation Flow Based on Group City Structure

  14. 客户机能够推算出关于WSDL和它要调用的服务的信息。

    The client has a priori knowledge of the WSDL and the service it is going to invoke .

  15. 采用相位推算法测量低频FSK信号频率

    Measuring Frequency of Low FSK Signal Adapting Phase Deducted Method

  16. 利用气象卫星GMS和AVHRR资料推算地面水分含量的方法

    A method of calculating surface moisture from GMS and AVHRR

  17. 以深圳和广州为参照点,按负载系数推算出2030年珠海城市工业容量为以GDP的表示,分别为2780亿元和860亿元;

    With Shenzhen and Guangzhou as the contrast , the capacity of industry ( by GDP ) of Zhuhai , 278 and 86 billion respectively .

  18. 基于遗传算法的OD矩阵推算和混合交通信号相位优化研究

    Research on OD Matrix Estimation & Signal Phase Optimization under Mixed Traffic Condition Based on Genetic Algorithm

  19. 并根据样品的IR反射光谱干涉条纹波形推算出薄膜厚度约为3.5μm,按此计算出生长速率高达2μm/h。

    The film thickness was 3.5 m and the growth rate was up to 2 m / h according to the interference pattern in infrared reflectance ( IR ) spectrum .

  20. 电梯乘客O-D矩阵推算问题的遗传算法

    A Genetic Algorithm for the Estimation of Elevator Passenger O-D Matrix

  21. MgO中离子的接触情况及Mg~(2+)离子半径的推算

    Contiguity of mg ~ ( 2 + ) ions in the MgO and the calculation of mg ~ ( 2 + ) ionic radius

  22. 针对城市车辆全球定位系统(GPS)定位存在的不连续性问题,提出了采用压电陀螺和里程仪组成的低成本航迹推算系统与GPS组合方案。

    According to the problem of position discontinuity using GPS in city cars , a scheme that GPS is combined with DR which is composed by piezoelectric gyro and milemeter is put forward .

  23. 基于电梯交通实测数据的乘客O-D矩阵推算

    Estimation of Passenger O-D Matrix Based on the Measure of Elevator Traffic

  24. 用Gumbel极值分布推算气候极值的方法

    The methods of computing climatic extremes using Gumbel extremal distribution

  25. 用改进的PR方程关联推算N2-CH4-CO2体系的高压汽液平衡

    Correlation and estimation of vapor liquid equilibria for n_2-ch_4-co_2 ternary system by modified Peng Robinson equations

  26. OD矩阵推算和混合交通信号相位优化是智能交通系统领域中两个重要的优化问题。

    O-D matrix estimation and signal phase optimization under mixed traffic condition are two of the important optimization problems in the field of ITS .

  27. 新成熟度在推算混凝土28d强度及工程事故分析方面的应用

    Application of New Maturity to Predication of Concrete Strength at 28 days and Project Accident Analysis

  28. UNIFAC基团贡献法&推算二元和多元非电解质液体混合物表面张力

    Prediction of Surface Tension of Binary and Multicomponent Non-electrolyte Liquid Mixtures by UNIFAC Group Contribution Method

  29. 根据M3和M4HIP株系数推算,水稻HIP突变的实际频率可达0.1%左右。

    Based on the number of HIP plant lines in M 3 and M 4 , it was estimated that HIP mutation frequency was around 0.1 % in rice .

  30. 通过柔度标定实验,证明按上述理论解的形式,可得实验柔度的最佳回归方程。从而推算出脆性材料断裂韧性K(IC)的表达式。

    It is proved by compliance calibration test that the optimum regression equation for compliance values can be obtained according to the above theoretical solution , The K_ ( Ic ) expression is then derived .