
tuī ɡuǎnɡ pǔ tōnɡ huà
  • popularize the common spoken Chinese
  1. 论推广普通话的重要性

    The tone is clear dry On the Importance of Popularizing Mandarin

  2. 关于高校推广普通话工作的思考

    Reflections on Popularizing the Common Spoken Chinese on A University-Wide Scale

  3. 这些将成为我们学校推广普通话的宣传口号。

    These will be the promotion of Putonghua in our school slogan .

  4. 关于非师范院校推广普通话的思考

    About Popularizing Pu Tong Hua in Non-normal Colleges and Universities

  5. 大力推广普通话促进新农村和谐发展

    Popularize Putonghua Vigorously to Promoting the Harmonious Development of New Rural Area

  6. 推广普通话的大背景;

    The big background of promoting standard spoken Chinese ;

  7. 当前推广普通话的三项基本措施

    Three Basic Methods of Popularizing Standard Chinese at Present

  8. 为了让城市显得更友好,我们甚至已努力推广普通话。

    We even tried to promote Mandarin to make the city seem friendlier .

  9. 推广普通话与保护方言

    Popularizing the Common Spoken Chinese and Protecting Dialect

  10. 推广普通话,学校教育是基础。

    Education is the base for this test .

  11. 而在推广普通话中,普通话培训测试是重中之重。

    In the promotion of Mandarin , Mandarin Training and Testing is the most important .

  12. 全国推广普通话(以下简称推普)工作的重点应该由城市向农村转移。

    The job of popularizing putonghua around nation ought to shift toward rural area from the city .

  13. 推广普通话是时代发展的需要,是社会主义精神文明建设的重要组成部分。

    Mandarin is the request of the times , which is the main part of our socialistic civilization building .

  14. 央视栏目名的用字用语情况考察从中央电视台《新闻联播》看推广普通话

    Investigation of Word Choice of CCTV Feature-Programme Titles A View of the Standard Chinese Popularization from the CCTV News Broadcasting

  15. 推广普通话,推行规范汉字,是我国语言文字的基本政策。

    It is one of Chinese government 's basic policies to extend the using of mandarin and implement standard Chinese characters .

  16. 大力弘扬医学科学精神大力推广普通话促进新农村和谐发展

    Vigorously carrying forward the spirit of the medical sciences Popularize Putonghua Vigorously to Promoting the Harmonious Development of New Rural Area

  17. 推广普通话的大背景;大组块在英语词汇记忆中的功效

    The big background of promoting standard spoken Chinese ; On the Role of big Chunks in the Memorization of English Words

  18. 在市民中推广普通话,规范大众媒体语言文字的使用。

    The use of Pudonghua shall be promoted among citizens and the Chinese language used by the mass media shall be standardized .

  19. 总统明晚将发表重要的电视[广播]讲话。从中央电视台《新闻联播》看推广普通话

    The President will broadcast an important message tomorrow evening . A View of the Standard Chinese Popularization from the CCTV News Broadcasting

  20. 96《修订本》定将以崭新的面貌,更高的质量继续为推广普通话、促进汉语规范化和推动汉语教学作出贡献。

    1996 Revised Edition will certainly contribute to the promotion of Putonghua , enhance the standardization of Chinese and advance the teaching of Chinese .

  21. 随着推广普通话的政策进行,不同方言区的人们对普通话这一标准语及当地方言的变体的态度很值得我们做深入的考察。

    With the promotion of mandarin , the attitudes of local people on dialect variations and standard language is worthy of our study in depth .

  22. 地方各级人民政府及其有关部门应当采取措施,推广普通话和推行规范汉字。

    Local people 's governments at various levels and the relevant departments under them shall take measures to popularize Putonghua and the standardized Chinese characters .

  23. 提高普通话培训与测试质量对于推广普通话、提高普通话整体水平起着至关重要的作用。

    The quality of Mandarin training and test has played a very important role in popularizing mandarin as well as enhancing the overall level of mandarin .

  24. 一支水平高、素质强并具有一定实践能力和科研能力的测试员队伍,能为高职院校推广普通话更好的服务。

    A mandarin team with high level , strong quality and certain practical ability and scientific research ability can better service for promoting mandarin in colleges .

  25. 文章对目前推广普通话的现状和重要性进行了分析,并从三个方面阐述了普通话测试员应具有的素质:一是思想政治素质;

    The article discusses the current situation and significance of the popularization of mandarin , expounding the qualities of mandarin examiners from the following three aspects : ideological quality ;

  26. 更重要的是从经济发展、民族交流和发展教育、科技三个不同方面来阐述推广普通话的重要性。

    Above all , this paper clarifies the importance of popularizing Mandarin from three perspectives : economic development , multi-national communication , and progress of education , science and technology .

  27. 要知道,中国推广普通话快五十年了,还有多数人不会说呢。

    By contrast , many people in China have not yet to master the tongue today , although a similar " speak putonghua " drive has been going on for nearly 50 years .

  28. 高等师范院校是贯彻国家语言文字政策,推广普通话的前沿阵地,搞好普通话课堂教学是推广普通话的重要途径。

    Normal universities and colleges are the forward position of carrying out national language policies and popularizing mandarin . To do well in mandarin teaching in classes is an important way of spreading it .

  29. 文章主要从罗山话声母、韵母、声调,及与普通话对应关系上对罗山话做一个粗略的概述,目的是能为推广普通话、实现汉语规范化起一定的积极作用。

    This papers offers a rough description of Luoshan dialect in terms of its initianl consonant , compound vowel , intonation and its counterparts in Mandarin for the sake of further spreading of Mandarin .

  30. 这并不是批评北京过度推广普通话,也不是暗示中国的语言问题像印度一样具有爆炸性。

    That is not to criticise Beijing unduly for promoting the use of Mandarin , nor to suggest that the language issue in China is anything like as explosive as it has been in India .