
kòng fāng zhèng ren
  • prosecuting witness
控方证人[kòng fāng zhèng ren]
  1. 在法治发达国家,与控方证人当庭质证被认为是刑事被告人的一项基本权利。

    The interrogation between the crime-accused and prosecuting witness in the court is considered to be a fundamental right of the crime-accused in the advanced countries ruled by law .

  2. 控方证人未出庭。

    The prosecution witness didn 't appear in court .

  3. 他试图反驳控方证人所作的断言。

    He attempted to rebuild the assertions made by the prosecution witness .

  4. 警方正在调查针对控方证人的死亡威胁。

    Police are investigating death threats against a prosecution witness .

  5. 他们亦受命不得骚扰控方证人,并须每星期向警方报到一次。

    They were also ordered not to interfere with prosecution witnesses , and to report to the police once a week .

  6. 传唤和询问证人的权利包括询问控方证人的权利和传唤已方证人出庭的权利。

    The right to summon and examine witnesses contains the right to examine witnesses against him and the right to summon witnesses on his behalf .

  7. 在法庭审判阶段,或在程序的其他阶段给予辩方询问控方证人的机会都可以使该权利得到保障。

    During the trial , or the other stages of the procedure to give the defendant the opportunity to examine witnesses against him can make the right to be guaranteed .

  8. 污点证人刑事豁免制度是指犯罪嫌疑人、被告人作为控方证人从而免受刑事追究或者给予刑事上从轻、减轻或免除处罚的一项刑事司法制度。

    The immunity of tainted wetness refers to the criminal suspects and defendants as the prosecution witness thus from criminal shall be investigated for criminal or give on be given a lighter or mitigated or be exempted from punishment to a criminal justice system .

  9. 但我们加拿大人已注意到,布莱克的长期助手、后来转为控方主要证人的戴维•拉德勒(DavidRadler),在他的求情书中表达自己希望在加拿大服刑的愿望。

    But we Canadians have noticed that David Radler , Lord Black 's long-time-lieutenant-turned-chief - witness-for-the-prosecution , included in his plea bargain his hope to serve his sentence in Canada .

  10. 你是否同意了作控方的污点证人?

    Did you agree to become a cooperating witness ?

  11. 控方有问题问证人吗?

    Does the prosecution wish to examine this witness ?

  12. 控方要传唤目击证人吗?

    Does the state wish call a witness ?

  13. 我们是控方、法官、证人及刽子手。

    We are the accusers , the judges , the witness , and the executioners .

  14. 我相信法庭非常明白,控方的重要目击证人此时无法出庭作证。

    I believe the court is very aware that the state key witness is unavailable for testimony at this time .

  15. 本罪的行为对象指的是刑事证据包括有形的物质证据、也包括证人并非只包含控方所提供的证人。

    The object of this crime refers to acts of criminal evidence , including physical and material evidence , including not only includes the prosecution witnesses provided by witnesses .