
  • 网络Contact Measurement
  1. 精密加工过程中旋转曲面温度在线监测的方法有:红外测温仪测温、CCD热像仪测温、红外传送信号的接触测量、温敏电容及涡流损耗测温。

    During precision machining process , some methods of on-line measuring temperature for revolving curved surface of non-same temperature were described such as infrared thermometry , CCD , contact measurement of infrared signal , temperature-sensing capacitance and eddy wastage .

  2. 为了方便地测量图像传感器的调制传递函数(MTF),在正弦模板法基础上,提出了矩形模板接触测量的方法。

    In order to measure the Modulation Transfer Function ( MTF ) of image sensor conveniently , contact measurement using rectangle template is proposed based on sine template contact measurement .

  3. 采用CCD的非接触测量中提高精度的一种方法

    Method for improving precision in noncontact measurement by linear CCD

  4. 基于线阵CCD的油管螺纹非接触测量技术研究

    Study on Technologies of Non-contact Tubing Thread Measuring System Based on Linear Array CCD

  5. 基于步进电机的CCD无接触测量仪

    Stepper Motor Based on CCD Non-contact Measuring Instrument

  6. 本文介绍了一种用线列阵CCD器件非接触测量透明管件直径的装置。

    This article introduces a new method for non-contact on-line external-diameter measurement of transparent tubing using an1-dimensional CCD array .

  7. 为了在一个系统中对滚珠丝杠副内螺纹进行无损探测及几何参数测量,提出了基于工业CT技术及图像处理技术的滚珠丝杠副内螺纹的非接触测量方法。

    In order to realize non-destruction detection and parameter measurement on internal thread of ball screws in one system , this paper proposed a non-contact measurement method , which was based on image processing technology and industrial CT technology .

  8. 本文介绍了球面孔系坐标非接触测量系统组成结构、原理和工作过程,以及系统使用到的CCD、光栅传感器和轴角编码器等光电技术。

    This paper firstly introduces the elements and working principle and process of the measurement system , together with some photoelectric technology used by this system such as CCD , raster sensor , and photoelectric rotary encoder .

  9. 在拟合每个轮廓线时,先用非接触测量系统测出的数据反算出EE样条曲线控制多边形的顶点。

    When fitting each contour line , the points measured by non - contact measuring system are as the top points about control polygon for forming EE spline curve .

  10. 采用集成技术,将Ra测量单元、PPI测量单元等多个不同功能的单元集成在一起,实现多个参数的同时实时非接触测量。

    By using an integration technique , the R_a unit , PPI unit and other various units can be integrated . So the real-time and simultaneous non-contact measurement of multi-parameters can be realized .

  11. 获取真实物体的三维模型是计算机视觉的一个重要研究课题,在虚拟现实、CAD反向工程、模式识别、不良产品检测以及人体非接触测量等领域有着广泛的应用。

    Reconstruction of 3-D objects is an important research problem of computer vision , which have been applied in many domains such as Virtual Reality , CAD reverse engineering , Pattern Recognition , ill product detection , and non-contact measurement of 3 D human body .

  12. 但已知的国内外所采用的非接触测量系统,或者不能同时测量出长度和角度的位置关系,或者由于同时使用多组CCD探测器,加大了系统的复杂性。

    But for the noncontact position measuring systems that are used interiorly or overseas , some can 't acquire both the distance parameters and the angle parameters , others are very complicated because of the using of more than one CCD detectors .

  13. 激光三角测量是非常重要的非接触测量方法,本文研究了以PSD作为光电传感器的测量系统中的一些问题。

    Laser triangulation measurement is one of the main methods of noncontact measurement . Many questions , have been studied in the measuring system , regarded Position Sensitive Detector ( PSD ) as the photoelectric sensor .

  14. 介绍一种光学非接触测量超微振动的方法,利用球面共焦Fabry-Perot干涉仪设计了微振动测量系统。

    This article presents an optical non contact method to measure micro vibration . It is an optical measuring system with a spherical Fabry Perot interferometer to detect the solid surface micro vibration .

  15. 利用PIV无接触测量技术,在氩气流量为1.9m3/h工况下,对60~160目粒径的玉米秸颗粒流进行了速度场的研究。

    Using a non-instructive technique of Particle Image Velocimetry ( PIV ), the velocity fields of corn stalk granules which mesh size ranges from 60 to 160 were studied at the 1.9m ~ 3 / h volume flux of Argon gas .

  16. 首先,根据压电方程推导了在非接触测量方式下,电压表测量电压和结构表面应变分量之间的关系式,并对购置的PVDF压电薄膜进行了标定实验。

    First , the relationship between the measured potential on the PVDF film and the strain components on the structural surface was deduced from the piezoelectric constitutive law under the non-contact condition . Then calibrating experiments of the PVDF film are carried out .

  17. 生产过程中物体瞬时速度非接触测量

    Non-contact measuring for instantaneous velocity of solid surface in industrial production

  18. 三坐标激光非接触测量技术在武器系统测量领域的应用

    Application of 3-coordinate laser non-contact measuring technology in weapon system measuring filed

  19. 座圈尺寸光电非接触测量系统研究

    A Study on Non-contact Photoelectric Measuring System for the Dimension of Saddle Ring

  20. 非接触测量中激光扫描探头的研究

    A Study of Laser Scanning Probe in Non-Contact Measurement

  21. 基于频率计的电机转速实时非接触测量方法

    Real-time Untouched Motor Rotation Period Measurement Based on Counter

  22. 基于新型接近觉传感器的非接触测量系统

    A non-contact measurement based on a new proximity sensor

  23. 卫星电源控制中霍尔非接触测量技术

    Hall noncontact measure technology in control of satellites power

  24. 无线电引信电池性能红外非接触测量方法研究

    Infrared Non - contact - measuring Method of Battery Performance of Radio Fuze

  25. 非接触测量系统的主从式闭环运动控制系统设计

    Master and Slave Closed Loop Movement Control System Design for Non-contact Measuring System

  26. 一种新型的物体三维轮廓非接触测量系统

    New Non-Contacting Measurement System for Object 's 3D Contour

  27. 这种测量系统能实现物体的非接触测量。

    It can realize the non - contact measurement .

  28. 压强场非接触测量新建议

    A New Proposal on Nonintrusive Measurement of Pressure Fields

  29. 卷烟直径非接触测量系统的研究

    Au Untouched Metrical System for Cigarette Diameter Measurement

  30. 波浪波形的非接触测量近年来获得广泛的应用。

    The non contacted measurement of wave form is widely used in recent years .