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jiē jiàn
  • interview;give an interview to;have an interview with;grant an interview to;receive sb
接见 [jiē jiàn]
  • (1) [receive;give an interview to;have an interview with]∶在正式场合会见级别较低的来访者

  • (2) [interview]∶对级别较低的来访者的会见

接见[jiē jiàn]
  1. 教皇同意私下接见她。

    The Pope granted her a private audience .

  2. 我不可以接见来访者。

    I 'm not allowed visitors .

  3. 总统在白宫接见了教皇陛下。

    The President received His Holiness at the White House .

  4. 上周她受到了女王的接见。

    She met the Queen last week .

  5. 她来到英国访问,在詹姆士一世的王宫受到了接见。

    She came to visit England , where she was presented at the court of James I

  6. 总统还在爱丽舍宫接见了参加部长级会议的各部长。

    The president also meets ministers at inter-ministerial councils held at the Elys é e Palace .

  7. 经理将按(到达)先后次序接见这些应征者。

    The manager will interview the candidates in order of arrival .

  8. 我十分感谢您这次接见。

    I thank you very much indeed for this interview .

  9. 这位外交部长受到首相的接见。

    The foreign minister had an audience of the prime minister .

  10. 阁下,国王现在要接见您。

    The king will see you now ,( your ) excellency .

  11. 市长赶快走到办公室,拒不接见记者。

    The mayor hurried into his office , brushing off the reporters .

  12. 他获准被总统接见。

    He was granted an audience with the president .

  13. 接见我的是位长挑身材,袅娜轻盈、神采奕奕的老太太,七十多岁的年纪,满头白发,依然清秀漂亮。

    I was received by a tall , lithe , vibrant woman in her70 's , white-haired , and still beautiful .

  14. 他要求那位总理接见他一次。

    He requested that the premier grant him an internview .

  15. 当他非正式接见我的时候,他不穿礼服而总是穿中国长袍。

    When he received me informally , he doffed the uniform of state and always wore a long chinese coat .

  16. 有一天,曹丕要求接见曹植,他要求曹植在他七步之内作诗一首,如果做不到,就会有生命危险。

    One day , Tsau Pi called Tsau Jr into see him . He ordered his brother to make up a poem within the time it took to walk seven steps , adding that if he could not , his life would be in danger .

  17. 本周二,布希总统在白宫接见了NBA上赛季总冠军迈阿密热火队,并对球队给予了高度赞扬。但布希说,他对热火队可谓是爱恨交加。

    President George W.Bush highly praised the Miami Heat 's championship season at a White House ceremony Tuesday but said he had mixed emotions .

  18. 把握器经常须要接见输入数据,如查询字串值、表单值、以及经由过程路由体系从输入URL解析所获得的参数。

    Controllers frequently need to access incoming data , such as query string values , form values , and parameters parsed the incoming URL by the routing system .

  19. 联合国秘书长潘基文当地时间周二晚上晚上在纽约的联合国总部接见了老乡-目前全球最火的《江南STYLE》的PSY,一起跳骑马舞。

    United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon met fellow countryman and global popstar PSY for some ' Gangnam Style ' dancing at the UN headquarters in New York last night .

  20. NBA上赛季总决赛的“最有价值球员”韦德说,能到白宫参加总统接见仪式是个“让人难以置信的荣誉”。

    Wade , the Most Valuable Player of the Heat 's triumph over the Mavericks , said it was " an unbelievable honor " to attend the White House ceremony .

  21. 跳伞之前的影片由DannyBoyle在白金汉宫东面的画廊与接见室拍摄。

    The video sequence that preceded the jump was directed by Danny Boyle in the palace 's east gallery and audience room earlier this year .

  22. Simon在接见临死的Karl的几小时中,处于一种困境。Karl向Simon,一个犹太人,坦白了他生前对犹太人犯下的可怖罪行。

    Simon was in a predicament during his hours of interview with the dying Karl , who confessed to him his horrendous crime against the Jews and asked Simon , a Jew , for forgiveness .

  23. “我叫瑞拉,OM-45号的,”瑞拉说,“扎达克司令4点半要接见我们。”

    ' Rilla , OM-45 ,' Rilla said . ' To see Commander Zadak at four-thirty . '

  24. 动态研究公司rim的ceo在接见bloomberg公司人员时说,公司经过市场调查,决定将最新产品黑莓平板电脑定价为500美元,这款7英寸的平板电脑将于2011年第一季度待售。

    When research in motion throw its tablet into the market , the device will cost less than 500 dollars . Rim CEO said this in an interview with Bloomberg . The 7 inch BlackBerry play book is due out in first quater of 2011 .

  25. 当天是奥运圣火在英国传递的第53天,而接见伦敦奥组委主席SebastienCoe也是当天的一项任务。距离在伦敦点燃圣火宣告第30界奥运会开幕还有不到3个星期的时间。

    Day 53 of the relay also included a meeting with LOCOG Chairman Lord Sebastien Coe. It is less than three weeks before the torch is lit in London to signal the start of the 30th Olympiad .

  26. 他站起来表示接见已经结束。

    He stood up to show that the audience was over .

  27. 经理现在可以接见你5分钟。

    The manager can see you for five minutes at present .

  28. 在一个内地城市,两方领导人接见了外交官。

    In an interior city , both sides'leaders interviewed the diplomat .

  29. 我关照传达室不接见任何客人。

    I told the door-keeper to deny me to all callers .

  30. 大使亲自接见了我们,给我们泡了浓咖啡。

    The ambassador greeted us individually and made us an espresso .