
  • 网络Drainage standards;CPC
  1. 由于排水标准的不断提高和土地成本的不断增加,膜生物反应器以其高效、优异的处理效果以及低占地面积日益受到重视,但膜污染是限制MBR更广泛应用的因素之一。

    As the constant improvement of drain standard and the constant increase of cost of glebe , Membrane Bioreactor has been attached importance for its higher efficiency and less demand of glebe . But membrane fouling is one of the reasons of wide application of MBR .

  2. 1978年,本研究所在国内首次埋设塑料暗管,就地下排水标准与间距计算进行了研究。得出地下水头高0.5m,排水宰12mm/天为稳定流地下排水标准。

    We initiated applying the technology of laying underground drainage and space calculation in 1978 . The results indicated that 0.5m height for underground water head and 12mm / day for drainage rate were the stable flow for underground drainage standard .

  3. 有关农田排水标准研究的几个问题

    Some Problems Concerning the Research needs on Criteria for Land Drainage

  4. 城市管渠排水标准衔接及方法研究

    Study on Standard Syntaxis and Methods of Urban Drainage between Pipe and River

  5. 以小麦生长受抑制的天数为指标的排水标准试验研究

    A Study of the Drainage Criteria of Relationship between the Relative Yield of Winter Wheat and Stress Day Index

  6. 苏南城市化进程中圩区排水标准关系研究

    Study on the Correlation of the Drainage Criteria of Polder on the Course of Urbanization in Southern Jiangsu Province

  7. 在新一轮的圩区规划中,苏南圩区要求远期规划按城镇排水标准进行排涝规划。

    In the new round planning of the polder areas , regions in Southern Jiangsu province require that the future water logging planning is done according to the town drainage criterion .

  8. 提出不同土壤类型地下水适宜埋深,为黄淮平原节水灌溉和排水标准提供依据。

    The suitable depth of groundwater level was presented for different kinds of soil , which can serve as the reference and standard for water-saving irrigation and drainage in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain .

  9. 本文以江苏省典型城市的降雨资料为研究对象,从分析影响二者标准制定的因素出发,探求一套二者衔接关系的计算方法,进而得出管道和河道排水标准的衔接关系。

    This paper investigates rainfall data of typical city in Jiangsu province , and analyzes factors affecting both standards establishing , in order to search for a method to join the two well , so as the relationship between storm sewer standard and river draining standard .

  10. 基于AutoCAD的给水排水工程标准图形库开发

    Development of Standard Drawing Library of Water and Waste Water Engineering Based on AutoCAD

  11. 炼油厂给水排水水质标准

    Standard for water quality of water supply and drainage in refineries

  12. 考虑作物产量和化肥流失时排水设计标准的确定方法

    Determination of drainage criteria considering the increase of crop yield and environment protection

  13. 总结分析了灌区水盐动态变化趋势,计算并提出了排水控制标准。

    The water salt trends in irrigated area is analysed and the standard of drained off water control is put forward .

  14. 根据给排水国家制图标准,将设计中经常用到的仪器、设备、器具、附件等设置为图块,建成幻灯菜单,调用方便、快捷,并有利于单位内部绘图的统一。

    According to the drawing standard of Water and Waste Water System , making equipments , instruments , accessories which were often used to be a block , then building magic lantern menu which can be easily used .

  15. 从苏维脱到速微特&《旋式速微特单立管排水系统安装》标准图集简介硬聚氯乙烯螺旋单立管(PPI)的应用与发展

    Brief on the Album of Standard Drawings of Spiral Single Stack Discharge System The Application & Development of the Pipe Material-PPI in Building Drainage System

  16. 城市排水系统的设计标准及工程实践

    Design Standard of Urban Drainage System and Engineering Practice

  17. 给水排水设计基本术语标准

    Standard for basic terms used in design of water supply and sewerage engineering

  18. 然后分别讨论了绝对与相对排水边界的识别标准。

    Then , the criteria for the identification of absolute and relative drainage boundary are discussed respectively .

  19. 英国供排水服务监管承诺标准要则对我国的启示

    Inspirations of Guaranteed Standards Scheme for customer service regulations of water supply and drainage in UK to China 's reform of water affair integration

  20. 目前尚没有乡村公路排水设施的技术标准或指南,修建乡村公路的排水设施也不能完全按照现行的《公路排水设计规范》进行。

    Up till now there are not a design specification or design guide developed specialized for rural highways , and the drainage facilities of rural highways can not be constructed absolutely according to the Specifications of Drainage Design for Highways .

  21. 对贵阳市这一山区城市排水涉及的设计标准、市政排水大沟、道路排水、地下通道、管道结构、管网协调等技术问题作了探讨。

    The paper approaches to the technical problems such as the design standards , municipal drainage ditches , road drainage , underground passage , piping structure , pipe network coordination etc. of the urban drainage of this mountain area of Guiyang City .

  22. 叙述了现行排水板滤膜的标准和国产短纤维滤膜现状,指出标准中缺少有关滤膜梯形撕裂强度和滤膜粘合缝的粘结强度两个重要指标;

    The current standards of prefabricated drain filters and present condition of short fiber filter in China are described in this paper , and it is pointed out lacking of two important indexes of the trapezoidal tearing strength and gluing strength of glued seam about the filter in the standard .

  23. 通过对现有排水压力较大的汇流范围进行分流,可以提高排水标准,同时最大限度地利用现有排水管道,方案合理可行。

    Old Based on the existing drainage pressure range of confluence of large , can improve drainage standard , and maximize existing drainage pipelines , rational and feasible scheme .

  24. 介绍了东方1&1海底输气管道排水/干燥工艺涉及的清管器设计、干燥剂选择、排水/干燥方案设计、排水/干燥标准等技术环节,设计了除水/干燥方案。

    The dewatering / drying techniques of Dongfang 1 & 1 offshore gas pipeline are introduced including the pig design , drying agent selecting , the dewatering / drying program , and the dewatering / drying standards , etc. And the dewatering / drying program is made .