
  • 网络emissions;emission pollution
  1. 本文针对我国二冲程摩托车排气污染的现状,简要分析了常见的控制排气污染的措施以及二冲程摩托车催化转化器的结构和工作原理。

    Based on the present situation of exhaust emissions from two stroke motorcycle in China , the common methods about control of the exhaust emissions and the structure and operation principle of catalytic converter have been analyzed .

  2. 发动机电控技术是降低发动机排气污染,提高其动力性和经济性的一个重要手段,它的研究和开发越来越受到人们的重视。

    As electronics is regarded as one of the most important method to reduce the exhaust emissions and improve the power and economy performance , the development and study of engine electronic control technology is paid more and more attention .

  3. 氢发动机排气污染及NOx排放优化控制

    Research on exhaust characteristics of hydrogen-fueled engine and optimizing control of no_x

  4. 车用柴油机NOx排气污染及治理措施

    On the polluted emission of NOx from diesel engine and the preventions

  5. 减小摩托车排气污染的理想清洁燃料首选LPG。

    To decrease the tail gas pollution of motorcycle , the ideal clean fuel is LPG .

  6. 为减少柴油车排气污染,实施了柴油公共汽车的LPG/柴油双燃料系统改造。

    The reformation of LPG / diesel oil dual-fuel system of the diesel buses has been carried out in order to reduce their tail gas contamination .

  7. 露天矿重型自卸汽车排气污染及控制

    Heavy type dump truck 's exhaust gas pollution and its control

  8. 上海城市交通与机动车排气污染调查

    Investigation on Urban Traffic and Vehicle Exhaust Emission Pollution in Shanghai

  9. 上海市汽车排气污染管理的现状与对策

    Existing Situation of Automobile Exhaust Gas Management and Countermeasure in Shanghai

  10. 城市街道峡谷机动车排气污染扩散的研究现状

    The Survey of Vehicle Emission Pollutants Dispersion in Urban Street Canyons

  11. 深圳市汽车排气污染的管制与防治

    The management and prevention of automobile gas emission pollution in Shenzhen

  12. 厦门市机动车排气污染现状与防治对策

    Status of Exhaust Polluting from Automobile and Preventing Countermeasure in Amoy

  13. 城市开阔道路的交通排气污染实验和模拟

    The experiment and simulation of traffic exhaust pollution near urban open road

  14. 云南省在用机动车的排气污染及防治

    The Prevention and Treatment of the Exhaust from Motor Vehicle in Yunnan

  15. 对燃气涡轮燃烧室排气污染的一种简单模型的分析与发展

    Analysis and development of a simple emission model for gas turbine combustors

  16. 汽车排气污染影响因素分析

    Analysis of Factors on Exhausted Gas Pollution of Gasoline Automobile

  17. 普洱茶后发酵中的香气成分变化分析排气污染成分分析仪

    Analysis of Changes in Aroma Components of Pu-erh Tea during Post-fermentation Process

  18. 汽油发动机排气污染的影响因素与控制

    Influencing Factors and Control of Exist Gas Pollution of Oil-burner

  19. 汽车排气污染与控制的若干问题

    Some Problems on Automobile Emission Pollution and Its Control

  20. 营运机动车排气污染的经济学研究

    Economic study on exhaust pollution of operational motor vehicles

  21. 浅谈汽油车排气污染的危害及控制

    Harm and Control of Gas Exhaust Pollution by Automobile

  22. 济南市机动车排气污染现状与控制对策研究

    Study on Status Quo and Control Polices of Vehicle Exhaust Pollution in Jinan

  23. 上海城市机动车排气污染控制研究

    A Study of Motor Vehicle Emission Control in Shanghai

  24. 摩托车排气污染的影响因素及防治措施

    Effective Factor and Prevent Measure of Motorcycle Exhaust Pollutant

  25. 排气污染成分分析仪煤矿井下防爆柴油机排气污染的控制

    Control of Exhaust Pollutant of Flame Proof Diesel Engine in Underground Coal Mmines

  26. 汽车排气污染与治理的发展和动向

    Advance and Development in Exhaust Gas Pollution and Control

  27. 昆山市区机动车排气污染负荷估算及污染控制对策

    Estimation of Pollution Load for Automobile Exhaust and Its Control in Kunshan City

  28. 催化转化净化技术已成为降低汽车排气污染的后处理的有效措施之一,并得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Catalytic technology has been applied popularly because it can decrease exhaust pollution .

  29. 排气污染的前处理&含氧燃料的开发利用

    The Pre-Treatment of Exhaust Pollution & The Development and Use of Oxygen Fuel

  30. 摩托车发动机的排气污染与净化途径

    Pollution of Motorcycle Engine Exhaust and the Purifying Approach