
  • 网络psp;game boy;Handheld game console;PlayStation Portable;GameBoy
  1. 你花费在掌上游戏机的所有时间可能真的有点价值。

    All that time spent on your Game Boy might actually have been worth something .

  2. 几乎所有日本创新——从随身听到掌上游戏机--都发生在安全的茧内的企业巨头比如索尼和任天堂。

    Almost all Japanese innovation - from the Walkman to the Game Boy - has happened inside the safe cocoon of corporate behemoths such as Sony and Nintendo .

  3. 顺便说一下,NDS(掌上游戏机)实在太好玩了!

    By the way , the NDS is so much fun !

  4. 那已经融入了人们的日常生活,他们可以用手机买票、积分,还可以用任天堂DS掌上游戏机下载培训项目。

    It was a day-to-day given that they can use their mobile phones for tickets , loyalty points all the way through to using Nintendo handheld DS consoles to download training programmes .

  5. 索尼曾多次尝试把PlayStation游戏移植到掌上游戏机和它的Xperia智能手机上,但都以失败告终。

    There have been several failed initiatives to port PlayStation games to handheld consoles and its Xperia smartphones .

  6. 任天堂证明了自己能够利用搞怪、有趣的人物以及复杂的游戏设计,超越其早期游戏设备(1985年的“红白机”(NES)和1989年的掌上游戏机GameBoy)的技术限制。

    Nintendo had proved able to transcend the limited technology of its earlier devices - the Nintendo Entertainment System console in 1985 and the Game Boy handheld in 1989 - with quirky , amusing characters and intricate games design .

  7. 日本新力公司日前表示,该公司有可能会再次推迟其新型掌上游戏机PSP在欧洲和亚洲的上市时间,原因是PSP目前的生产量尚不能满足其在欧亚两大市场预计的巨大需求量。

    " But because demand for PSPs is surpassing production capacity , we are now reconsidering the timing of sales in Europe and Asia ," said Kenichi Fukunaga , a spokesman for SCE .

  8. 随着信息技术的进步,计算机等电子产品的普及应用,特别是智能手机、PDA、掌上游戏机、随身音乐播放器等广泛使用,计算机图形学的地位越来越重要。

    With the rapid advancement of information technology and widespread use of various electronic products , such as smart phone , PDA , hand-held game device and music players , computer graphics is now more and more important .

  9. SAL9000在著名建筑物前为在任天堂DS掌上游戏机中的新婚妻子拍摄照片,并把它们上传至社交网站。

    SAL9000 took pictures of Nene , installed in his Nintendo DS , in front of famous landmarks and then posted them on social networking sites .

  10. 充电完毕后,该电池组提供的电能,足够手机进行2小时的通话、ipod使用18小时,或索尼(sony)psp掌上游戏机玩2.5个小时。

    Once charged , the battery pack supplies enough energy to provide up to two hours of talk time on a mobile phone , 18 hours of running time on an iPod or about 2.5 hours of playing time on a Sony PSP hand-held games console .

  11. 这款专为“任天堂DS”掌上游戏机设计的游戏将由总部位于加利福尼亚的育碧软件公司的魁北克分公司开发。这款游戏主要以“艾伦•卡尔戒烟法”为基础,据说这种戒烟法已帮助一千多万烟民永久戒烟。

    Based on the successful " Allen Carr 's Easyway to Stop Smoking " method which reportedly has helped more than 10 million smokers to stub out their cigarettes once and for all , the game , designed for Nintendo DS , will be developed by the Quebec bureau of California-headquartered Ubisoft .

  12. 同样地,索尼正努力把PlayStation游戏机打造为一个订购平台,以便汇聚广泛的产品与服务(从游戏、电影,到实况电视节目),面向各种设备(手机、电视机、平板电脑和掌上游戏机)的用户。

    In the same way , Sony is trying to build the PlayStation gaming console into a subscription-based platform , bringing together users of various gadgets from mobile phones , televisions , tablets to portable game players with wide-ranging offerings from games and movies to live TV programmes .

  13. 我们接手过一个小伙,随葬品是他的掌上游戏机。

    We even had one guy who was buried with his Game Boy .

  14. 任天堂独占德国掌上游戏机市场

    Nintendo monopolizes game machine market in Germany

  15. 几年前,游戏产业由家用游戏机、电脑和掌上游戏机推动。

    Years ago , the gaming industry was driven by consoles , PCs , and handhelds .

  16. 多年以来,索尼和任天堂将大量资金投入了掌上游戏机领域。

    Both Sony ( SNE ) and Nintendo had for years made boatloads of cash with gaming handhelds .

  17. 带彩绘书、掌上游戏机或任何让他们行程间有事干的东西。

    Bring along coloring books , hand-held games or anything else that will keep them occupied during the trip .

  18. 《亚利桑那每日星报》的菲尔·维拉瑞尔写道他甚至被要求把他的任天堂掌上游戏机放回到车上去。

    Phil Villarreal of the Arizona Daily Star wrote that he was even ordered to return his Nintendo DS gaming device to his car .

  19. 一个模拟小时后玩的那种很简单的掌上游戏机的游戏,这个游戏机的内容是要逃过大章鱼的捕捉。

    Hours after a simulation is very simple to play the kind of handheld console games , this game is to escape the contents of a large octopus catch .

  20. 上网本,智能手机,平板电脑,音乐播放器,掌上游戏机等各种新型便携式移动设备不断涌现,成为新一代移动计算平台。

    Various mobile devices , such as netbooks , smartphones , tablet PCs , music players and portable game consoles , are increasingly popular and have become the new generation platform for mobile computing .

  21. 索尼倒是上调了智能手机的销售目标,但即便是这一难得的好消息也笼罩在一些阴云之下。索尼说,其智能手机已经开始分食低端数码相机和掌上游戏机的销量。

    Sony did raise its targets for smartphones , but even that silver lining came with some clouds as the company said the handsets were starting to steal sales away from low-end digital cameras and portable game machines .

  22. 掌上型游戏机。

    Game boy a DV ance .

  23. 电脑视觉综合症是长盯视电脑、智能电话、掌上电子游戏机电子书等数码设备屏幕的医学症状。

    Computer Vision Syndrome is a medical condition associated with our addiction to digital devices & from computers to smart phones , hand-held video games and e-books .