
  1. 基于Web的指挥自动化系统的设计

    Design of Automation Command System Based on Web

  2. 基于GIS的陆军野战防空指挥自动化系统分析

    Analysis on Army Field Air Defense Automatic Command Systems Based on GIS

  3. 利用UML建模开发炮兵指挥自动化系统

    Artillery Command Automation System Developed by UML

  4. 防空旅指挥自动化系统Petri网决策组织结构

    Research on Decision Structure for Air-defense Brigade C ~ 4ISR System based on Petri Net

  5. 基于MAS的舰艇防化指挥自动化系统

    Automatic command system for warship chemical defense based on MAS

  6. 基于QFD的潜艇指挥自动化系统作战需求分析

    Operations Requirements Analysis about Submarine Commands Automation System Based on QFD

  7. 针对海军装备保障的特点,提出了一种基于地理信息系统(GIS)的海军装备保障指挥自动化系统设计方法,并在海军装备指挥自动化系统开发中得以应用。

    According to the traits of naval equipment support , presenting a design method of equipment support command automation system based on GIS , and applying this method into the developing of naval equipment support command automation system .

  8. 通过对QFD方法的研究,提出了潜艇指挥自动化系统的作战需求分析的质量控制方法。

    By way of research to the method of QFD , one quality control method on the Operations requirements analysis about submarine commands automation system were put forward .

  9. 针对目前雷达网指挥自动化系统在情报保障辅助决策上的空白,设计了区域性雷达网情报保障方案自动生成决策支持系统(DSS)。

    Aiming at the vacancy of intelligence-ensured assistant decision in present command automation system of radar fence , the paper designs the decision supporting system ( DSS ) on autogeneration of intelligence-ensured project in territorial radar fence .

  10. 基于WSEIAC模型的指挥自动化系统效能分析,将事件概率作为指挥自动化系统的效能指标。

    Based on WSEIAC model , the assessing efficacy of the Automated Command System ( ACS ) aims at event probability as the efficiency index .

  11. 利用小波变换图像压缩技术的炮兵指挥自动化系统,采用Labwindows/CVI与MATLAB混合编程。系统由地图数据库、GPS及目标信息接收和分析等功能模块组成。

    The software of Automatic Artillery Fire Command System ( AAFCS ) of using wavelet image compression techniques is designed by mixing programming of Labwindows / CVI with MATLAB . The AAFCS is made up of map database , GPS system and the reception and analysis modules of military objective .

  12. 目标识别是指挥自动化系统的一个重要组成部分,针对现代战争对抗手段不断增强的特点,运用BP神经网络和D-S证据理论探索作战飞机机型的识别方法。

    Target Recognition is important part in C ~ 3I system . According to the peculiarity of continuing promoted counterwork of modern wars , Target Recognition is base on BP Neural Networks and D-S Evidence Theory to quest for the identification method to the type of aircraft .

  13. 并将QFD应用到各需求的权重计算和最优目标值的选取过程中,为指挥自动化系统各个需求找到实现的工程措施进行详细设计提供了可靠的质量控制依据。

    In accordance with each requirement we applied QFD to the calculation of important level and to the course choosing of the most excellent objective value . Providing the reliable quality control basis for finding project measure and detailedly designing to each requirements of submarine commands automation system .

  14. DD-4型调度集中系统是为天津附近行车指挥自动化系统试验区段设计的,系统既要用于计算机控制还要用于人工控制。

    Type DD-4 centralized traffic control system is designed for the computer aided CTC system of the test section near Tianjin . It is a system used for manual control as well as computer control .

  15. 相应地,作战指挥自动化系统的人与机之间关系是人帮机,人的作用主要体现在问题求解之初的结构化处理与决策结论的认可,决策模型、推理机制与决策流程是固化的。

    Decision model , reasoning mechanism and decision process are fixed .

  16. 军事指挥自动化系统信息防护研究

    A Research on Information Defense of Military C ~ 4ISR System

  17. 航天试验指挥自动化系统体系结构

    Studies on the Architecture of Command Automation System of Aerospace Experiments

  18. 基于体系对抗仿真的指挥自动化系统效能评估

    Efficiency Evaluation of Command Automation System Based on System Countermeasure Simulation

  19. 指挥自动化系统技术标准化的战略思考

    The Strategic Thought of Technology Standardization of Automated Command System

  20. 作战指挥自动化系统用电子瞄准镜的设计

    The Design of Electronic Collimation device for Automated Command System

  21. 指挥自动化系统是指挥作战的神经中枢。

    The Command Automation System is the control center of the warfare .

  22. 重点区域防空指挥自动化系统分析与研究

    Analysis for Air Defense Automatic Command Systems of Important Area

  23. 特种作战指挥自动化系统若干问题研究

    Study on Key Problems of Automatic Special Operation Command Systems

  24. 指挥自动化系统中的群决策支持模式研究

    The research on the GDSS model for a command and control system

  25. 这对指挥自动化系统具有实际应用价值。

    It is very useful for automatic artillery command system .

  26. 军事标图系统是指挥自动化系统的一个重要组成部分。

    The military cartography system is an important part of C3I System .

  27. 空间目标测控指挥自动化系统研究与实现

    Auto-Command System Design and Realize of Measure and Control to Space Target

  28. 舰载指挥自动化系统和战术应用软件的发展

    Development of Shipboard Automated Command and Control System and Its Tactical Applications

  29. 指挥自动化系统是打赢高技术战争的关键。

    C4ISR system is the key to high-tech wars .

  30. 北京地铁行车指挥自动化系统列车运行图存取方法

    Access Mode for Train Diagram in Automatized Traffic Control System in Beijing Subway