
pīn zhuānɡ
  • assemble;fit together
拼装 [pīn zhuāng]
  • [assemble] 拼接组装

  1. 基本图素的计算机绘制参数化图素拼装绘图的研究

    Research on drawing by assemble of graph element with parameter

  2. 大型贝雷主梁龙门吊的结构设计与拼装

    Design and Assemble for Gantry Crane with Bailey Girder

  3. 这只模型船是怎样拼装起来的?

    How does this model boat join together ?

  4. 五年前,我在西雅图的一所学校教艺术,当学期开始的时候就用拼装式玩具作为测试来了解学生。

    Five years ago , when I taught art at a school in Seattle , I used Tinkertoys as a test at the beginning of a term to find out something about my students .

  5. 拼装大模板在西安市北二环东段C标工程中的应用

    Application of Build-Up Large Form Panel in Xi'an Bei-Er-Huan East Section C Contract Project

  6. 用二维拼装方法实现机械装配图CAD的技术策略

    Technology strategy of machinery assembly drawing CAD by two dimensional way

  7. FRP型材拼装箱梁的受力性能研究

    Flexural behavior of FRP profile assembled box beam

  8. 梁、柱模板采用拼装大块钢模板表面粘贴PVC板;

    Huge spliced steel forms stuck with PVC board were used for concrete pouring of beams and columns .

  9. 在隧道施工中,管片拼装对隧道设计轴线(DesignedTunnelAxis-DTA)的拟合偏差控制,是检验隧道完成质量的重要标准。

    The deviation control of segments erection to fit the Designed Tunnel Axis ( DTA ) is an important standard for the construction quality of shield-driven tunnels .

  10. 用AC等离子体显示板拼装成大面积平板型显示屏幕,可用于显示各种文字、符号、轨迹和图形等信息。

    A direct-view large-screen display system , with the construction of mosaic AC plasma display panels , used in the areas of alphanumerics and graphics , has been fabricated .

  11. 他从一种叫做Lego的儿童拼装玩具中获得灵感。

    His inspiration was a children 's toy called Lego .

  12. 这个Web页面由多个其它数据源填充的不同部分拼装而成,而使用Ajax调用更新其中一部分所需要的数据取自于填充页面另外一部分的数据源。

    The data needed to update one part of the page using an Ajax call is taken from a different portion of the page that was populated from another source .

  13. 60m跨钢筋混凝土拼装式拱桥施工工艺

    Construction Techniques for 60 m Reinforced Concrete Assembling-type Arch Bridge

  14. 在大型工程软件CATIA中成功的对管片拼装机进行机构实体模型的建立;

    Thirdly , build the entity model of Tunnel Segment Erecting Robot by the software of CATIA .

  15. 页面是通过添加一个或多个小部件组装在一起的,这种构建方式通常称为“拼装”(mashup)。

    A page is assembled by adding one or more widgets together in what is frequently referred to as a mashup .

  16. 上海长江隧桥B6标预制节段箱梁悬臂拼装施工技术研究

    Study on Construction Technology for Pre-fabricated Segmental Box Girder Cantilever Erection in Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel-Bridge Section B6

  17. 利用动力学软件ADAMS对管片拼装机进行不同工况条件的多刚体动力学仿真,对比分析结果,得到管片拼装机工况条件下拼装机大梁的载荷情况。

    Multi-rigid-body dynamics simulation was made by the dynamics software ADAMS on different working conditions . Comparing the results , we can get the loading condition of erector-bridge .

  18. 本系统在文档&视图结构的数据存储与管理的基础上,采用特征拼装的参数化设计方法,成功地实现了CAD数据向CAPP的传递。

    Based on the document-view structure 's data saving and management , this system adopts a method of feature assembled parameters ' design and the data of CAD is transferred to CAPP successfully .

  19. 杭州湾跨海大桥70m箱梁梁体庞大,采用全液压自动伸缩整体拼装模板进行施工。

    The whole hydraulic formwork is applied in 70 m prefabricated concrete box beam of Hangzhou Bay Bridge .

  20. 2000t拼装式龙门吊机研究

    Study of 2000t Assembled Gantry Crane

  21. 单根换索式体外预应力体系在75m跨径预制节段拼装桥梁中应用

    Application of Single-Changeable Cable Prestressing Force System in the Assembly of Bridge with 75 m Precast Sections

  22. 分析了可发性PS泡沫塑料生产过程中,镶块拼装面出现蒸汽泄漏的原因,提出了设计具有合理结构的无泄漏模具的构想。

    The article analysed reasons of the vapor leakage from the mould rigging plane during the production process of inflatable PS foam plastics and put forward the idea for designing leakless mould with a rational structure .

  23. 〔2〕中将Eulerian路径的方法应用于序列拼接,较好地解决传统序列拼装软件中存在的repeat问题,从而提高序列拼装的精度。

    The Eulerian path approach reduces the sequence assembly to a variation of the classical Eulerian path problem that solves the " repeat " problem existing in the traditional sequence assembly program .

  24. 以拼装大模板在西安市北二环东段C标工程应用的实例,介绍了拼装大模板的拼装形式、方法、所需的材料规格及数量;详细介绍了拼装大模板的安装步骤及工艺要求。

    Taking the application of build-up large form panel in Xi'an Bei-Er-Huan East Section C Contract Project for example , described hereby are the build-up shape , method , material size and quantity of build-up large form panel , as well as its installation steps and process requirements .

  25. 因此要求FMS装卸工作站计算机控制系统(FMS-LUCCS)提供各种加工零件夹具拼装图的计算机图形显示。

    Therefore , computer controlling system for loading and unloading work station in FMS ( FMS LUCCS ) is asked to display variety of fixture together figure of workpieces to be processed by computer .

  26. 高速铁路750t拼装式架桥机的技术方案

    Design of 750 t assembled bridging machine for high-speed railway

  27. 本文就是基于软件组件化丌发的思想解决软件资源重用的问题,结合ATS仿真系统开发的实际领域,初步建立起一个可以通过组件拼装迅速开发ATS仿真系统的平台。

    Combining the technology of component and ATS simulation , it will build up a platform , on which the user can develop a ATS simulation system just by assembling component .

  28. 220m大跨度现浇拱桥支架拼装与拆卸技术

    Assembly and disassembly of the bracket for the in-situ cast of a 220 m span arch bridge

  29. 在这个挂载点上,我们现在就有了一个目录,它以ext2文件系统的形式呈现出来,我们可以对自己的initrd文件进行拼装了。

    At the mount point , you now have a directory that represents an ext2 file system that you can populate for your initrd .

  30. 禹州电厂一期主厂房柱、梁、板等构件均采用清水混凝土施工工艺。梁、柱模板采用拼装大块钢模板表面粘贴PVC板;

    As-cast-finish concrete technology was adopted in the works of columns , beams and floor slabs of main plant of Yu Zhou power plant phase 1.Huge spliced steel forms stuck with PVC board were used for concrete pouring of beams and columns .