
chōu xiànɡ zhǔ yì
  • abstractionism
  1. 无论是现实主义、抽象主义或现代艺术都与视觉经验有着不可分割的关系。

    Therefore , either realism or abstractionism or modern arts has an inseparable relation with visual experience .

  2. 从立体派、野兽派到超现实主义、抽象主义,其艺术理念与形式无一不曾在时装设计中有所体现。

    From Cubism , Fauvism to Surrealism and Abstractionism , their art concept and pattern all have been embodied in fashion design .

  3. 在那里,他第一次看到了西方艺术的影像文森特•梵高(VincentvanGogh)、保罗•高更(PaulGauguin)、现代抽象主义画家还有苏联现实主义画家。

    There , he first encountered images of Western art - Vincent van Gogh , Paul Gauguin , modern abstract painters - along with Soviet Realists .

  4. 在那里,他第一次看到了西方艺术的影像——文森特•梵高(VincentvanGogh)、保罗•高更(PaulGauguin)、现代抽象主义画家——还有苏联现实主义画家。

    There , he first encountered images of Western art - Vincent van Gogh , Paul Gauguin , modern abstract painters - along with Soviet Realists . '

  5. 第六章,起承转合:立体主义和抽象主义的关系。

    The sixth chapter , introduction : cubism and abstract expressionism relationship .

  6. 作为驾驭多种媒介方式的大师,他创作的抽象主义作品中呈现出可读性极高的文化标志。

    An impresario of mixed media , he creates abstract compositions from which readable cultural signifiers emerge .

  7. 回首现代美术史,“抽象主义”是其中极其重要的遗产。

    In retrospect to the development of modern fine arts ," abstract-ism " is arguably an important legacy .

  8. 因此,这两个作品代表了他在艺术舞台上从现实主义成功转向抽象主义的最佳例子。

    As a result , these two paintings represent his successful artistic transformation in the arena of abstract figurative .

  9. 最后,从画面理性和感性结合的角度对中国抽象主义绘画在未来的发展趋势进行了展望。

    At last , the thesis views the developing trends of Chinese abstract painting in the future from rational and emotional points of view .

  10. 产生于20世纪初的抽象主义绘画,作为抽象艺术的组成部分,是西方现代艺术的重要成果之一。

    Abstract painting as an integral part of abstract art and the major achievements of modern Western art produced in the early 20th century .

  11. 先后从文化背景、意识形态、社会价值等方面入手,探讨了中国抽象主义绘画在中国当代艺术史中占据的地位。

    It also explores the status of Chinese abstract painting incurrent Chinese art history from such aspects as cultural background , ideology and social values .

  12. 在语境构成的章节中,将现代艺术风格中的立体主义、风格派、达达主义、波普艺术、抽象主义作为情景语境做了详细的阐述。

    In the context of chapters , the modern art style Cubism , Dadaism , stylistic , pop art , Abstract Expressionism as " context " in detail .

  13. 二,先秦人本思想中的人,更多是指具体的带有社会性质的个人或者人群,非抽象主义的人。

    Second , " human " in the Pre-Qin " Humanistic Thought " refers to the specific individuals or groups with social nature , rather than the abstract human .

  14. 赵无极是一位融合中西方艺术精华的当代抽象主义绘画大家。

    Zhao Wuji is a master of the contemporary abstract expressionist school of painting , mixing together the essence of the Chinese art and that of the Western art .

  15. 抽象主义绘画是现代派艺术的代表,是廿世纪绘画发展的重大突破,但在我国尚缺乏必要的研究。

    Abstractionist painting is the avant-garde of the modernist art , representing a major breakthrough of 20-century painting . However , a sufficient study on it is still lacking in China .

  16. 沃荷为何以普普艺术为出发,从抽象主义的艺术转入普普艺术,是什麽影响及改变了他的绘画风格?

    This thesis attempts to discuss Andy Warhol in following aspects : Why did he turn from abstractionist art into pop art ; and what were the factors that influenced his painting style ?

  17. 十九世纪初摄影术的发明让欧洲原本追求真实的绘画艺术感受到了压力,改变似乎不可避免,印象主义、立体主义、抽象主义等等新的艺术画派也就应运而生。

    The early nineteenth century invention of photography to the pursuit of true European painting had felt the pressure to change seems inevitable , impressionism , cubism , abstract art , and so the new school of painting also came into being .

  18. 20世纪的一系列现代艺术流派,立体主义、表现主义、达达主义、未来主义、抽象主义、构成主义等等。他们都是从不同甚至是相反的角度去理解吸取并发展的。

    A series of modern 20th century art genres , cubism , expressionist , Dadaist , futurism , abstract doctrine , constitute a socialist , etc. They were both from different even is the opposite of the Angle from and development of understanding .

  19. 从创作理念、形式构成、题材特征、独特风格、艺术内涵、绘画语言等多个方面对八五以后的中国抽象主义绘画进行了深入浅出的分析,并评析了几位代表画家的作品。

    And an analysis was made on the Chinese Abstract painting after 1985 from such aspects as composing ideas , formation structure , theme feature , unique style , artistic contents and painting language by commenting on the works of several representing painters .

  20. 当代中国图书馆学研究者,可分为四种类型:抽象建构主义者、人文理想主义者、管理-技术主义者和批判现实主义者。

    Contemporary Chinese library science researchers divide into four types , that is , abstract constructivist , humanism idealist , management-technologist and critical realist .

  21. 密尔是从认识论个人主义、经济个人主义和伦理个人主义三个方面充实抽象个人主义这一概念的。

    The conception " abstract individualism " is generalized and enriched by Mill from three perspectives , cognitive , economical , and ethical . On economy , they helped supply each others needs .

  22. 但它的福利观建立在抽象个人主义基础上,它关于福利国家的社会和经济影响的论述以及对国家与政府相互关系的分析等存在明显的缺陷。

    However , its idea of welfare was grounded in abstract individualism , and conspicuous defects existed in its views of the socioeconomic influence of the welfare state , and in its analysis of the relationship between state and government .

  23. 论绘画中的抽象与抽象主义

    On Abstraction and Abstractionism in Painting

  24. 现实主义还是抽象的唯物主义

    Realism or Abstract Materialism

  25. 在加速发展战略没有达到预期的效果的情况下,戈尔巴乔夫把改革的重点转入政治领域,提出以抽象的人道主义为指导思想的新思维。

    When the accelerated development strategy did not achieve the desired effect , Gorbachev turned the reform to politics .

  26. 《资本论》表明,马克思是真正的人道主义者,马克思主义并不是抽象的人道主义。

    The core ideas of Capital show that Marx was a true humanist although Marxism was not humanism in the abstract sense .

  27. 马克思唯物史观对人进行了科学的规定,对以人为本这一哲学命题做出了科学的回答,并且与抽象人本主义划清了理论界限。

    Marx 's historical materialistic view has given man a scientific definition and answered the philosophical proposition of taking man as the most important scientifically .

  28. 在资本主义社会里存在着资本所有者的个人主义与雇佣劳动者的个人主义。二者都是对早期的、抽象的个人主义的否定。

    In the capitalist society there exist the individualism of capital holders and that of employees , both of which are the negation of the former abstract individualism .

  29. 其根本局限在于无视客观世界的多样性,陷入了抽象的还原主义和唯意志论。

    The major limitation of the theory is that Nietzsche defies the diversity of the objective world , and is thus trapped in the abstract reductionism and voluntarism .

  30. 年轻的黑格尔也反对抽象的理性主义,他试图吸收古典的伦理德性,并和现代理性主义融合在一起,将这种精神注入德意志的国家肌体。

    Young Hegel also opposed abstract rationalism . He tried to absorb the classical virtues , and melted them into modern rationalism , then injected this blended spirit into German national body .