
  • 网络mortgage-backed securities
  1. 在奥尼尔决定离职前,该公司上周承认,其抵押贷款担保证券相关业务损失近80亿美元。

    Mr O'Neal 's departure follows the company 's admission last week that it had lost almost $ 8bn on mortgage-backed securities .

  2. 抵押贷款担保证券被分切成担保债务,然后做成抵押贷款凭证(cdo)的平方。

    Mortgage-backed securities were sliced into collateralised debt obligations and then into CDOs squared .

  3. 两周以前,德意志银行(DeutscheBank)、瑞银证券(UBS)以及LadderCapital等机构投资者,私下里为瓜分一笔价值220亿美元的商业抵押贷款担保证券交易,而争得难解难分。

    Just last week , institutional investors scrambled to get a piece of a $ 2.2 billion private CMBS deal led by Deutsche Bank ( DB ) with UBS ( UBS ) and ladder capital .

  4. 凯雷集团(CarlyleGroup)昨日承认,未能挽救旗下陷入困境的220亿美元抵押贷款担保证券基金。该高杠杆投资基金在阿姆斯特丹的泛欧交易所(Euronext)上市尚不满8个月。

    The Carlyle Group yesterday admitted that it had failed to save its troubled $ 22bn mortgage-backed securities fund less than eight months after floating the heavily leveraged vehicle on Euronext Amsterdam .

  5. 庞大的美国次级抵押贷款担保证券市场昨日陷入动荡,因为贷款人出售从贝尔斯登(BearStearns)旗下两家对冲基金查扣的资产,价值逾10亿美元。这两家对冲基金在次级抵押贷款方面损失惨重。

    The giant market for securities backed by US subprime mortgages was thrown into turmoil yesterday as lenders sold more than $ 1bn of assets seized from two Bear Stearns hedge funds that suffered heavy losses on subprime bets .

  6. 中国第二大银行中国银行(BoC)昨日对投资者表示,该行持有近100亿美元美国次级抵押贷款担保证券,金额位居亚洲各银行之首。

    Bank of China , the country 's second biggest lender , told investors yesterday that it held nearly $ 10bn of securities backed by US subprime mortgages , the most of any bank in Asia .

  7. 美联储上周宣布发起qe3,即新一轮并且是无上限的资产购买计划,将购入抵押贷款担保证券,并承诺将一直推行这项政策,直至美国劳动力市场状况好转。

    The Fed announced last week that it would begin a new programme of unlimited purchases of mortgage-backed securities nicknamed qe3 and promised to keep it going until the labour market improved .

  8. 抵押贷款担保证券,终于“解禁”?

    Mortgage-backed security , a dirty word no longer ?

  9. 然而,当市场对次级抵押贷款担保证券的需求下降时,贝尔斯登遭遇困境。

    However , when demand for securities backed by subprime mortgages faded , the firm ran into trouble .

  10. 但在金融危机期间,抵押贷款担保证券毁了这一行的名声,投资者也离开了一段时间。

    But mortgage-backed securities gave the sector a bad name during the financial crisis and investors backed off for a while .

  11. 在房地产泡沫最严重时期,商业抵押贷款担保证券交易的债务服务水平曾一度逼近120%。

    At the height of the real estate bubble , CMBS deals came whizzing through with debt service levels approaching 120 % .

  12. 美联储表示,其将继续以每月850亿美元的规模购买长期国债和住房抵押贷款担保证券,直到美国的就业形势实现显著改善。

    The Fed says it will keep buying $ 85 billion a month in treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities until the nation 's employment picture improves substantially .

  13. 对冲基金和其它大型投资者颇为关注信用衍生品市场上的次级抵押贷款担保证券,纷纷做空此类债券,如果此类债券遭遇损失,它们将获利。

    Hedge funds and other big investors are concerned about securities backed by subprime mortgages in the derivatives markets , placing bets that will pay out if the bonds experience losses .

  14. 银行业巨头摩根大桶公司获得了美国地区法院法官的初步批准,将支付2.8亿美元解决在销售数十亿美元抵押贷款担保证券时误导投资者的指控。

    Banking giant J.P. Morgan Chases won preliminary approval from US District Court Judge to pay 280 million dollars to settle claims misleading in invest regarding billions of dollars of mortgage-back securities .

  15. 贝尔斯登股价跌幅也一度高达14%,因市场广泛传言,这家投资银行可能正面临流动性危机。贝尔斯登是抵押贷款担保证券的大型承销商。

    Bear Stearns shares also fell as much as 14 per cent on widespread rumours that the investment bank – a big underwriter of mortgage-backed securities – could be facing a liquidity crisis .

  16. 近1美元的银行,保险和商业抵押贷款担保证券,或商业抵押担保证券万亿美元,在美国商业房地产贷款是由一套成熟的2012年底,根据德意志银行。

    Nearly $ 1 trillion of bank , insurance and commercial mortgage-backed securities , or CMBS , loans on US commercial real estate are set to mature by the end of2012 , according to Deutsche Bank .

  17. 此前,由于银行提升了贷款保证金比例,即需要对冲基金提供更多的现金,否则他们就将面临强制拍卖资产的威胁,多家专门从事抵押贷款担保证券投资的对冲基金因此破产。

    The move follows the failure of several hedge funds specialising in mortgage-backed securities after banks increased the margin that must be put up against loans demanding more cash from the funds , with the threat of forced sales of assets if they could not deliver .

  18. 这家银行在中国大量雇佣精英和高官子女的可疑做法正在接受调查。因涉嫌伯纳德•麦道夫抵押贷款担保证券丑闻,它不得不支付数十亿美元。此外,操纵电力市场案和“伦敦鲸”事件等更是让它雪上加霜。

    From the fresh investigation into the bank 's questionable recruiting practices in China , targeting the children of the elite and politically powerful , to the billions of dollars it 's had to shell out for its part in other scandals related to Bernie Madoff , mortgage-backed securities , manipulation of electricity markets , and the London Whale ,

  19. 美国银行Wachovia表示,中国在美国抵押贷款市场和资产担保证券的投资逾2500亿美元,但除了大约100亿美元以外,全部投资于信贷评级较高的机构和有机构担保的证券。

    China has more than $ 250bn invested in mortgage and asset-backed securities in the US – but all apart from about $ 10bn of this money is in highly rated agency and agency-backed securities , says Wachovia , the US bank .

  20. 政府隐性担保对商业银行次级债券的风险约束功能的弱化次优抵押贷款相关的债务担保证券发行量急剧下降。

    The Government s Recessive Guarantee and the Subordinated Debt s Market Discipline to Commercial Banks Risk-Taking ; The issuance of subprime-related CDOs has plunged .

  21. 交易员们说,以不符合条件的抵押贷款作为担保的按揭证券市场急速下跌,因投资者都在等待政府出台转换个人抵押贷款计划的更多细节;

    The market for mortgage securities backed by nonconforming mortgage loans was in free-fall as investors await more details on the government 's plans to alter individuals'mortgage loans , say traders .

  22. 保尔森支持关于降低银行发行担保债券的难度、以此为其资产负债表上的抵押贷款融资的计划。这是一种替代将抵押贷款以抵押贷款担保证券形式出售给投资者的方法。

    The US Treasury secretary backed plans to make it easier for banks to issue covered bonds in order to finance mortgages kept on their own books , as an alternative to selling them on to investors as mortgage-backed securities .