
  • 网络Newspapering Economy
  1. 提出这些问题主要是基于报业经济发展壮大、报业加入WTO后面临的机遇和挑战以及把握正确的舆论导向的要求等三方面的考虑。

    Advancing those propositions is mainly concerned with three aspects : the development of China 's newspaper industry , the opportunities and challenges facing newspaper industry after China 's access to WTO , the need of the assurance of the opinion guide .

  2. 大连报业经济发展研究

    Research on the Development of Dalian 's Newspaper Economy

  3. 从受众需求角度看北京未来的报业经济

    Overview from the Demand of Receivers on Beijing Journalism Economy in the Future

  4. 副刊专版:报业经济新战略

    Newspaper Supplement : New Strategy of Newspaper Industry

  5. 上海报业经济现状与发展战略探析

    A Strategic Approach to the Current Situation and Development of Shanghai Economy of the Press

  6. 那么,城市报业经济受到哪些因素的制约和影响,今后的发展又会如何走,走的如何。

    Then , the city newspaper industry is influenced by these factors , how is its future ?

  7. 城市报业经济的健康发展对于我国整个报业经济的发展至关重要。

    The healthy development of city newspaper industry is critical to the development of the newspaper industry .

  8. 都市报,我国报业经济的生力军,改革的先锋队。

    Metropolis newspaper is main strength of newspaper economy of our country and the pioneer of reform .

  9. 报纸分类广告是我国报业经济的重要支撑点。

    Classified advertisements of newspapers have already been an important supporting part of the economy of newspaper trade .

  10. 写作上划分为宏观经济和微观经济(报业经济)两个层面,分析了报团发展的外在和内在动因(p28~:17);

    With the two lays of macro economy and micro economy , it analyzes the inside and outside factor of development of news groups .

  11. 随着报业经济的发展及媒介环境的变化,他们必须考虑如何去满足消费者的需求,如何不断调整市场定位,进而通过科学的市场营销手段去提升报业组织的竞争力。

    With the development of the newspaper business and the change of media market , the importance of marketing to newspaper is beyond doubt .

  12. 随着文化体制改革的不断深化,报业经济逐渐成为中国新闻传播理论界的热门话题。

    With the continuous reformation of the cultural system , newspaper economy has become the popular topic in the area of news spreading theories in China .

  13. 北京地区的报业经济具有独特的传媒产业特色,并且随着经济、文化和城市建设的进步而出现新的发展空间。

    Beijing journalism economy has unique features of media industry and the new space of development comes along with the progress of economy , culture and urban construction .

  14. 华文报刊在其企业化经营的过程中,结合中国社会的现状,为振兴华文报业经济、维护经济独立,实施华文报业经营模式和组织模式建树颇丰。

    The local press , operated in the form of enterprises , had made impressive achievements in promoting local press economy , maintaining economic independence and innovating on the management and organization models for local press industry .

  15. 特别是2005年,中国报业经济发展遇到拐点,20多年来报纸广告首次出现负增长,但同时,数字媒体广告却大幅增长,报业寒冬论一时走俏。

    In 2005 , the development of the newspaper economy of China confronted its inflection , and the newspaper advertising took on a manus increase for the first time since more than 20 years ago , while the digital medium advertising increased rapidly .

  16. 随着市场经济的发展,媒介产业化日益提上日程。而广告费用是报业经济来源的主体,报纸广告与其网站广告整合策略的开展将带动媒体广告经济的运作,进而实现媒介产业运作的需要。

    With the development of the market economy , the industrialization of the media become more and more important , and the income of the ads is the main pocketbook , so it is very necessary and important to discuss the integration strategy on newspaper and its web advertisement .

  17. 第二部分从论述报业的经济属性和政治属性的关系出发,讨论报业的制度创新和有效竞争;

    Part Two discusses the institutional innovation and the workable competition of China 's newspaper industry on the basis of the analysis of the relationship of its economic features and politic features .

  18. 具体地说,这部分从宏观层面、广告方面、信息消费方面以及城市化方面论证了报业和经济之间的关系,指出区域报业发展之间的差异与上述的几方面有很大关系。

    Concretely speaking , this part analyzes the relationship between economy and newspaper industry from the following aspects : the macroscopic aspect , advertisements , information consumption and urbanization . The second part is to explore he factors , ow policy influence the newspaper industry .

  19. 本文意在研究报业集团的经济结构,并探讨报业产业结构与报业内容的关联性。

    This paper aims to research on the economic structure of press group , and discuss the relevance between the industrial structure of press and its contents .

  20. 08年全球遭遇金融危机,中国的报业作为依附型经济再次受到重创。

    The whole world has suffered financial crisis in 2008 . Chinese newspapering as a dependent sector of the economy was heavily hurt again .

  21. 摘要改革开放以后的20几年里,我国报业市场与宏观经济都经历了一段长时间的高速增长。

    During the twenty years since the beginning of the reform , the china 's newspaper market had a fast growth along with the macro economy development .

  22. 在这些共性之外,三报由于报业基础、政治经济文化条件等的不同,报道风格也有所差异。

    At the same time , each of the three party newspaper remained its own characters due to their different development basis and political , economical , cultural backgrounds .

  23. 《青年时报》原名《浙江青年报》,于2001年10月8日改版出刊。《今日早报》2000年10月8日创刊,其前身是浙江日报报业集团的《经济生活报》。

    Young Times is originally known as Youth Newspaper of Zhejiang , revised out the publication on October 8 , 2001 . Morning Newspaper of Today started publication on October 8 , 2000 , its predecessor was Economic Life Newspaper of journalism group of Zhejiang Daily .

  24. 面对大连报业发展的实际,厘清报业经济的基本问题,梳理大连报业发展的特点,分析大连报业市场的现状,探讨大连报业发展对策,对尚处于发展中的大连报业经济来说,既重要又紧迫。

    It 's important and urgent to the developing newspaper economy of Dalian to tell its basic problems , understand its characteristics , analyze its circs and present the developing measures .

  25. 副刊专版为报业产品创新提供了广阔的空间,成为目前报业经济发展的新手段。

    Newspaper supplement provides broad space for the newspaper innovation and becomes a new method of the development of newspaper industry .

  26. 报纸经营市场化是规范报纸经营行为、实现报业公平竞争、提高我国报业运营效率、提高报业经济效益、满足消费者对报纸产品需求、发挥报纸媒体促进经济社会发展的必要条件和有效手段。

    The marketization for newspaper management meets the demand of newspaper consumers and fully promotes the development of economy and society by regulating newspaper management , enhancing efficient management with fair competition and increasing economic profits .

  27. 经济报道源于经济,并受报业运作环境和运作方针的影响,而其背景的独一无二,决定了广东报业经济报道表现形态的独一无二。

    The uniqueness of its background determines the uniqueness of the form of economical report in Guangdong newspaper industry . Economical report derives from economy and is influenced by newspaper operating system and policy .

  28. 20世纪70年代末到80年代初,我国报业经历了两次重大的技术升级,并由此带来了报业影响力的巨大提升和报业经济的空前繁荣。

    Since the later 1970s and early 1980s , great technical progresses for the press in our country have been made twice , which brought the tremendous influence and unprecedented benefits to the press .

  29. 本文以深圳报业集团为范本,从媒介经济学的角度审视其市场发展与内容构成,试图为中国报业集团的经济发展寻求一个可资借鉴的个案。

    With Shenzhen Press Group as the sample , this paper examines its market development and content constitution by the angle of media economy , which is trying to find a reference case for the economic development of press groups in China .