
  1. 重庆抗战戏剧与美国反法西斯戏剧比较研究

    Comparative Study on Chongqing War Dramas and US Anti - fascist Dramas

  2. 论浙江抗战戏剧运动的形成特点和发展倾向

    On Formation Characteristics and Development Tendency of Zhejiang Anti-Japanese War Drama Movement

  3. 曹禺积极参加各种戏剧活动,创作与改编了大量优秀的作品,有力地推动了抗战戏剧运动的发展。

    Cao Yu took part actively in various drama activities , created and adapted large number of excellent works , These all gave greatly impetus to the drama movement of anti-japanese .

  4. 抗战时期大后方戏剧运动概观

    General Survey of Drama Movement in the Area under KMT Rule during the War of Resistance against Japan

  5. 抗战时期大后方戏剧是以宣传、鼓动职能为起点来建构其功能系统的,但并不意味着大后方戏剧只是宣传鼓动的戏剧。

    Drama in the rear area during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression took it as its starting point to function as a tool to conduct propaganda and to encourage people .

  6. 抗战时期,大后方抗战戏剧运动空前繁荣,曹禺是这一时期剧坛上的活跃的明星。

    During the period of the Anti-Japanese War , Drama movement showed unprecedented prosperity . Cao Yu was the active theater star in this period .