
  • 网络input-output;Input-output model;MRIO;G-I-O
  1. 非线性Leontief投入产出模型探析

    An Analysis on the Nonlinear Leontief Input-output Model

  2. 投入产出模型在卷烟企业能耗分析中的应用

    Application of Input-output Model in Energy Consumption Analysis of Cigarette Enterprise

  3. 为此,运用随机变量和的分布理论,在直接消耗系数和最终需求为指数型随机变量的条件下,导出了n个部门的投入产出模型的确定性等价方程。

    Under the assumption that the coefficients of direct consumption and final demand are random variables with the exponential distribution , the deterministic equivalent equations for input-output model of n departments are derived .

  4. 与C-D生产函数相结合的投入产出模型

    An Input-output Model Based on C-D Production Function

  5. 其他定量的研究方法主要包括投入产出模型、线性规划模型、宏观经济计量模型(ME)等,本章描述了CGE模型作为政策分析工具与它们相比的优越性。

    Other quantitative analytical methods include I / O model , liner programming model and Macroeconometric Model etc.

  6. 在实际经济管理系统中,根据得到的容许性条件,可用来判断给定的变量对动态投入产出模型是否容许。2.针对带有外部扰动的时滞广义动态投入产出模型,研究了H∞容许性条件。

    In the practical economics and management systems , the admissibility of the considered systems are judged by the obtained admissibility conditions . 2 . H ∞ admissibility conditions of descriptor dynamic input-output models with external disturbance and delays are given .

  7. 联合模型保留了投入产出模型部门分解的性质,加入了计量经济(EC)模型的随机项,吸收了投入产出模型与计量经济模型的优点。

    The integrated model not only retained the nature of the sector decomposition of IO model and added the random items of econometric model , and it absorbed the advantages of IO model with econometrics model .

  8. 我们利用投入产出模型计算新疆各行业产品出口对GDP形成及增长的贡献时发现,新疆本地产品出口对新疆经济的增长也起到了重要作用。

    When using input-output model to calculate the contribution of export goods of all trades of Xinjiang to formation and growth of GDP , we find that the export of local products plays an important role in economic growth of Xinjiang .

  9. 常用的与投入产出模型相结合建立最优化模型的主要方法有线性规划、多目标规划、CGE模型、高速增长模型和现代控制理论等。

    The commonly used optimization methods that are combined with input-output model includes linear programming , multi-objective programming , CGE model , high-speed growth model , modem control theory , and etc.

  10. 本文在给定了增产决策集{B~(j)}的条件下,对一类带有界约束的动态投入产出模型,利用反馈控制理论,给出了一种在一定意义下最优决策的计算方法。

    Under the Condition of a given multivariable productive decision set { B (?) } and by using the theory of feedback control , a computational method of optimality decision has been given for the kind of dynamic input-output system with boundary constraint .

  11. 考虑到投资系数矩阵的奇异性和时滞,本文研究了时滞广义动态投入产出模型的容许性分析,并利用Lyapunov方法,以线性矩阵不等式的形式给出模型的容许性条件。

    Considering the singularity of the capital coefficient matrices and time-delay , in this paper , the admissibility analyses of the descriptor dynamic input-output models are addressed . Using Lyapunov method , several admissibility conditions are given in terms of liner matrix inequalities .

  12. 针对价值型投入产出模型,提出了直接修订列昂惕夫逆系数的RCS方法及其改进方法,探讨了它们与传统的RAS间接修订法之间的内在关系,并通过实例将它们进行了比较。

    The RCS and modified RCS methods for directly updating the value-based Leontief inverse are proposed . And then the implied relationship between them with the conventional RAS method is discussed . Subsequently the RCS and modified RCS methods are compared with the indirect RAS method via an example .

  13. 本文首先探讨了动态Leontief投入产出模型的最小实现问题,提出了以投资为控制向量的状态方程,然后在此基础上导出了具有明确经济意义的最优反馈控制策略。

    At fist , this paper explores the minimal realization of Leontief dynamic input-ouput model and presents a state equation with the investments as its control vector , then we get the optimal feedback control with definite economic meaning .

  14. 动态投入产出模型设计与表的编制

    The Design of Dynamic Input - output Analysis Model and Table

  15. 试论投入产出模型的假设与局限

    On the hypothesis and limitations of the input and output model

  16. 一般工艺假定及其投入产出模型的优化

    The Optimization Model of Input-Output-Table on Assumption of General - Technics

  17. 动态投入产出模型的反向求解及灵敏度分析

    A sensitivity analysis for inverse solutions to the dynamic input-output model

  18. 黑龙江省3次产业结构的动态投入产出模型分析

    Dynamic input-output model analysis of three industrial structures of Heilongjiang province

  19. 地方普通公立高等教育投入产出模型分析

    The initial research on the local public higher education input-output model

  20. 一种适于计算机自动实现的机械制造企业投入产出模型

    Machinery Manufacturing Enterprise Input Output Model Suited to Computer Automatic Realization

  21. 它是基本投入产出模型的改进和提高。

    It is an improvement on basic input and output model .

  22. 非线性动态环境经济投入产出模型及其递阶优化

    A nonlinear dynamic environment-economic inputoutput model and its hierarchical optimization

  23. 北京市工业用水投入产出模型

    Analysis of input-output model for industrial water consumption in Beijing

  24. 基于C-D函数的变系数动态投入产出模型

    A Time-varying Coefficient Dynamic Input-output Model Based on Cobb-Douglas Function

  25. 动态联合生产型投入产出模型及其在矿物工程中的应用

    The Dynamic United Production Input-Output Model and Its Application in Mineral Engineering

  26. 企业投入产出模型与成本灵敏度分析

    An Input-Output Model and Cost Sensitivity Analysis of Industrial Products

  27. 固体废弃物管理行业的环境型投入产出模型

    Environmental Input output Model and Its Application to Solid Waste Management Sectors

  28. 纺织企业实物型投入产出模型的编制与应用

    The application of the input / output model in cotton textile factory

  29. 废物最少化审计中投入产出模型的及应用

    The Application of Input-Output Balance Model to Waste Minimization Audits

  30. 非线性动态投入产出模型与最大均衡增长率

    The Nonlinear Dynamic Input-output Model and the Maximum Equilibrium Rate of Growth