
jì shù hé tonɡ
  • technological contract;technology contract
  1. 规范技术合同减少合同纠纷论技术合理性

    Standardizing Technological Contract and Decreasing Dispute in Practising Contracts

  2. 技术合同作为技术成果商品化的法律形式,有着特定的范式、内容和要求。

    As a legal form of commercial use of scientific discoveries , the technological contract has its specific canonical form , contents and requirements .

  3. 分析和评估ATC系统性能并准备相关的技术合同交付项目。

    To analyse and evaluate ATC system performance and prepare associated technical contract deliverables .

  4. 经过不断的调整水泥用量、外加剂掺量,试拌出初始坍落度在200mm时能满足技术合同规范和监理工程师要求的混凝土配合比。

    By constantly adjusting the cement and admixture usage , the mix proportioning of concrete with initial slump of 200 mm was made , which can both satisfy the contract Technical Specification and requirements of the Supervision Engineer .

  5. 技术合同的范式、内容及其经济成本打量

    The Pattern and Content of Technique Contract And Their Economic Analysis

  6. 技术合同及生产支持文件的翻译;

    Translation of technical contracts and supporting documents for production activities ;

  7. 面向经济全球化的技术合同制度

    The Institution of Technology Contract Catering to the Needs of Economic Globalization

  8. 技术合同履行中的道德风险研究

    Research of the Moral Hazard in the Fulfilment of the Technical Contract

  9. 技术合同中常见问题与对策

    Common Seen Problems and their Countermeasures in Technical Contracts

  10. 高校依法订立技术合同浅谈

    A Brief Discussion on Law based Signing of Technology Contract in High Institutions

  11. 熟悉商务及技术合同条款及财务方面的知识。

    Knowledge and experience of general contract and technical contract conditions and financing terms .

  12. 技术合同的经济成本打量及其哲学思考

    Thinking about the Economic " Cost " of Technological Contracts in a Philosophical Way

  13. 加强法律意识教育规范高校技术合同

    Strengthen the Education of Law Consciousness , Standardize the Contract of Technology in Universities

  14. 中国自欧引进技术合同金额累计1220亿美元。

    China has imported technology from the EU with a contract value of122 billion U.

  15. 对技术合同经济学理论的探讨

    A Discussion on Economic Theory of Technical Contract

  16. 自由进出口技术合同自依法成立时生效。

    Contracts on freely imported and exported technologies shall become effective upon their legal formation .

  17. 浅论技术合同的定金担保

    On Advance Payment Guarantees of Technology Contract

  18. 科研院所的技术合同管理

    Technical Contract Management of Research Institutions

  19. 浅谈技术合同的规范化管理

    Standardized management of technology contracts

  20. 第二十条本市实行技术合同认定和登记制度。

    Article 20 A system of technology contract acknowledgment and registration shall be practiced in this municipality .

  21. 因此,最适宜的处理办法是,参照最相类似的技术合同的法律规定适用。

    So the best way is to refer to the most similar legal regulations of technology contract .

  22. 国家对自由进出口技术合同实行网上在线登记管理;

    The State makes on-line registration for each contract of technology that can be imported or exported freely ;

  23. 论文主要以学校横向技术合同数据为基础,按合同模式和衍生模式对清华的技术转移的效果进行了研究。

    Using the university scientific contract data , theresearcher studies the technology transfer effect of contracting and spin-off inTsinghua .

  24. 法人的联营组织或者其他经济组织,可以作为一方当事人订立技术合同。

    Joint venture partners and other economic organizations of a legal person may conclude technical contracts as a party .

  25. 浅谈院所体制改革中技术合同管理的重要意义,提出合同管理的主要环节。

    The great significance of technical contract management in system reformation of research institutions and the key link of contract management are stated .

  26. 本文首先对技术合同、保密等概念进行了一个简单的梳理,同时对本文所探讨的范围进行界定。

    First this paper gives a simple comb of the concept about technology contracts , privacy and the definition of the scope in this paper .

  27. 第十九条:设备应由本公司与供应设备的厂商直接签订购买设备、技术合同执行。

    Article nineteen : the equipments shall be based on the purchase and technical agreements which are signed by the company and the suppliers directly .

  28. 用微观经济学经典的均衡、最大值和效率的概念,对技术合同中的技术需求方和技术提供方的优化条件作了分析。

    The optimumized conditions for technique demanding side and providing side in technical contract are analysed with classic balance , maximum and efficiency concept in micro economics .

  29. 其次找出我国技术合同保密条款在签订、履行及管理过程中存在的问题,并对产生这些问题的根源进行分析与探讨。

    Second , find out the issue in the process of signing , performance and management of the technology contract and the root causes of these problems .

  30. 技术合同是当事人就技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务以及技术进出口达成的权利与义务关系的协议。

    Technology contract is a kind of rights and duties agreement about technology development , technology transfer , technology consultation , technology service and technology import and export .